原文: https://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/intersection-large-scale-graph-analytics-deep-learning/
1)图在社交网络的数据分析中非常重要,而图变的越来越大,尽管内存容量也不断增加,in-memory的图处理仍然有局限,因此使用了一个基于Parallel Sliding Windows (PSW) 的分割技术,减小图处理对内存的需要。
3)图和深度学习的关系,比较有趣的样子,就不勉强翻译了,上原文。 “Another challenge is its reliance on subject matter expertise. As with traditional machine learning, graph analysis requires a data scientist to identify important features of the data and build a solution from several algorithms to solve a larger problem. In the past few years, deep learning has emerged as a data analysis methodology that not only has had great success in numerous fields, but is also able to identify important features in data. In fact, in many cases deep learning solutions have out-performed systems built by subject matter experts with hand-crafted features. We would like to be able to take advantage of this quality by applying deep learning to graph analysis, but this is not straightforward. Deep learning requires regularized input, namely a vector of values, and real world graph data is anything but regular.”
原文“Our goal then is to generate a representation of each node that encodes the information about its neighborhood in a relatively small and fixed sized vector. There are a number of different ways to accomplish this including extracting locally connected regions of the graph for analysis with convolutional neural networks and using the graph structure itself to build a recurrent neural network. However, we chose to implement an algorithm in FUNL that takes inspiration from natural language processing. The algorithm, called DeepWalk, was developed by Perozzi et al. (2014) at Stonybrook University.”