1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <windows.h> 3 4 #ifndef IN 5 #define IN 6 #endif 7 8 //函数说明:在字符串中搜索指定的关键字,支持1-nCnt个关键字 9 //strToFind 待查找字符串 不允许为空 10 //strKeywords 搜索关键字字符串数组 不允许为空 数组元素不允许为空(NULL),但可以是空串("") 11 //nCnt 关键字个数 12 //pFound 查找到的关键字在字符串数组的位置 不允许为空 13 //返回值: 14 //1 如果关键字存在空串,则返回strToFind 15 //2 如果找不到关键字则返回NULL 16 //3 如果找到关键字,则返回关键字在strKeywords中的位置(位置从0开始) 17 18 //使用哈希加二分查找实现 19 const char *strstrs(const char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 20 //使用哈希加链接实现 推荐使用 21 const char *strstrs_ext(const char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 22 //依次查找关键字的实现 23 const char *strstrs_normal(const char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 24 25 //以下是为了使用方便而增加的一些重载,没多大意义 26 char *strstrs(IN char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 27 char *strstrs_ext(IN char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 28 char *strstrs_normal(IN char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 29 30 char *strstrs(IN char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 31 char *strstrs_ext(IN char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 32 char *strstrs_normal(IN char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 33 34 const char *strstrs(const char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 35 const char *strstrs_ext(const char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int pFound); 36 const char *strstrs_normal(const char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound); 37 void tets_strstrs(int nStep); // 0 strstrs 1 strstrs_ext 2 strstrs_normal
1 // stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes 2 // sqlite_test.pch will be the pre-compiled header 3 // stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information 4 5 #include "stdafx.h" 6 #include <assert.h> 7 #include <stdlib.h> 8 #include <time.h> 9 #include <stdio.h> 10 11 12 // TODO: reference any additional headers you need in STDAFX.H 13 // and not in this file 14 15 16 const char *strstrs(const char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 17 { 18 return strstrs(const_cast<char *>(strToFind), strKeywords, nCnt, pFound); 19 } 20 21 const char *strstrs_ext(const char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 22 { 23 return strstrs_ext(const_cast<char *>(strToFind), strKeywords, nCnt, pFound); 24 } 25 26 const char *strstrs_normal(const char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 27 { 28 return strstrs_normal(const_cast<char *>(strToFind), strKeywords, nCnt, pFound); 29 } 30 31 const char *strstrs(const char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 32 { 33 return strstrs(const_cast<char *>(strToFind), (const char **)strKeywords, nCnt, pFound); 34 } 35 36 const char *strstrs_ext(const char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 37 { 38 return strstrs_ext(const_cast<char *>(strToFind), (const char **)strKeywords, nCnt, pFound); 39 } 40 41 const char *strstrs_normal(const char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 42 { 43 return strstrs_normal(const_cast<char *>(strToFind), (const char **)strKeywords, nCnt, pFound); 44 } 45 46 47 char *strstrs(IN char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 48 { 49 return strstrs(const_cast<char *>(strToFind), (const char **)strKeywords, nCnt, pFound); 50 } 51 52 char *strstrs_ext(IN char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 53 { 54 return strstrs_ext(const_cast<char *>(strToFind), (const char **)strKeywords, nCnt, pFound); 55 } 56 57 char *strstrs_normal(IN char *strToFind, IN char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 58 { 59 return strstrs_normal(const_cast<char *>(strToFind), (const char **)strKeywords, nCnt, pFound); 60 } 61 62 typedef struct tagKeyPos 63 { 64 const char *m_str; 65 size_t m_nIdx; 66 size_t m_strLen; 67 }KeyPos; 68 69 int __strstrs_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) 70 { 71 const KeyPos *pLeft = (KeyPos *)p1, *pRight = (KeyPos *)p2; 72 int nCmp = strcmp(pLeft->m_str, pRight->m_str); 73 if (nCmp == 0) 74 { 75 return pLeft->m_nIdx - pRight->m_nIdx; 76 } 77 78 return nCmp; 79 } 80 81 //lower_bound 82 KeyPos *__strstrs_find_first(KeyPos *pRealBeg, KeyPos *pRealEnd, size_t *pKeyLenArr, KeyPos *pKey) 83 { 84 KeyPos *pBeg = pRealBeg; 85 KeyPos *pEnd = pRealEnd; 86 87 KeyPos *pEqal = NULL; 88 while (pBeg != pEnd) 89 { 90 pEqal = pBeg + (pEnd - pBeg) / 2; 91 int nCmp = memcmp( pEqal->m_str, pKey->m_str, pEqal->m_strLen ); 92 if (nCmp == 0) 93 { 94 //若相等,则往前找,直至找到最后一个相等的元素 95 while (pEqal != pBeg) 96 { 97 pEqal--; 98 if (memcmp( pEqal->m_str, pKey->m_str, pEqal->m_strLen )) 99 { 100 return pEqal + 1; 101 } 102 } 103 104 return pBeg; 105 } 106 else if (nCmp > 0) 107 { 108 //中值比目标值大 109 pEnd = pEqal; 110 } 111 else 112 { 113 //中值比目标值小 114 pBeg = pEqal + 1; 115 } 116 117 } 118 119 return pRealEnd; 120 } 121 122 char *strstrs(char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 123 { 124 //作者:皇家救星 创建于:2016-10-19 125 //有bug请发送邮件至89475049@qq.com 邮件主题注明:strstrs问题反馈 126 //异常参数判断 127 assert(strToFind != NULL); 128 assert(strKeywords != NULL); 129 assert(pFound != NULL); 130 assert(nCnt > 0); 131 132 //记录各个关键字首字符到集合中 后面判断用 133 bool mpFirstChar[256] = {0}; //这里如果用位图,可以节省不少空间 134 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) 135 { 136 //linux和win的char类型定义不一样 这里统一强制转换一下 137 assert(strKeywords[i] != NULL); 138 mpFirstChar[(unsigned)strKeywords[i][0]] = true; 139 if (strKeywords[i][0] == ‘\0‘) 140 { 141 *pFound = i; 142 return strToFind; 143 } 144 } 145 146 KeyPos *sortKeywords = new KeyPos[nCnt]; 147 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) 148 { 149 sortKeywords[i].m_str = strKeywords[i]; 150 sortKeywords[i].m_strLen = strlen(strKeywords[i]); 151 sortKeywords[i].m_nIdx = i; 152 } 153 qsort(sortKeywords, nCnt, sizeof(KeyPos), __strstrs_cmp); 154 155 const char *p = strToFind; 156 KeyPos key; 157 KeyPos *pEnd = sortKeywords + nCnt; 158 KeyPos *pResult = NULL; 159 while (*p) 160 { 161 //判断当前字符是否在关键串首字符集中 162 if (mpFirstChar[(unsigned)*p]) 163 { 164 key.m_str = p; 165 pResult = __strstrs_find_first(sortKeywords, pEnd, NULL, &key); 166 if (pResult != pEnd) 167 { 168 *pFound = pResult->m_nIdx; 169 delete []sortKeywords; 170 return const_cast<char *>(p); 171 } 172 } 173 174 p++; 175 } 176 177 delete []sortKeywords; 178 return NULL; 179 } 180 181 char *strstrs_ext(char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 182 { 183 typedef struct tagKeyPos 184 { 185 size_t m_strLen; 186 size_t m_strIdx; 187 struct tagKeyPos *m_next; 188 }KeyPos; 189 190 //作者:皇家救星 创建于:2016-10-19 191 //有bug请发送邮件至89475049@qq.com 邮件主题注明:strstrs问题反馈 192 //异常参数判断 193 assert(strToFind != NULL); 194 assert(strKeywords != NULL); 195 assert(pFound != NULL); 196 assert(nCnt > 0); 197 198 //仿内存池 减少new调用次数 199 KeyPos *memPool = new KeyPos[nCnt]; //注意:memPool分配失败会抛异常 200 memset(memPool, 0, nCnt * sizeof(KeyPos)); 201 int nUsed = 0; 202 203 //记录各个关键字首字符到集合中 后面判断用 204 KeyPos mpFirstChar[256]; 205 memset(mpFirstChar, 0, sizeof(mpFirstChar)); 206 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) 207 { 208 KeyPos *pPos = &memPool[nUsed++]; 209 //如果同一个首字符对应多个关键字,则用链表连起来 210 assert(strKeywords[i] != NULL); 211 pPos->m_strIdx = i; 212 pPos->m_strLen = strlen(strKeywords[i]); 213 pPos->m_next = NULL; 214 215 if (pPos->m_strLen == 0) 216 { 217 *pFound = i; 218 delete []memPool; 219 return strToFind; 220 } 221 222 //找到链表最后一个非空节点,把新的节点插到最后面 223 //这里其实插到最前面效率会更高,这样做是为了保持行为跟其它几个函数一致 224 KeyPos *pLast = &mpFirstChar[(unsigned)strKeywords[i][0]]; 225 while (pLast->m_next) 226 { 227 pLast = pLast->m_next; 228 } 229 pLast->m_next = pPos; 230 } 231 232 const char *p = strToFind; 233 while (*p) 234 { 235 //判断当前字符是否在关键串首字符集中 236 for (KeyPos *pPos = mpFirstChar[(unsigned)*p].m_next; pPos != NULL; pPos = pPos->m_next) 237 { 238 if (memcmp(p, strKeywords[pPos->m_strIdx], pPos->m_strLen) == 0) 239 { 240 *pFound = pPos->m_strIdx; 241 delete []memPool; 242 return const_cast<char *>(p); 243 } 244 } 245 246 p++; 247 } 248 249 delete []memPool; 250 return NULL; 251 } 252 253 char *strstrs_normal(char *strToFind, const char *strKeywords[], size_t nCnt, int *pFound) 254 { 255 //作者:皇家救星 创建于:2016-10-19 256 //有bug请发送邮件至89475049@qq.com 邮件主题注明:strstrs问题反馈 257 //异常参数判断 258 assert(strToFind != NULL); 259 assert(strKeywords != NULL); 260 assert(pFound != NULL); 261 assert(nCnt > 0); 262 263 char *p = NULL; 264 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) 265 { 266 assert(strKeywords[i] != NULL); 267 if (strKeywords[i][0] == ‘\0‘) 268 { 269 *pFound = i; 270 return strToFind; 271 } 272 } 273 274 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) 275 { 276 assert(strKeywords[i] != NULL); 277 if ((p = strstr(strToFind, strKeywords[i])) != NULL) 278 { 279 *pFound = i; 280 return p; 281 } 282 } 283 return NULL; 284 } 285 286 287 288 //效率比较及准确性测试函数 289 void tets_strstrs(int nStep) 290 { 291 const int max_length = 10000; 292 const int max_keyword = 1000; 293 char *strToFound = new char[max_length + 1]; //待查找的字符串 294 char *strBackup = new char[max_length + 1]; 295 char *strKeywords[max_keyword]; //关键字数组 296 const char strBase64[65] = {"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"}; 297 298 //为避免结果全是找不到关键字,随机将一个关键字复制到strToFound中 299 //这样肯定会有找到关键字的情况,结果更有意义 300 bool arrayFoundFlags[max_keyword] = {0}; //标记是否把关键字复制到strToFound中 301 int arrayFoundIdxs[max_keyword] = {0}; //待替换的关键字(序号) 302 int arrayFoundBeg[max_keyword] = {0}; //在strToFound替换关键字的起始位置 303 304 srand((int)time(NULL)); 305 //初始化要查询的字符串 306 for (int i = 0; i < max_length; i++) 307 { 308 strToFound[i] = strBase64[rand() % 64]; 309 } 310 strToFound[max_length] = ‘\0‘; 311 312 //初始化查询关键字 313 for (int i = 0; i < max_keyword; i++) 314 { 315 strKeywords[i] = new char[1024 + 1]; 316 317 int nLen = rand() % 1024; 318 for (int j = 0; j < nLen; j++) 319 { 320 strKeywords[i][j] = strBase64[rand() % 64]; 321 } 322 strKeywords[i][nLen] = ‘\0‘; 323 324 //为避免随机结果都是查不到的情况,这里增加一些干预 325 if (0 != (rand() % 10)) 326 { 327 arrayFoundFlags[i] = true; 328 arrayFoundIdxs[i] = rand() % (i + 1); 329 arrayFoundBeg[i] = rand() % (max_length - strlen(strKeywords[arrayFoundIdxs[i]])); 330 } 331 } 332 333 for (int cmpType = 0; cmpType < 3; cmpType++) 334 { 335 int nSn = 0; 336 double total_start = GetTickCount(); 337 for (size_t nCnt = 0; nCnt < max_keyword; nCnt++) 338 { 339 bool bSetFound = arrayFoundFlags[nCnt]; 340 int nBeg = 0; 341 int nChange = 0; 342 if (bSetFound) 343 { 344 int idxKeyword = arrayFoundIdxs[nCnt]; 345 nChange = strlen(strKeywords[idxKeyword]); 346 nBeg = arrayFoundBeg[nCnt]; 347 memcpy(strBackup, strToFound + nBeg, nChange); 348 memcpy(strToFound + nBeg, strKeywords[idxKeyword], nChange); 349 } 350 351 double start = GetTickCount(); 352 int nFoundCnt = 0; 353 354 for (int nStrlen = 0; nStrlen < max_length; nStrlen += nStep) 355 { 356 char cBak = strToFound[nStrlen]; 357 strToFound[nStrlen] = ‘\0‘; 358 int nFound = -1; 359 const char *p; 360 switch (cmpType) 361 { 362 case 0: 363 p = strstrs(strToFound, strKeywords, nCnt + 1, &nFound); 364 break; 365 case 1: 366 p = strstrs_ext(strToFound, strKeywords, nCnt + 1, &nFound); 367 break; 368 default: 369 p = strstrs_normal(strToFound, strKeywords, nCnt + 1, &nFound); 370 break; 371 } 372 373 fprintf(stderr, "cmpType %d %d %d\n", cmpType, nSn, nFound); 374 nSn++; 375 if (p != NULL) 376 { 377 nFoundCnt++; 378 } 379 380 if (bSetFound && (p == NULL) && ((nBeg + nChange) <= nStrlen) && 381 (strstr(strToFound, strKeywords[arrayFoundIdxs[nCnt]]) != NULL)) 382 { 383 printf("cmpType = %d ###############################error!\n", cmpType); 384 385 switch (cmpType) 386 { 387 case 0: 388 p = strstrs(strToFound, strKeywords, nCnt + 1, &nFound); 389 break; 390 case 1: 391 p = strstrs_ext(strToFound, strKeywords, nCnt + 1, &nFound); 392 break; 393 default: 394 p = strstrs_normal(strToFound, strKeywords, nCnt + 1, &nFound); 395 break; 396 } 397 } 398 399 strToFound[nStrlen] = cBak; 400 } 401 402 double end = GetTickCount(); 403 printf("%d %d %f %d\n", 404 cmpType, nCnt + 1, end - start, nFoundCnt); 405 406 if (bSetFound) 407 { 408 memcpy(strToFound + nBeg, strBackup, nChange); 409 } 410 } 411 412 413 double total_end = GetTickCount(); 414 fprintf(stderr, "总共耗时[%f]\n", total_end - total_start); 415 } 416 417 //TODO: 此处应该要释放内存 418 delete []strToFound; 419 delete []strBackup; 420 for (int i = 0; i < max_keyword; i++) 421 { 422 delete []strKeywords[i]; 423 } 424 }
0 代表strstrs
1 代表strstrs_ext
2 代表strstrs_normal