c=Ek(m)=m+k(mod 26)
m=Dk(c)=c-k(mod 26)
加密变换为:ci=Eki(mi)=mi+ki(mod 26)
解密变换为:mi=Dki(ci)=ci-ki(mod 26)
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 #维吉尼亚 3 4 ‘‘‘ 5 fileName : main.py 6 ‘‘‘ 7 8 import VigenereEncrypto 9 import VigenereDecrypto 10 11 print u"维吉尼亚加密" 12 13 plainText = raw_input ("Please input the plainText : ") 14 key = raw_input ("Please input the key : ") 15 16 plainTextToCipherText = VigenereEncrypto (plainText , key) 17 print u"加密后得到的暗文是 : " + plainTextToCipherText 18 19 print u"维吉尼亚解密" 20 21 cipherText = raw_input ("Please input the cipherText : ") 22 key = raw_input ("Please input the key : ") 23 24 cipherTextToPlainText = VigenereDecrypto (cipherText , key)
25 print u"解密后得到的明文是 : " + cipherTextToPlainText
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 #维吉尼亚加密 3 4 ‘‘‘ 5 fileName : VigenereEncrypto.py 6 ‘‘‘ 7 8 def VigenereEncrypto (input , key) : 9 ptLen = len(input) 10 keyLen = len(key) 11 12 quotient = ptLen // keyLen #商 13 remainder = ptLen % keyLen #余 14 15 out = "" 16 17 for i in range (0 , quotient) : 18 for j in range (0 , keyLen) : 19 c = int((ord(input[i*keyLen+j]) - ord(‘a‘) + ord(key[j]) - ord(‘a‘)) % 26 + ord(‘a‘)) 20 #global output 21 out += chr (c) 22 23 for i in range (0 , remainder) : 24 c = int((ord(input[quotient*keyLen+i]) - ord(‘a‘) + ord(key[i]) - ord(‘a‘)) % 26 + ord(‘a‘)) 25 #global output 26 out += chr (c) 27 28 return out
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 #维吉尼亚解密 3 4 ‘‘‘ 5 fileName : VigenereDecrypto.py 6 ‘‘‘ 7 8 def VigenereDecrypto (output , key) : 9 ptLen = len (output) 10 keyLen = len (key) 11 12 quotien = ptLen // keyLen 13 remainder = ptLen % keyLen 14 15 inp = "" 16 17 for i in range (0 , quotient) : 18 for j in range (0 , keyLen) : 19 c = int((ord(output[i*keyLen+j]) - ord(‘a‘) + 26 - (ord(key[j]) - ord(‘a‘)) % 26 + ord(‘a‘))) 20 #global input 21 inp += chr (c) 22 23 for i in range (0 , remainder) : 24 c = int((ord(output[quotient*keyLen + i]) - ord(‘a‘) + 26 - (ord(key[i]) - ord(‘a‘)) % 26 + ord(‘a‘))) 25 #global input 26 inp += chr (c) 27 28 return inp