对于100%的数据, n ≤ 100000,m≤200000 ,data[i]非负且小于10^9
SPOJ2713 gss4 数据已加强
type tree=record s,q,l,r:int64; end; var n,m,k,x,y,i:longint; f:array [0..200000] of tree; a:array [0..200000] of longint; procedure build(x,l,r:longint); begin f[x].l:=l;f[x].r:=r; if l=r then begin f[x].s:=a[l]; if (f[x].s=1) or (f[x].s=0) then f[x].q:=1 else f[x].q:=0; exit; end; build(x<<1,l,(l+r) >> 1); build(x<<1+1,(l+r) >> 1+1,r); f[x].s:=f[x<<1].s+f[x<<1+1].s; f[x].q:=f[x<<1].q and f[x<<1+1].q; end; function plus(x,l,r:longint):int64; var mid:longint; begin plus:=0; if (f[x].l=l) and (f[x].r=r) then exit(f[x].s); mid:=(f[x].l+f[x].r)>>1; if mid>=r then plus:=plus+plus(x<<1,l,r); if mid<l then plus:=plus+plus(x<<1+1,l,r); if (mid>=l) and (mid<r) then begin plus:=plus(x<<1,l,r)+plus(x<<1+1,l,r) end; end; procedure sq(x,l,r:longint); var mid:longint; begin if f[x].q=1 then exit; if (f[x].l=f[x].r) then begin f[x].s:=trunc(sqrt(f[x].s)); if (f[x].s=1) or (f[x].s=0) then f[x].q:=1; exit; end; mid:=(f[x].l+f[x].r)>>1; if mid>=r then sq(x<<1,l,r); if mid<l then sq(x<<1+1,l,r); if (mid>=l) and (mid<r) then begin sq(x<<1,l,r);sq(x<<1+1,l,r) end; f[x].q:=f[x<<1].q and f[x<<1+1].q; f[x].s:=f[x<<1].s+f[x<<1+1].s; end; begin read(n); for i:=1 to n do begin read(a[i]); end; build(1,1,n); read(m); for i:=1 to m do begin read(k,x,y); case k of 1:writeln(plus(1,x,y)); 2:sq(1,x,y); end; end; end.