#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding:UTF-8-*- """ @Item : IO Ctl @Author : Villiam Sheng @Group : Python DEV Group @Date : 2013-05-29 @Funtion: CPU control: To control for CPU """ import os,sys,time , libvirt , traceback,commands ‘‘‘ Func : Record error message path : Message save path formats : Record message time formata log_name : Message file name itme : function error info : Error / info information ‘‘‘ def oper_log(log_name,item,info): path = ‘/tmp/‘ stime = time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘) formats= ‘[%s] %s:: %s \n‘ % (stime,item,info) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) try: if log_name.split(‘.‘)[1] == ‘log‘: fp = open(path + log_name,‘a‘) elif log_name.split(‘.‘)[1] == ‘info‘: fp = open(path + log_name,‘w‘) else: fp = open(path + log_name,‘a‘) fp.write(formats) fp.close() except Exception,e: pass class cpuctl(object): def __init__(self): self.conn = libvirt.open(None) def _VmsCPUPercent(self,uuid): ‘‘‘ Func info : Calculation virtual machine of CPU percentage , if error , return 0 uuid : instance uuid cycle_time : 10s cpuTimeStart: virtual machine cpu running time nr_cores : CPU number all Formula to calculate: %CPU = 100 × cpu_time_diff / (t × nr_cores × 1e9) ‘‘‘ try: nr_cores = self.conn.getInfo()[2] cpuTimeStart = self.conn.lookupByID(uuid).info()[-1] sysTimeStart = time.time() time.sleep(1) cpuTimeEnd = self.conn.lookupByID(uuid).info()[-1] sysTimeEnd = time.time() cpuTimeDiff = cpuTimeEnd - cpuTimeStart sysTimeDiff = sysTimeEnd - sysTimeStart return 100 * cpuTimeDiff / ( sysTimeDiff * 1 * 1e9) except Exception,e: oper_log(‘cpuctl.log‘,‘_cpuPercent‘,‘ID : %s Error : %s‘%(uuid,e)) return 0 def _isHostUpload(self): ‘‘‘ Func info : Return kvm host the current system load every 1 minute if error , return 0 ‘‘‘ try: return float(os.popen(‘uptime‘).read().split(‘:‘)[-1].strip()[:4]) except: oper_log(‘cpuctl.log‘,‘_isUpload‘,traceback.format_exc()) return 0 def _operRate(uuid): try: x,y = commands.getstatusoutput(‘virsh dumpxml %s‘ %uuid) print x,y except: LOG.error(traceback.format_exc()) def _isHostCPUFreePercent(self): ‘‘‘‘ Func info : Return kvm host CPU free percent . Go to 2 times every 3 seconds, get the average CPU idle percentage if error , return 0 ‘‘‘ try: return float(os.popen(‘sar 3 3 ‘).readlines()[-1].split()[-1]) except: oper_log(‘cpuctl.log‘,‘_isCPUFreePercent‘,traceback.format_exc()) return 0 def _isHostCPUNum(self): try: pass except: return 0 def _isVMScpuNum(self,uuid): ‘‘‘ Func info : Return virtual machine cpu number if error ,return 1 ‘‘‘ try: return self.conn.lookupByID(uuid).info()[-2] except: oper_log(‘cpuctl.log‘,‘isVMScpuNum‘,traceback.format_exc()) return 1 def work(self): ‘‘‘ Working func : ..... vms_list : Getting all virtual machine ID self._VmsCPUPercent() : Return cpu percent ... self._isUpload() : Return kvm host loads one s sefl._isCPUFreePercent: Return kvm host cpu free percent loadValues : KVM HOST Default load values ‘‘‘ hostPercen = self._isHostCPUFreePercent() loadValues = 49 print hostPercen vms_list = self.conn.listDomainsID() if self._isHostUpload() <= loadValues: for i in vms_list: if self._VmsCPUPercent(i) <= 99.0: print self.conn.lookupByID(i).name() print self._isVMScpuNum(i) else: print ‘ot‘ else: print ‘no upload‘ if __name__ == "__main__": st = cpuctl() st.work()
本文出自 “欢迎评论,欢迎点赞” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://swq499809608.blog.51cto.com/797714/1412020
通过libvirt 控制vCPU使用,为了缓解CPU资源争抢,布布扣,bubuko.com
通过libvirt 控制vCPU使用,为了缓解CPU资源争抢