#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf8 import os, re #这里我把查询这块分为3个函数了,纠结了很久是放一起还是分开,最后还是分开了,容易写一些 def search_age_above_22(): #定义年纪大于22岁函数 new = [] # 把读取到的文件写入至此列表 temp = [] # 记录查询年龄大于22岁的总数列表 with open("Information.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") as file: for line in file.readlines(): new.append(line.strip().split(",")) for each_line in new: if each_line[2] > "22": temp.append(each_line[2]) print(each_line[1:3]) print("查到年龄大于22岁的总数为:%s" % len(temp)) def search_depot_of_IT(): #定义部门为IT的函数 new = [] # 把读取到的文件写入至此列表 temp = [] # 记录查询部门为IT的总数列表 with open("Information.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") as file: for line in file.readlines(): new.append(line.strip().split(",")) for each_line in new: if each_line[4] == "IT": temp.append(each_line[4]) print(str(each_line[::])) print("查到部门为IT的总数为:%s" % len(temp)) def search_date_of_2013(): #定义开始工作日期为2013年的函数 new = [] # 把读取到的文件写入至此列表 temp = [] # 记录查询开始工作日期为2013年的总数列表 with open("Information.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") as file: for line in file.readlines(): new.append(line.strip().split(",")) for each_line in new: if re.search("2013", each_line[-1]): temp.append(each_line[5]) print(each_line[::]) print("查到工作时间在2013年名单总数为:%s" % len(temp)) def add(): #定义增加函数 new = [] # 把读取到的文件写入至此列表 temp = [] #此列表为了自增而建,代码写的很low user_input = str(input("请输入类似于[吴东杭,21,17710890829,运维,1995-08-29]的一串东西:")) with open("Information.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") as read_file, open("NewInformation.txt", "w+", encoding="utf8")as write_file: for line in read_file: new.append(line.strip().split(",")) for new_line in new: # i.append(j) temp.append(new_line) # print(i[-1][0]) Added_Data = "%d,%s" % (int(temp[-1][0]) + 1, user_input) temp.append(Added_Data.split(‘,‘)) for each_line in temp: write_file.write(‘,‘.join(each_line).strip("")) # 通过内置方法join把列表转换为字符串 write_file.write("\n") # 写入这行,可使文件换行 os.rename("Information.txt", "Information.bak") os.rename("NewInformation.txt", "Information.txt") os.remove("Information.bak") def delete(): #定义删除函数 ReadFile = [] User_Choice = int(input("请输入staff_id号:")) with open("Information.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") as read_file, open("NewInformation.txt", "w+", encoding="utf8") as write_file: for line in read_file: ReadFile.append(line.strip().split(",")) for each_line in ReadFile: if User_Choice == int(each_line[0]): ReadFile.remove(ReadFile[User_Choice - 1]) for new_line in ReadFile: write_file.write(‘,‘.join(new_line).strip("")) # 通过内置方法join把列表转换为字符串 write_file.write("\n") # 写入这行,可使文件换行 os.rename("Information.txt", "Information.bak") os.rename("NewInformation.txt", "Information.txt") os.remove("Information.bak") def modify(): #定义更改函数 if not os.path.exists("Information.txt"): exit(-1) User_Input = str(input("请输入:")) with open("Information.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") as read_file, open("NewInformation.txt", "w+", encoding="utf8") as write_file: for line in read_file.readlines(): write_file.write(line.replace("IT", User_Input)) os.rename("Information.txt", "Information.bak") os.rename("NewInformation.txt", "Information.txt") os.remove("Information.bak") if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: msg = ‘‘‘ 1:查询年龄大于22岁学生信息 2:查询部门为IT学生信息 3:查询工作开始时间在2013年学生信息 4:添加 5:删除 6:修改 7:退出 ‘‘‘ menu_dic = { ‘1‘: search_age_above_22, ‘2‘: search_depot_of_IT, ‘3‘: search_date_of_2013, ‘4‘: add, ‘5‘: delete, ‘6‘: modify, ‘7‘: exit, } while True: print(msg) choice = input("操作>>: ").strip() if len(choice) == 0 or choice not in menu_dic or choice.isalpha(): print("温馨提示:请输入1-7之间的数字") continue if choice == ‘7‘: break menu_dic[choice]()