针对xilinx FIFO IP核进行简单的学习,整个流程参考http://www.eefocus.com/guoke1993102/blog/15-06/313183_36284.html,仿真工具使用modelsim.
FIFO ip核设置参照链接设置,本文不再贴图,其中部分设置更改如下:
1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps 2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 // Company: 4 // Engineer: 5 // 6 // Create Date: 19:34:55 11/14/2016 7 // Design Name: 8 // Module Name: FIFO_test 9 // Project Name: 10 // Target Devices: 11 // Tool versions: 12 // Description: 13 // 14 // Dependencies: 15 // 16 // Revision: 17 // Revision 0.01 - File Created 18 // Additional Comments: 19 // 20 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 21 module FIFO_test( 22 input clk, 23 input rstin_n, 24 25 output wire [7:0] dout 26 27 ); 28 wire clk_50M; 29 wire clk_100M; 30 31 wire rst_n; 32 33 reg [7:0] din;//写入FIFO中数据 34 wire wr_en; 35 reg [2:0] cnt; 36 37 wire full;//FIFO满 38 wire empty; 39 40 wire rd_en; 41 42 wire valid; 43 wire wr_ack; 44 45 wire overflow; 46 wire underflow; 47 48 wire almost_empty; 49 wire almost_full; 50 51 wire [7:0] rd_data_count; 52 wire [7:0] wr_data_count; 53 54 wire prog_full; 55 wire prog_empty; 56 57 58 assign wr_en = (!full && !rd_en && (cnt == 3‘d5)) ? 1‘b1 : 1‘b0;//非满时写,且满后就不再写了,即便之后数据被读取导致非满 59 assign rd_en = (empty == 1‘b0 && wr_en == 1‘b0) ? 1‘b1 : 1‘b0;//写时不读取,写完再读取 60 61 //----------写FIF数据--------------------------- 62 always @(posedge clk_50M or negedge rst_n) 63 if(!rst_n) 64 begin 65 din <= 8‘d0; 66 cnt <= 3‘d0; 67 end 68 else 69 begin 70 if(full) 71 begin 72 din <= 8‘d0; 73 end 74 else if(wr_en) 75 begin 76 din <= din + 8‘d1; 77 end 78 else 79 begin 80 din <= din; 81 end 82 83 if(cnt == 3‘d5) 84 begin 85 cnt <= cnt; 86 end 87 else 88 begin 89 cnt <= cnt + 3‘d1; 90 end 91 end 92 93 fifo_ip FIFO_ip ( 94 .rst(!rst_n), // input rst 95 .wr_clk(clk_50M), // input wr_clk 96 .rd_clk(clk_100M), // input rd_clk 97 .din(din), // input [7 : 0] din 98 .wr_en(wr_en), // input wr_en 99 .rd_en(rd_en), // input rd_en 100 .dout(dout), // output [3 : 0] dout 101 .full(full), // output full 102 .almost_full(almost_full), // output almost_full 103 .wr_ack(wr_ack), // output wr_ack 104 .overflow(overflow), // output overflow 105 .empty(empty), // output empty 106 .almost_empty(almost_empty), // output almost_empty 107 .valid(valid), // output valid 108 .underflow(underflow), // output underflow 109 .rd_data_count(rd_data_count), // output [7 : 0] rd_data_count 110 .wr_data_count(wr_data_count), // output [7 : 0] wr_data_count 111 .prog_full(prog_full), // output prog_full 112 .prog_empty(prog_empty) // output prog_empty 113 ); 114 115 pll_ip PLL_ip( // Clock in ports 116 .CLK_IN1(clk), // IN 117 // Clock out ports 118 .CLK_OUT1(clk_50M), // OUT 119 .CLK_OUT2(clk_100M), // OUT 120 // Status and control signals 121 .RESET(!rstin_n),// IN 122 .LOCKED(rst_n) // OUT 123 ); 124 125 //ILA和ICON定义 126 //ILA和ICON定义 127 wire [35:0] CONTROL0; 128 wire [127:0] TRIG0; 129 130 131 ICON ICON ( 132 .CONTROL0(CONTROL0) // INOUT BUS [35:0] 133 ); 134 135 ILA ILA ( 136 .CONTROL(CONTROL0), // INOUT BUS [35:0] 137 .CLK(clk_100M), // IN 138 .TRIG0(TRIG0) // IN BUS [15:0] 139 ); 140 141 assign TRIG0[7:0] = din; 142 assign TRIG0[8] = wr_en; 143 assign TRIG0[9] = wr_ack; 144 assign TRIG0[10] = full; 145 assign TRIG0[11] = almost_full; 146 assign TRIG0[12] = overflow; 147 assign TRIG0[13] = empty; 148 assign TRIG0[14] = prog_full; 149 assign TRIG0[15] = prog_empty; 150 151 152 assign TRIG0[23:16] = dout; 153 assign TRIG0[24] = rd_en; 154 assign TRIG0[25] = valid; 155 assign TRIG0[26] = underflow; 156 157 158 endmodule
`timescale 1ns / 1ps //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: // // Create Date: 20:19:58 11/14/2016 // Design Name: FIFO_test // Module Name: D:/Xilinx_Project/FIFO_test/vtf_FIFO_test.v // Project Name: FIFO_test // Target Device: // Tool versions: // Description: // // Verilog Test Fixture created by ISE for module: FIFO_test // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module vtf_FIFO_test; // Inputs reg clk; reg rstin_n; // Outputs wire [3:0] dout; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) FIFO_test uut ( .clk(clk), .rstin_n(rstin_n), .dout(dout) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs clk = 0; rstin_n = 0; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #1000; rstin_n = 1; // Add stimulus here end always #10 clk = ~clk; endmodule
In this configuration, the FIFO requires a minimum asynchronous reset pulse of 1 write clock
period (WR_CLK/CLK). After reset is detected on the rising clock edge of write clock, 3 write
clock periods are required to complete proper reset synchronization. During this time, the
FULL, ALMOST_FULL, and PROG_FULL flags are asserted. After reset is deasserted, these
flags deassert after three clock periods (WR_CLK/CLK) and the FIFO can then accept write
注意full ,almost_full等信号的变化,almost_full延时一个时钟之后full信号才置高,都是跟随写时钟变化的。full信号跟随写时钟,empty信号跟随读时钟。
pro_full时跟随写时钟变化的,当wr_data_count满足设置的wr_data_count >=253时pro_full就会置高。
pro_empty跟随读时钟变化,当rd_data_count满足设置的rd_data_count <= 2时peo_empty就会置高。