优化前 线上74.031秒,测试版0.031秒。随着数据量增加而增加。
select *
from (select "Extent1".*, row_number() OVER(ORDER BY ID desc) as "row_number" from (select * from (select s.id, s.shipment_no, s.order_no, s.destination, s.estimated_ship_date, s.orig_warehouse_id from ship_shipment s Where is_deleted = 0 and not exists (select sst.id from ship_shipment sst left join ship_picklist_item spi on spi.shipment_id = sst.id left join ship_picklist sp on sp.id = spi.picklist_id inner join (select te.type, ti.work_effort_id, ti.bill_id_to from trsf_work_effort te inner join trsf_work_effort_item ti on ti.work_effort_id = te.id and te.type = 13 where ti.is_deleted = 0) t on t.bill_id_to = spi.id where spi.is_deleted = 0 and sp.pick_type = 3 and sst.id = s.id) and not exists (select pi.shipment_id from ship_picklist_item pi left join ship_picklist spp on spp.id = pi.picklist_id left join trsf_work_effort twe on twe.id = pi.work_effort_id where spp.pick_type = 3 and twe.status != 3 and pi.is_deleted = 0 and pi.shipment_id = s.id group by pi.shipment_id)) ss Where 1 = 1 and id in (select i.shipment_id from ship_picklist_item i inner join ship_picklist sp on sp.id = i.picklist_id and sp.pick_type = 3 where i.is_deleted = 0 group by i.shipment_id having sum(nvl(i.quantity_picked, 0)) = sum(nvl(i.quantity_sorted, 0)) and sum(nvl(i.quantity_picked, 0)) > 0) and ss.ORIG_WAREHOUSE_ID = 170) "Extent1") "Extent2" where "row_number" > 0 and rownum <= 20
优化后:线上0.359秒 测试版:0.047秒
select *
from (select s.id, s.shipment_no, s.order_no, s.destination, s.estimated_ship_date, s.orig_warehouse_id from ship_shipment s Where is_deleted = 0 and not exists (select sst.id from ship_shipment sst left join ship_picklist_item spi on spi.shipment_id = sst.id left join ship_picklist sp on sp.id = spi.picklist_id inner join (select te.type, ti.work_effort_id, ti.bill_id_to from trsf_work_effort te inner join trsf_work_effort_item ti on ti.work_effort_id = te.id and te.type = 13 where ti.is_deleted = 0) t on t.bill_id_to = spi.id where spi.is_deleted = 0 and sp.pick_type = 3 and sst.id = s.id) and not exists (select pi.shipment_id from ship_picklist_item pi left join ship_picklist spp on spp.id = pi.picklist_id left join trsf_work_effort twe on twe.id = pi.work_effort_id where spp.pick_type = 3 and twe.status != 3 and pi.is_deleted = 0 and pi.shipment_id = s.id group by pi.shipment_id) ) ss, (select i.shipment_id from ship_picklist_item i inner join ship_picklist sp on sp.id = i.picklist_id and sp.pick_type = 3 where i.is_deleted = 0 group by i.shipment_id having sum(nvl(i.quantity_picked, 0)) = sum(nvl(i.quantity_sorted, 0)) and sum(nvl(i.quantity_picked, 0)) > 0) spi where ss.id = spi.shipment_id and ss.orig_warehouse_id = 1