class Father{ public int num1=10; private int num2=20; protected int num3=30; public Father(int num1,int num2,int num3){ this.num1=num1; this.num2=num2; this.num3=num3; } public Father(){ System.out.println("Father"); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%d %d %d",num1,num2,num3); } } class Son extends Father{ public Son(int num1,int num2,int num3){ super(num1,num2,num3); } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString(); }
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println(new Son(1,2,3));
} }//输出 1 2 3
b.Father father=new Son();//Son的实例但是进行了向上转型,father引用可以调用Father类中的函数,以及子类中被重写的函数(多态),但是父类的引用是不能调用子类的属性的,因为多态只针对方法不针对属性
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ /*创建子类对象的时候会调用子类的构造函数*/ Son son=new Son(); /*输出num1的值*/ Father father=new Son(); System.out.println(father.num1); /*调用函数f()*/ father.f(); } } class Father{ public int num1=10; public Father(){ System.out.println("Constructor of Father"); } public void f(){ System.out.println("Father‘s f()"); } } class Son extends Father{ public int num1=20; public Son(){ System.out.println("Constructor of Son"); } @Override public void f(){ System.out.println("Son‘s f()"); } }//输出:
Constructor of Father
Constructor of Son
Constructor of Father
Constructor of Son
Son‘s f()
class A{ public String name=new String(“Tom”); protected String school=new String(“SouthEast University”); private String sex=new String(“M”); }
public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ Object obj=new Object(); System.out.println(obj.hashCode()); } }
public int hashCode(){
return super.hashCode();
class Instrument { private void display(){System.out.println("Instrument‘s display");}//无法被覆盖 } public class Wind extends Instrument{ private void display(){System.out.println("Wind‘s display");}//并不是覆盖父类的函数,而是添加自己的函数 public static void main(String[] args){ Instrument instrument=new Wind();//向上转型为父类的对象同时丢失父类的private方法 instrument.display();//Wrong } }