我在前面的一片博客中,介绍了jPBC 2.0.0在PC平台上面的配置和测试。既然jPBC是Java平台上面实现的,那么jPBC能不能在Android这个以Java为主要语言的平台上运行呢?这样一来,各种在jPBC上撰写的有关双线性对的函数就都能够在移动终端上面用了。我个人的想法就是把最新的密码学算法应用到工程里面,而这确实是我想法的一个很好的跨越。因此,我在第一时间公开整个配置的过程以及我测试的方法,以供广大国内密码学研究者们进行尝试。整个配置过程实际上是非常简单的,这也要感谢jPBC库的编写者们的辛勤工作。在整个配置过程中,我几乎可以确定,jPBC的开发者们在2.0.0版本中完全抛离了GMP库和PBC库,而是将整个PBC在Java上进行了完整的实现。而唯一没有实现的部分,也就是椭圆曲线常数产生部分,作者也使用了相同的配置格式,以使得PBC中使用的椭圆曲线常数可以在jPBC中直接使用。
首先用到的当然是Android的开发工具啦。我使用的是Windows下面的ADT工具。这个工具已经被Google统一打包。也就是说,现在大家开发Android的时候,再也不用下载Eclipse,下载Android SDK,下载Android ADT,进行各种复杂的配置后才能使用了。Google将整个开发工具集成在了一起。这个集成工具的下载地址为:http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html。里面包含了包括Eclipse,Android SDK Manager,Android ADT在内的全套工具。
jPBC 2.0.0也是必不可少的。其官方网站为:http://gas.dia.unisa.it/projects/jpbc/index.html。需要指出的是,虽然网站中专门有一项是Android,但是里面没有给出任何配置或者使用的方法,有的只是下面的一段话:
JPBC runs out of box on Android (2.1+ version).
Download the following
APK to benchmark JPBC on your terminal. Once the benchmark is finished the results can be found on the external memory in a file called "benchmark.out".
If you don’t mind it sending me the results with a description of the characteristics of the terminal used pleasecontact me.
所以如果大家想使用Android jPBC,确实需要自己摸索一下怎么配置,这也是我写这篇博客的根本目的。同时,这一段话也可以让我们确信jPBC是可以在Android上面运行的,毕竟连APK都已经有了嘛~
下载好jPBC 2.0.0的源文件后,解压,观察一下解压的结果。我们可以发现,在解压文件中有个文件夹名字为jpbc-android,这里面存放了一些源文件,同时也存放了打包好的APK文件。原文件中包括了APK文件中使用的resources,有icon、layout、甚至可以找到AndroidManifest.xml。同时,在src文件中可以找到APK工程中需要的三个java源代码:AndroidBenchmark.java、Benchmark.java以及JPBCBenchmarkActivity.java。在asserts文件夹下,存放了4个用于测试的椭圆曲线常数Properties:a.properties、d159.properties、d201.properties,以及d224.properties。这四个文件也是回复APK工程的必要文件。以上这些就是jpbc-android里面所需要的全部文件了。
对于jPBC 2.0.0中的jar文件夹,里面的两个必要jar文件也是我们需要的library:jpbc-api-2.0.0.jar和jpbc-plaf-2.0.0.jar。
1. 在Eclipse的Android开发环境中建立一个新的空工程。在我的测试中,我的工程名称为Android-jPBC。
2. 将给出的AndroidManifest.xml引入到工程中。
这一步比较简单,大家可以直接打开工程中的AndroidManifest.xml文件,然后用jpbc-android文件夹下面的同名文件对此文件进行覆盖,当然也可以使用其他任意的方法。修改结果如图。在此跟大家道个歉,我截图的时候正好QQ上有一个好友上线提醒了… 为了保护朋友的隐私我把QQ上面的信息抹掉了,这也是这个图里面我唯一手动改动的部分。
3. 引入其他必要的文件
我们还需要引入的文件有:三个源代码文件,layout文件,assert中的四个椭圆曲线常数文件, 以及必要的jar文件。
至此,所有的配置就全部搞定了。大家注意,与以前的jPBC 1.2.1不同的是,jPBC 2.0.0的配置没有涉及到任何有关Native Library的内容。也就是说,jPBC的编写者们已经把PBC的所有核心功能都写在了Java中,没有涉及到任何原始PBC的调用,这极大地增强了jPBC的可移植性。同时,这也使得jPBC在Windows下面进行开发称为可能。
1. 在PC中,输出的方法是System.out.println,而在Android中,推荐的输出方法是Log.i。因此,所有的System.out.println都需要改成Log.i的形式,举例:
Log.i(tag, "Infor - encrypt: the generated random message is " + message);
BBGHIBEMasterKey msk = bbgHIBE.Setup("assets/a.properties", 7);
package cn.edu.buaa.crypto; import android.util.Log; import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Element; import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Pairing; import it.unisa.dia.gas.plaf.jpbc.pairing.PairingFactory; public class BBGHIBE { public static final boolean isDebug = true; private static final String tag = "BBGHIBE"; private Pairing pairing; private int MAX_DEPTH; //Public parameters private Element g; private Element h; private Element[] u; private Element E_g_g; /** * System setup algorithms, takes the max depth of hierarchy as input, and outputs the master secret key * @param perperties The file name of the elliptic curve parameters * @param D Maximal depth of hierarchy * @return Master Secret Key */ public BBGHIBEMasterKey Setup(String perperties, int D){ // Generate curve parameters pairing = PairingFactory.getPairing(perperties); this.MAX_DEPTH = D; //generate alpha Element alpha = pairing.getZr().newRandomElement().getImmutable(); // Generate public parameters this.g = pairing.getG1().newRandomElement().getImmutable(); this.h = pairing.getG1().newRandomElement().getImmutable(); this.u = new Element[this.MAX_DEPTH]; for (int i=0; i<this.u.length; i++){ this.u[i] = pairing.getG1().newRandomElement().getImmutable(); } this.E_g_g = pairing.pairing(this.g, this.g).powZn(alpha).getImmutable(); //generate master secret key BBGHIBEMasterKey masterKey = new BBGHIBEMasterKey(); masterKey.alpha = alpha.duplicate().getImmutable(); return masterKey; } /** * Key Generation algorithm to generate secret key associated with the given identity vector * @param msk master secret key * @param identityVector the given identity vector * @return secret key associated with the given identity vector */ public BBGHIBESecretKey KeyGen(BBGHIBEMasterKey msk, String[] identityVector){ //Determine the validity of Identity Vector assert(identityVector.length <= this.MAX_DEPTH); //generate the secret key Element r = pairing.getZr().newRandomElement().getImmutable(); BBGHIBESecretKey secretKey = new BBGHIBESecretKey(); secretKey.identityVector = new String[identityVector.length]; System.arraycopy(identityVector, 0, secretKey.identityVector, 0, identityVector.length); //compute K_1 secretKey.K_1 = this.g.powZn(r).getImmutable(); //compute K_2 secretKey.K_2 = this.h.duplicate(); for (int i=0; i<identityVector.length; i++){ secretKey.K_2 = secretKey.K_2.mul(this.u[i].powZn(Util.hash_id(pairing, identityVector[i]))); } secretKey.K_2 = secretKey.K_2.powZn(r); secretKey.K_2 = secretKey.K_2.mul(this.g.powZn(msk.alpha)).getImmutable(); //compute E secretKey.E = new Element[this.MAX_DEPTH]; for (int i=identityVector.length; i<this.MAX_DEPTH; i++){ secretKey.E[i] = this.u[i].powZn(r).getImmutable(); } return secretKey; } /** * Delegation algorithm to delegate a secret key for the user‘s subordinate * @param secretkey the secret key for the supervisor * @param identity the identity for the user‘s subordinate * @return secret key for the user‘s subordinate */ public BBGHIBESecretKey Delegate(BBGHIBESecretKey secretkey, String identity){ //Determine the validity of Identity Vector assert(secretkey.identityVector.length < this.MAX_DEPTH); //delegate the secret key BBGHIBESecretKey delegateKey = new BBGHIBESecretKey(); String[] delegateIV = new String[secretkey.identityVector.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(secretkey.identityVector, 0, delegateIV, 0, secretkey.identityVector.length); delegateIV[secretkey.identityVector.length] = identity; delegateKey.identityVector = delegateIV; Element r = pairing.getZr().newRandomElement().getImmutable(); //compute K_1 delegateKey.K_1 = secretkey.K_1.duplicate(); delegateKey.K_1 = delegateKey.K_1.mul(this.g.powZn(r)).getImmutable(); //compute K_2 delegateKey.K_2 = this.h.duplicate(); for (int i=0; i<delegateIV.length; i++){ delegateKey.K_2 = delegateKey.K_2.mul(this.u[i].powZn(Util.hash_id(pairing, delegateIV[i]))); } delegateKey.K_2 = delegateKey.K_2.powZn(r); delegateKey.K_2 = delegateKey.K_2.mul(secretkey.K_2); delegateKey.K_2 = delegateKey.K_2.mul(secretkey.E[secretkey.identityVector.length].powZn(Util.hash_id(pairing, identity))).getImmutable(); //compute b delegateKey.E = new Element[this.MAX_DEPTH]; for (int i=secretkey.identityVector.length; i<this.MAX_DEPTH; i++){ delegateKey.E[i] = this.u[i].powZn(r).mul(secretkey.E[i]).getImmutable(); } return delegateKey; } /** * Encrypt algorithm to an identity vector * @param identityVector the target identity vector * @return the ciphertext */ public BBGHIBECiphertext Encrypt(String[] identityVector){ //Determine the validity of Identity Vector assert(identityVector.length <= this.MAX_DEPTH); //Generate a random message Element message = pairing.getGT().newRandomElement(); if (isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Infor - encrypt: the generated random message is " + message); } //Encrypt that message Element s = pairing.getZr().newRandomElement().getImmutable(); BBGHIBECiphertext ciphertext = new BBGHIBECiphertext(); //compute C_0 ciphertext.C_0 = this.E_g_g.powZn(s).mul(message).getImmutable(); //compute C_2 ciphertext.C_2 = this.g.powZn(s).getImmutable(); //compute c_1 ciphertext.C_1 = this.h.duplicate(); for (int i=0; i<identityVector.length; i++){ ciphertext.C_1 = ciphertext.C_1.mul(this.u[i].powZn(Util.hash_id(pairing, identityVector[i]))); } ciphertext.C_1 = ciphertext.C_1.powZn(s).getImmutable(); return ciphertext; } /** * Decrypt the ciphertext using a secret key * @param identityVector the receive identity vector * @param ciphertext the ciphertext * @param secretKey the secret key for the receiver or for the receiver‘s supervisor * @return the message */ public Element decrypt(String[] identityVector, BBGHIBECiphertext ciphertext, BBGHIBESecretKey secretKey){ //Determine the validity of Identity Vector, the ciphertext and the secret key //Secret Key Identity Vector depth needs to be smaller than ciphertext Identity Vector depth assert(identityVector.length >= secretKey.identityVector.length); //the identity vector for the secret key should match the receiver‘s identity vector for (int i=0; i<secretKey.identityVector.length; i++){ assert(secretKey.identityVector[i].equals(identityVector[i])); } Element K = secretKey.K_2.duplicate(); for (int i=secretKey.identityVector.length; i<identityVector.length; i++){ K.mul(secretKey.E[i].powZn(Util.hash_id(pairing, identityVector[i]))); } Element message = pairing.pairing(secretKey.K_1, ciphertext.C_1); message = message.div(pairing.pairing(K, ciphertext.C_2)); message = message.mul(ciphertext.C_0); Log.i(tag, "Infor - decrypt: the message is " + message); return message; } }
package cn.edu.buaa.crypto; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; public class BBGHIBEActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener { private static final String tag = "JPBCBenchmarkActivity"; private Button benchmark; /** * Called when the activity is first created. */ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Init UI super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.bbghibe); benchmark = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button); benchmark.setOnClickListener(this); } public void onClick(View view) { if (view == benchmark){ TestBBGHIBE.testBBEHIBE(); } } }
package cn.edu.buaa.crypto; import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Element; public class BBGHIBECiphertext { Element C_0; Element C_1; Element C_2; }
package cn.edu.buaa.crypto; import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Element; public class BBGHIBEMasterKey { public Element alpha; }
package cn.edu.buaa.crypto; import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Element; public class BBGHIBESecretKey { public String[] identityVector; public Element K_1; public Element K_2; public Element[] E; }
package cn.edu.buaa.crypto; import android.util.Log; public class TestBBGHIBE { private static final String tag = "TestBBGHIBE"; public static void testBBEHIBE() { BBGHIBE bbgHIBE = new BBGHIBE(); BBGHIBEMasterKey msk = bbgHIBE.Setup("assets/a.properties", 7); String[] testI1 = {"Depth 1"}; String testI2 = "Depth 2"; String testI3 = "Depth 3"; String testI4 = "Depth 4"; String testI5 = "Depth 5"; String testI6 = "Depth 6"; String testI7 = "Depth 7"; String[] receiver = new String[7]; receiver[0] = testI1[0]; receiver[1] = testI2; receiver[2] = testI3; receiver[3] = testI4; receiver[4] = testI5; receiver[5] = testI6; receiver[6] = testI7; String[] ciphertextIV = new String[7]; System.arraycopy(receiver, 0, ciphertextIV, 0, 7); //KeyGen for depth 1 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Generate secret key for user at depth 1"); } BBGHIBESecretKey SKDepth1 = bbgHIBE.KeyGen(msk, testI1); //Delegation for depth 2 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Generate secret key for user at depth 2"); } BBGHIBESecretKey SKDepth2 = bbgHIBE.Delegate(SKDepth1, testI2); //Delegation for depth 3 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Generate secret key for user at depth 3"); } BBGHIBESecretKey SKDepth3 = bbgHIBE.Delegate(SKDepth2, testI3); //Delegation for depth 4 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Generate secret key for user at depth 4"); } BBGHIBESecretKey SKDepth4 = bbgHIBE.Delegate(SKDepth3, testI4); //Delegation for depth 5 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Generate secret key for user at depth 5"); } BBGHIBESecretKey SKDepth5 = bbgHIBE.Delegate(SKDepth4, testI5); //Delegation for depth 6 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Generate secret key for user at depth 6"); } BBGHIBESecretKey SKDepth6 = bbgHIBE.Delegate(SKDepth5, testI6); //Delegation for depth 7 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Generate secret key for user at depth 7"); } BBGHIBESecretKey SKDepth7 = bbgHIBE.Delegate(SKDepth6, testI7); //encryption if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Encryption"); } BBGHIBECiphertext ciphertext = bbgHIBE.Encrypt(ciphertextIV); //Decryption for depth 1 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Dncryption for user at depth 1"); } bbgHIBE.decrypt(ciphertextIV, ciphertext, SKDepth1); //Decryption for depth 2 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Dncryption for user at depth 2"); } bbgHIBE.decrypt(ciphertextIV, ciphertext, SKDepth2); //Decryption for depth 3 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Dncryption for user at depth 3"); } bbgHIBE.decrypt(ciphertextIV, ciphertext, SKDepth3); //Decryption for depth 4 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Dncryption for user at depth 4"); } bbgHIBE.decrypt(ciphertextIV, ciphertext, SKDepth4); //Decryption for depth 5 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Dncryption for user at depth 5"); } bbgHIBE.decrypt(ciphertextIV, ciphertext, SKDepth5); //Decryption for depth 6 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Dncryption for user at depth 6"); } bbgHIBE.decrypt(ciphertextIV, ciphertext, SKDepth6); //Decryption for depth 7 if (BBGHIBE.isDebug){ Log.i(tag, "Dncryption for user at depth 7"); } bbgHIBE.decrypt(ciphertextIV, ciphertext, SKDepth7); } // public static void main(String[] args){ // testBBEHIBE(); // } }
package cn.edu.buaa.crypto; import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Element; import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Pairing; public class Util { public static Element hash_id(Pairing pairing, String id){ byte[] byte_identity = id.getBytes(); Element hash = pairing.getZr().newElement().setFromHash(byte_identity, 0, byte_identity.length); return hash; } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <AbsoluteLayout android:id="@+id/widget38" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:keepScreenOn="true" > <Button android:id="@+id/button" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="center" android:text="Benchmark" android:layout_x="226px" android:layout_y="84px" > </Button> </AbsoluteLayout>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="cn.edu.buaa.crypto"> <application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="jpbc-benchmark"> <activity android:name=".BBGHIBEActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/> </intent-filter> </activity> </application> </manifest
Android jPBC 2.0.0配置与测试,布布扣,bubuko.com