select useryy.mc useryymc, yycgd.*, (select info from dictinfo where typecode = ‘010‘ and dictcode = yycgd.zt) yycgdztmc from yycgd2014 yycgd, useryy where yycgd.useryyid = useryy.id --只查询审核中的采购单 and yycgd.zt = ‘2‘ --卫生院只审核本辖区医院创建的采购单 --1.1.是监管单位管理地区 and useryy.id in ( select id from useryy where dq like ‘1.1.%‘ )
<!-- 采购单查询条件 --> <sql id="query_yycgd_where"> <if test="yycgdCustom!=null"> <if test="yycgdCustom.id!=null and yycgdCustom.id!=‘‘"> and yycgd.id = #{yycgdCustom.id} </if> <if test="yycgdCustom.bm!=null and yycgdCustom.bm!=‘‘"> and yycgd.bm = #{yycgdCustom.bm} </if> <if test="yycgdCustom.mc!=null and yycgdCustom.mc!=‘‘"> and yycgd.mc like ‘%${yycgdCustom.mc}%‘ </if> <!-- 采购时间 ,根据采购单创建时间查询 --> <if test="yycgdCustom.cjtime_start!=null"> and yycgd.cjtime>=#{yycgdCustom.cjtime_start} </if> <if test="yycgdCustom.cjtime_end!=null"> <![CDATA[ and yycgd.cjtime<=#{yycgdCustom.cjtime_end} ]]> </if> <!-- 根据医院id查询 --> <if test="yycgdCustom.useryyid!=null and yycgdCustom.useryyid!=‘‘"> and yycgd.useryyid = #{yycgdCustom.useryyid} </if> <!-- 采购单状态条件 --> <if test="yycgdCustom.zt!=null and yycgdCustom.zt!=‘‘"> and yycgd.zt = #{yycgdCustom.zt} </if> </if> </sql> <!-- 采购单查询列表 --> <select id="findYycgdList" parameterType="yycg.business.pojo.vo.YycgdQueryVo" resultType="yycg.business.pojo.vo.YycgdCustom"> <!-- 分页头 --> <include refid="yycg.base.commonSql.page_start" /> select useryy.mc useryymc, yycgd.*, (select info from dictinfo where typecode=‘010‘ and dictcode=yycgd.zt)yycgdztmc from yycgd${businessyear} yycgd,useryy where yycgd.useryyid = useryy.id <!-- 采购单本身查询条件 --> <include refid="query_yycgd_where" /> <!-- 医院查询条件 --> <include refid="yycg.base.dao.mapper.SysuserMapperCustom.query_useryy_where" /> order by yycgd.id desc <!-- 分页尾部 --> <include refid="yycg.base.commonSql.page_end" /> </select>
public List<YycgdCustom> findYycgdList(YycgdQueryVo yycgdQueryVo)throws Exception;
@Override public List<YycgdCustom> findCheckYycgdList(String year, String userjdid, YycgdQueryVo yycgdQueryVo) throws Exception { yycgdQueryVo = yycgdQueryVo != null ? yycgdQueryVo : new YycgdQueryVo(); year="2014"; // 采购单状态 String zt = "2";// 审核中 YycgdCustom yycgdCustom = yycgdQueryVo.getYycgdCustom(); if (yycgdCustom == null) { yycgdCustom = new YycgdCustom(); } yycgdCustom.setZt(zt); yycgdQueryVo.setYycgdCustom(yycgdCustom); // 监管单位管理地区 // 根据监管单位id查询监管单位 Userjd userjd = userjdMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(userjdid); // 管理地区 String dq = userjd.getDq(); Useryy useryy = yycgdQueryVo.getUseryy(); useryy = useryy != null ? useryy : new Useryy(); // 设置查询条件管理地区 useryy.setDq(dq); yycgdQueryVo.setUseryy(useryy); // 设置年份 yycgdQueryVo.setBusinessyear(year); return yycgdMapperCustom.findYycgdList(yycgdQueryVo); }
<!-- 采购单查询列表 --> <select id="findYycgdCount" parameterType="yycg.business.pojo.vo.YycgdQueryVo" resultType="int"> <!-- 分页头 --> select count(*) from yycgd${businessyear} yycgd,useryy where yycgd.useryyid = useryy.id <!-- 采购单本身查询条件 --> <include refid="query_yycgd_where" /> <!-- 医院查询条件 --> <include refid="yycg.base.dao.mapper.SysuserMapperCustom.query_useryy_where" /> order by yycgd.id desc </select>
public int findYycgdCount(YycgdQueryVo yycgdQueryVo)throws Exception;
@Override public int findCheckYycgdCount(String year, String userjdid, YycgdQueryVo yycgdQueryVo) throws Exception { year="2014"; yycgdQueryVo = yycgdQueryVo != null ? yycgdQueryVo : new YycgdQueryVo(); // 采购单状态 String zt = "2";// 审核中 YycgdCustom yycgdCustom = yycgdQueryVo.getYycgdCustom(); if (yycgdCustom == null) { yycgdCustom = new YycgdCustom(); } yycgdCustom.setZt(zt); yycgdQueryVo.setYycgdCustom(yycgdCustom); // 监管单位管理地区 // 根据监管单位id查询监管单位 Userjd userjd = userjdMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(userjdid); // 管理地区 String dq = userjd.getDq(); Useryy useryy = yycgdQueryVo.getUseryy(); useryy = useryy != null ? useryy : new Useryy(); // 设置查询条件管理地区 useryy.setDq(dq); yycgdQueryVo.setUseryy(useryy); // 设置年份 yycgdQueryVo.setBusinessyear(year); return yycgdMapperCustom.findYycgdCount(yycgdQueryVo); }
// 采购单审核列表页面 @RequestMapping("/checkyycgdlist") public String checkyycgdlist(Model model) throws Exception { // 药品类别 List<Dictinfo> cgdztlist = systemConfigService .findDictinfoByType("010"); model.addAttribute("cgdztlist", cgdztlist); // 当前年份 model.addAttribute("year", MyUtil.get_YYYY(MyUtil.getDate())); return "/business/cgd/checkyycgdlist"; } //采购单审核列表结果集,json @RequestMapping("/checkyycgdlist_result") public @ResponseBody DataGridResultInfo checkyycgdlist_result( HttpSession session, String year,// 年份 YycgdQueryVo yycgdQueryVo,// 查询条件 int page, int rows) throws Exception { // 当前用户 ActiveUser activeUser = (ActiveUser) session .getAttribute(Config.ACTIVEUSER_KEY); // 监管单位id String userjdid = activeUser.getSysid();// 单位id // 列表的总数 int total = yycdgService .findCheckYycgdCount(year, userjdid, yycgdQueryVo); // 分页参数 PageQuery pageQuery = new PageQuery(); pageQuery.setPageParams(total, rows, page); yycgdQueryVo.setPageQuery(pageQuery);// 设置分页参数 // 分页查询列表 List<YycgdCustom> list = yycdgService.findCheckYycgdList(year, userjdid, yycgdQueryVo); DataGridResultInfo dataGridResultInfo = new DataGridResultInfo(); dataGridResultInfo.setTotal(total); dataGridResultInfo.setRows(list); return dataGridResultInfo; }
{"icon" : "icon-log","menuid" : "1_1","menuname" : "采购单审核","url" : "/yycgproject/cgd/checkyycgdlist.action"
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var d = date.getDate(); return y+"-"+m+"-"+d; }catch(e){ alert(e); } } } },{ field : ‘shtime‘, title : ‘审核时间‘, width : 80, formatter: function(value,row,index){ if(value){ try{ var date = new Date(value); var y = date.getFullYear(); var m = date.getMonth()+1; var d = date.getDate(); return y+"-"+m+"-"+d; }catch(e){ alert(e); } } } },{ field : ‘yycgdztmc‘, title : ‘采购单<br>状态‘, width : 60 }]]; function initGrid(){ $(‘#yycgdlist‘).datagrid({ title : ‘采购单列表‘, //nowrap : false, striped : true, //collapsible : true, url : ‘${baseurl}cgd/checkyycgdlist_result.action‘, queryParams:{//查询参数,只在加载时使用,点击查询使用load重新加载不使用此参数 year:‘${year}‘ }, //sortName : ‘code‘, //sortOrder : ‘desc‘, //remoteSort : false, idField : ‘id‘,//查询结果集主键采购单id //frozenColumns : frozenColumns, columns : columns, autoRowHeight:true, pagination : true, rownumbers : true, toolbar : toolbar, loadMsg:"", pageList:[15,30,50,100], onClickRow : function(index, field, value) { $(‘#yycgdlist‘).datagrid(‘unselectRow‘, index); } }); } $(function() { initGrid(); 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