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nodejs cheerio模块提取html页面内容

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nodejs cheerio模块提取html页面内容

本文给出使用一个用cheerio模块提取html文件中指定内容的例子,并说明具体步骤、涉及到的API、以及其它模块。 cheerio模块是一个类似jquery的模块,具有相似的API、功能,能够将一个网页解析为DOM,以及通过selector选择元素,设置、获取元素属性。



目标是将task1-5中的所有题目、以及答案提取出来,以文本形式保存。最终提取出的效果如下。 这是题目文本:

Task 1: You will be given 10 minutes to read the text for the first time and then choose an appropriate answer for each of the following questions.

1. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. How to learn online successfully.
B. How to set up a learning goal.
C. The future of online learning.
D. The benefits of online learning.

2. Charles fruitlessly applied for job after job because of the following reasons EXCEPT  ________.
A. he lacked in qualifications.
B. he had no special training.
C. he is too old and can’t walk.
D. he wasn’t even able to do office work.

3. Weather has great __________ on our health.
A. communicative.
B. effective.
C. student-centered.
D. teacher-centered.


Task 1:
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. A


1.1 找到目标元素

提取问题文本的整体思路:先找到包含题目的所有元素,然后再获取这些元素的内容即可。 通过chrome的devtool(或者firefox的firebug)看出,所有的目标元素为:hr元素的所有兄弟结点。cheerio的nextAll函数满足需求,这个函数获取当前结点的所有后续的兄弟结点。程序如下:

var fs = require(‘fs‘);
var cheerio = require(‘cheerio‘);

var myHtml = fs.readFileSync("a.html");
var $ = cheerio.load(myHtml);
var t = $(‘html‘).find(‘hr‘);
var t2 = t.nextAll();

t2.each(function(i, elem) {


首先将网页读取为一个字符串,传给cheerio.load函数,返回值即是一个cheerio对象(类似于一个jquery对象)。然后使用find函数,通过selector查找hr元素。再调用 nextAll函数得到hr元素的所有兄弟结点。 最后在each函数中, 通过text函数将所有包含问题的元素的见容打印出来。


var fs = require(‘fs‘);
var cheerio = require(‘cheerio‘);
var iconv = require(‘iconv-lite‘);  

var myHtml = fs.readFileSync("a.html");
var $ = cheerio.load(iconv.decode(myHtml, ‘gbk‘));
var t = $(‘html‘).find(‘hr‘);
var t2 = t.nextAll();

t2.each(function(i, elem) {



           Task  1: You will be given 10 minutes to read the text for the first time and then 
                                         choose  an appropriate answer for each of the following questions.

       1. What does the “true gratitude” mean?
         A. A way of life.
          B. A joyous occasion.
   C. A much deeper level of gratitude.         
         D. The improvement of the quality of life.
         2. Who has so many things to be grateful for?
        A. A successful man.
   B. A miserable person.
   C. A good-tempered man.
   D.All of us.
        In the sentence “Expressing love and gratitude  satisfies our deep sense of purpose”, the purpose includes all of the following  EXCEPT ________.
             A. spiritual health.
           B. emotional health.
           C. physical health.
             D. social health.
         4. What kind of gift is suitable  for mother on Mother’s Day according to the author?
           A. Carnation.
           B. Lily.
           C. Accessories.
             D. Greeting cards.
       5. If a friend does you a favor, you can do all of the following EXCEPT ________.
       A. treat him in a restaurant.
   B. buy ice-cream for him.
    C. just say “thank you”.
    D. ask him to help next time.


1.2 美化文本输出

最主要的问题是有多余的空格、换行符。想到的一个办法是:将所有结点的内容(包括文本结果)trim,即去年前后的所有空白字符,并对于br元素,加入一个换行符。也即模拟了一下html文档的render效果(因为在浏览器中显示是正确的,所以采用同样的方法,也能得到相同的结果)。 要实现这个方法,要获取一个元素的所有的子结果,使用cheerio的contents函数,这个函数获取一个元素的所有子元素(包括文本元素)。然后调用字符串的trim函数去除首尾的空白文本。由于子元素又有子元素,因此使用递归函数。代码如下:

function getContent(node){
    var a = node.contents();
    if (a.length == 0) {
        if (node.is(‘br‘)){
        } else {
    } else {
        node.contents().each(function(i, elem){

        if (node.is(‘p‘) || node.is(‘tr‘)){


getContent函数用于获取一个元素的文本内容,输入参数为元素,这个函数会被递归调用。首先调用contents函数获取所有子元素。如果子元素数目为0,表示这个元素是叶结点,则首先判断如果是br元素,则在结果中加入一个换行符,否则,调用text函数获取这个元素的文本内容。 如果子元素大于0,则递归地处理所有子元素。如果当前元素为p或tr元素,则在结果中加入一个换行。 其中RST为一个全局变量,用于保存结果文本。在调用函数前需要设置为空字符串。 这样处理后,结果如下:

Task  1: You will be given 10 minutes to read the text for the first time and then
choose  an appropriate answer for each of the following questions.
1. What does the “true gratitude” mean?
A.A way of life.
B.A joyous occasion.
C.A much deeper level of gratitude.
D.The improvement of the quality of life.
2. Who has so many things to be grateful for?
A.A successful man.
B.A miserable person.
C.A good-tempered man.
D.All of us.
3.In the sentence “Expressing love and gratitude  satisfies our deep sense of purpose”, the purpose includes all of the following  EXCEPT ________.
A.spiritual health.
B.emotional health.
C.physical health.
D.social health.
4. What kind of gift is suitable  for mother on Mother’s Day according to the author?
D.Greeting cards.
5. If a friend does you a favor, you can do all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A.treat him in a restaurant.
B.buy ice-cream for him.
C.just say “thank you”.
D.ask him to help next time.

看起来漂亮多了。 问题文本提取成功,接下来再提取答案文本。

1.3 提取答案文本


  var StandardAnswer = new Array() 
  StandardAnswer =["C","D","D","D","D"]



var t = $(‘html‘).find(‘script‘);
var A = undefined;
t.each(function(i, elem) {
    var text = $(this).text();
    if (text.match(‘StandardAnswer‘)){
        var a = eval(text);
        console.log("standardanswer: "+ a);
        A= a;


变量A保存答案数组。通过判断文本中是否包含‘StandardAnswer‘来判断是否是目标代码。然后将这个代码传给eval,返回值即为‘["C","D","D","D","D"]‘这个数组。 有了答案数组,生成答案文本就比较容易了。

1.4 最终代码

可以在这查看最终代码。 最终的代码还解决了一些小问题,如问题文本中包含了多余的文本(对于task4),task4的答案也会被显示在问题文本中,没有留下空白填写答案等。 整个分析、编码过程大致3个小时。其中文件a.js用于生成问题文本,b.js用于生成答案文本。a.js与b.js有很大的重复(b.js是直接复制了一份a.js修改而来)。这个代码基本上是解决一次性问题,没有什么重用性(在编写的过程中也没有考虑这些)。但是最重要的是:它解决了问题,它能够工作。它不需要那么好!最后,这个程序被用于处理几十个文件,成功正确地生成了问题文本及答案文本。

Author: Astropeak

Created: 2016-12-18 Sun 16:36

Emacs 25.1.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)


nodejs cheerio模块提取html页面内容


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