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  1. 搭建SpringMVC+Spring+Hibernate平台

  2. 自制xml实现SQL动态参数配置

  3. 利用DetachedCriteria构建HQL参数动态匹配

  4. 常用日期处理方法工具类

  5. 常用类型转换方法工具类


一. 准备工作

  注:子项目 mms 全称:material management system;子项目 sys :基础信息、权限管理系统

  1. 点击此下载 ims.rar,解压缩并把文件放到 ims 工程对应的文件夹下


二. 前端框架特色 

  1. js库为 jquery-1.8.1.min.js

  2. UI选用 jquery-easyui-1.3.2

  3. 封装了一大部分比较实用的控件和组件,如自动完成控件、弹出控件、日期控件等

  4. 选 knockoutjs 为前端mvvm框架


  5. css框架选用 960gssexybuttons、css3 btn


三. 相关文件介绍

  1. jquery.easyui.fix.js

* 模块名:easyui方法修改
* 程序名: easyui.fix.js
var easyuifix = {};

 * for easyloader.js
 * add after row 13 usage: easyuifix.addLoadModules(_1);
easyuifix.easyloader_addLoadModules = function (modules) {
    $.extend(modules, {
        juidatepick: {
            js: rootPath+"/content/js/jquery-plugin/jquery-ui/js/jquery-ui-datepick.min.js",
            css: rootPath+"/content/js/jquery-plugin/jquery-ui/css/jquery-ui.css"
        daterange: {
            js: rootPath+"/content/js/jquery-plugin/daterange/jquery.daterange.js",
            css: rootPath+"/content/js/jquery-plugin/daterange/jquery.daterange.css",
            dependencies: ["juidatepick"]
        lookup: {
            js: rootPath+"/content/js/jquery-plugin/lookup/jquery.lookup.js",
            dependencies: ["combo"]
        autocomplete: {
            js: rootPath+"/content/js/jquery-plugin/autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.js",
            dependencies: ["combo"]

 *  for easyloader.js
 * add after row 181 usage: easyuifix.easyloader_setting(easyloader, src);
easyuifix.easyloader_setting = function (easyloader,src) {
    easyloader.theme = "default";
    easyloader.locale = "zh_CN";

 * for jquery.parser.js
 * add after row 89 usage: easyuifix.parser_addplugins($.parser.plugins);
easyuifix.parser_addplugins = function (plugins) {
    var arr = ["daterange", "lookup", "autocomplete"];
    for (var i in arr) 

 * for jquery.tabs.js
 * add after row 415 usage: easyuifix.tabs_showtabonselect(_5d);
easyuifix.tabs_showtabonselect =function(tab){
    tab.show();    //打开时其它页签先隐藏,,提升用户体验,点击时再显示

 * for easyui-lang-zh_CN.js
 * add last row: easyuifix.lang_zh_CN();
easyuifix.lang_zh_CN = function () {
    if ($.fn.lookup) {
        $.fn.lookup.defaults.missingMessage = ‘该输入项为必输项‘;

 * for jquery.datagrid.js
 * add after row 1137 usage: easyuifix.datagrid_beforeDestroyEditor(_10a, _10b, row);
 * for jquery.easyui.min.js
 * add after row 7622 usage: easyuifix.datagrid_beforeDestroyEditor(_530, _531, row);
easyuifix.datagrid_beforeDestroyEditor = function (jq, rowIndex, row) {
    var opts = $.data(jq, "datagrid").options;
    if (opts.OnBeforeDestroyEditor) {
        var editors = {}, list = $(jq).datagrid(‘getEditors‘, rowIndex) || [];
        $.each(list, function () { editors[this.field] = this; });
        opts.OnBeforeDestroyEditor(editors, row, rowIndex, jq);

 * for jquery.datagrid.js 
 * add after row 1101 usage: easyuifix.datagrid_afterCreateEditor(_104, _105, row);
 * for jquery.easyui.min.js
 * add after row 7586 usage: easyuifix.datagrid_afterCreateEditor(_52a, _52b, row);
easyuifix.datagrid_afterCreateEditor = function (jq, rowIndex, row) {
    var opts = $.data(jq, "datagrid").options;
    if (opts.OnAfterCreateEditor) {
        var editors = {}, list = $(jq).datagrid(‘getEditors‘, rowIndex) || [];
        $.each(list, function () { editors[this.field] = this; });
        opts.OnAfterCreateEditor(editors, row, rowIndex, jq);

 * for jquery.combo.js to convert disable to readonly
 * add after row 210 usage: easyuifix.combo_disableToReadonly(_32, _33);
easyuifix.combo_disableToReadonly = function (jq, b) {
    var options = $.data(jq, "combo").options;
    var combo = $.data(jq, "combo").combo;
    if (b) {
        options.disabled = true;
        $(jq).attr("readonly", true);
        combo.find(".combo-value").attr("readonly", true).addClass("readonly");
        combo.find(".combo-text").attr("readonly", true).addClass("readonly");
    } else {
        options.disabled = false;

 * for jquery.combobox.js to showblank
 * add after row 138 usage: easyuifix.combobox_showblank(_30, _2e);
easyuifix.combobox_showblank = function (combobox, b) {
    if (combobox.showblank) {

 * for jquery.combobox.js to showblank
 * add after row 350 usage: easyuifix.combobox_defaultblank();
easyuifix.combobox_defaultblank = function () {
    $.fn.combobox.defaults = $.extend($.fn.combobox.defaults, {
        showblank: false,
        blankdefault: { value: ‘‘, text: ‘== 请选择 ==‘ }
View Code



  2. knockout.bindings.js

/// <reference path="knockout-3.4.1.js" />
 * 程序名: knockout自定义绑定

(function ($, ko) {
    var jqElement = function (element) {
        var jq = $(element);
        if ($(document).find(element).length == 0) {  //处理元素在父页面执行的情况
            if ($(parent.document).find(element).length > 0)
                jq = parent.$(element);
        return jq;

     * value binding
     * 例如:comboboxValue、lookupValue、combotreeValue
    ko.creatEasyuiValueBindings = function (o) {
        o = $.extend({ type: ‘‘, event: ‘‘, getter: ‘getValue‘, setter: ‘setValue‘, fix: $.noop,formatter: function (v) { return v; }}, o);

        var customBinding = {
            init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
                var jq = jqElement(element), handler = jq[o.type](‘options‘)[o.event], opt = {};

                //handle the field changing
                opt[o.event] = function () {
                    handler.apply(element, arguments);
                    var value = jq[o.type](o.getter);
                    if (valueAccessor() == null) throw "viewModel中没有页面绑定的字段";

                //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding)
                ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function () {

                o.fix(element, valueAccessor);
            update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
                value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
                jqElement(element)[o.type](o.setter, o.formatter(value));
        ko.bindingHandlers[o.type + ‘Value‘] = customBinding;

    ko.creatEasyuiValueBindings({ type: ‘combobox‘, event: ‘onSelect‘ });
    ko.creatEasyuiValueBindings({ type: ‘combotree‘, event: ‘onChange‘ });
    ko.creatEasyuiValueBindings({ type: ‘datebox‘       , event: ‘onSelect‘ , formatter: com.formatDate });
    ko.creatEasyuiValueBindings({ type: ‘lookup‘        , event: ‘onChange‘ });
    ko.creatEasyuiValueBindings({ type: ‘numberbox‘     , event: ‘onChange‘ });
     * enable、disable binding
     * 例如:linkbuttonEnable、linkbuttonDisable
    ko.creatEasyuiEnableBindings = function (o) {
        o = $.extend({ type: ‘‘,method:‘Enable‘, options:function(v){return ‘disabled‘;}, value: function (v) { return !v; } }, o);
        var customBinding = {
            update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
                var enable = ko.toJS(valueAccessor());
                $(element)[o.type](o.options(enable), o.value(enable));
        ko.bindingHandlers[o.type + o.method] = customBinding;
    ko.creatEasyuiEnableBindings({ type: ‘linkbutton‘, options: function (b) { return {disabled:!b}; } });
    ko.creatEasyuiEnableBindings({ type: ‘linkbutton‘,method:‘Disable‘, options: function (b) { return { disabled: b }; } });
    _readOnlyHandles = {};
    _readOnlyHandles.defaults = function (obj, b) {
        b ? obj.addClass("readonly").attr("readonly", true) : obj.removeClass("readonly").removeAttr("readonly");
    _readOnlyHandles.combo = function (obj, b) {
        obj.combo(b ? "disable" : "enable");
     * readonly binding
     * 例如:numberboxReadOnly、comboboxReadOnly,或者直接readOnly
    ko.creatEasyuiReadOnlyBindings = function (o) {
        o = $.extend({ type: ‘‘, handler: _readOnlyHandles.defaults }, o);
        var customBinding = {
            update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        ko.bindingHandlers[o.type ?  (o.type + ‘ReadOnly‘): ‘readOnly‘] = customBinding;

    ko.creatEasyuiReadOnlyBindings(); //default readonly
    ko.creatEasyuiReadOnlyBindings({ type: ‘numberbox‘ });
    ko.creatEasyuiReadOnlyBindings({ type: ‘combobox‘, handler: _readOnlyHandles.combo });
    ko.creatEasyuiReadOnlyBindings({ type: ‘datebox‘, handler: _readOnlyHandles.combo });
    ko.creatEasyuiReadOnlyBindings({ type: ‘combotree‘, handler: _readOnlyHandles.combo });
    ko.creatEasyuiReadOnlyBindings({ type: ‘lookup‘, handler: _readOnlyHandles.combo });
     * datasource bingding
    ko.bindingHandlers.datasource = {
        init: function (element, valueAccessor) {
            var jq = jqElement(element);
            var ds = ko.toJS(valueAccessor());
            if ($.isFunction(ds)) ds = ds.call();
            if (jq.data(‘treegrid‘))
                jq.treegrid(‘loadData‘, ds);
            else if (jq.data(‘datagrid‘))
                jq.datagrid(‘loadData‘, ds);
            else if (jq.data(‘combotree‘))
                jq.combotree(‘loadData‘, ds);
            else if (jq.data(‘combobox‘)) {
                var val = jq.combobox(‘getValue‘), ds = ds.rows || ds;
                jq.combobox(‘clear‘).combobox(‘loadData‘,ds).combobox(‘setValue‘, val);
            else if (jq.data(‘tree‘))
                jq.tree(‘loadData‘, ds.rows || ds);

     * grid binding
     * datagrid、treegrid
    ko.creatEasyuiGridBindings = function (gridType) {
        var gridBinding = {
            update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
                var grid = jqElement(element), opts = ko.toJS(valueAccessor()), url = opts.url;
                var customLoader = function (queryParams) {
                    if (opts.pagination) {
                        var paging = grid.datagrid(‘getPager‘).pagination(‘options‘);
                        queryParams = $.extend(queryParams, { page: paging.pageNumber, rows: paging.pageSize });
                        type: ‘get‘,
                        url: url,
                        data: queryParams,
                        success: function (d) {
                            if ($.isFunction(opts.afterCustomSuccess)) opts.afterCustomSuccess(d);
                            grid[gridType](‘loadData‘, d);

                if (opts.treeField && opts.parentField) { //only for treegrid
                    opts.loadFilter = function (data) {
                        return utils.toTreeData(data.rows || data, opts.idField||opts.treeField, opts.parentField, "children");

                var handler = function () {    
                    if (grid.data(gridType)) {
                        if (opts.customLoad)
                    } else {
                        var defaults = {
                            iconCls: ‘icon icon-list‘,
                            nowrap: true,           //折行
                            rownumbers: true,       //行号
                            striped: true,          //隔行变色
                            singleSelect: true,     //单选
                            remoteSort: true,       //后台排序
                            pagination: false,      //翻页
                            pageSize: 20,
                            contentType: "application/json",
                            method: "POST"
                        var winsize = function (size) {
                            var ret = {};
                            if (size && size.w) ret.width = jqElement(window).width() - size.w;
                            if (size && size.h) ret.height = jqElement(window).height() - size.h;
                            return ret;

                        opts = $.extend(defaults, opts, winsize(opts.size));
                        if (opts.customLoad) {
                            if (opts.remoteSort)
                                opts.onSortColumn = function (sort, order) { customLoader($.extend(opts.queryParams, { sort: sort, order: order })); };


                            if (opts.pagination)
                                grid[gridType](‘getPager‘).pagination({ onSelectPage: customLoader });

                        valueAccessor()[gridType] = function () { return grid[gridType].apply(grid, arguments); }
                        valueAccessor()[‘$element‘] = function () { return grid; };
                        if (opts.size) jqElement(window).resize(function () { grid[gridType](‘resize‘, winsize(opts.size)); });

                grid[gridType] ? handler() : using([gridType], function () {
                    if (gridType==‘treegrid‘) com.loadCss(‘/content/images/icon/icon.css‘, document, true);//解决图标被tree.css覆盖的问题

        return gridBinding;

    ko.bindingHandlers.datagrid = ko.creatEasyuiGridBindings(‘datagrid‘);
    ko.bindingHandlers.treegrid = ko.creatEasyuiGridBindings(‘treegrid‘);
     * easyui binding
     * 例如:easyuiCombotree、easyuiCombobox、easyuiLinkbutton
    ko.createEasyuiInitBindings = function (o) {
        o = $.extend({ type: ‘‘ },o);
        var customBinding = {
            init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
                var jq = jqElement(element), opt = ko.mapping.toJS(valueAccessor());
                var handler = function () {
                jq[o.type] ? handler() : using(o.type, handler);

                //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding)
                ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function () {
                valueAccessor()["$element"] = function () { return jq };
            update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
                var jq = jqElement(element), opt = ko.mapping.toJS(valueAccessor());
                if (jq[o.type]) jq[o.type](opt);
        var bindName = ‘easyui‘ + o.type.replace(/(^|\s+)\w/g, function (s) {return s.toUpperCase();});
        ko.bindingHandlers[bindName] = customBinding;

    ko.createEasyuiInitBindings({ type: ‘combotree‘ });
    ko.createEasyuiInitBindings({ type: ‘combobox‘ });
    ko.createEasyuiInitBindings({ type: ‘linkbutton‘ });

     * inputwidth、autoheight、autowidth binding
    ko.bindingHandlers.inputwidth = {
        update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
            var that = $(element), widthStr = ko.toJS(valueAccessor());
            var calcWidth = function (w) {
                var rate = 1
                if (typeof w == ‘string‘) {
                    if (w.indexOf("px") > -1 || w.indexOf("PX") > -1) w = w.replace("px", "").replace("PX", "");
                    if (w.indexOf("%") > -1) w = w.replace("%", "") / 100;
                if (w > 0 && w <= 1) {
                    rate = w;
                    w = $(".val").width();
                return w * rate;
            var resizeWidth = function () {
                var width = calcWidth(widthStr);
                    { selector: ‘input.txtBox‘, handler: function (jq) { jq.width(width - 8); } },            //pading3*2 + border1*2 = 8
                    { selector: ‘input[comboname],input.combo-f‘, handler: function (jq) { jq.combo(‘resize‘, width); } }               
                ], function () {
                    var jq = that.find(this.selector);
                    if (jq.length > 0) this.handler(jq);
                    if (that.is(this.selector)) this.handler(that);

    ko.bindingHandlers.autoheight = {
        update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
            var that = $(element), obserable = valueAccessor(),
               height = $.isFunction(obserable) ? obserable() : obserable;
            that.height($(window).height() - height);
            $(window).resize(function () { that.height($(window).height() - height); });
    ko.bindingHandlers.autowidth = {
        update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
            var that = $(element), obserable = valueAccessor(),
               width = $.isFunction(obserable) ? obserable() : obserable;
            that.width($(window).width() - width);
            $(window).resize(function () { that.width($(window).width() - width); });
     * 实现js与页面绑定
    ko.bindingViewModel = function (viewModelInstance,node) {
        using(‘parser‘, function () {
            $.parser.onComplete = function () {
                ko.applyBindings(viewModelInstance, node || document.body);
})(jQuery, ko);
View Code

    自定义绑定,使 knockout 和 easyUI 关联,作用于页面中


  3. receive.jsp

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN">
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <%@ include file="/common/head.jsp"%>
     <div class="toolbar">
        <a href="#" plain="true" class="easyui-linkbutton"  icon="icon-arrow_refresh"   title="刷新" data-bind="click:refreshClick">刷新</a>
        <a href="#" plain="true" class="easyui-linkbutton"  icon="icon-add"             title="新增" data-bind="click:addClick"    >新增</a>
        <a href="#" plain="true" class="easyui-linkbutton"  icon="icon-edit"            title="编辑" data-bind="click:editClick"   >编辑</a>
        <a href="#" plain="true" class="easyui-linkbutton"  icon="icon-cross"           title="删除" data-bind="click:deleteClick" >删除</a>    
        <a href="#" plain="true" class="easyui-linkbutton"  icon="icon-user-accept"     title="审核" data-bind="click:auditClick"  >审核</a>
    <div class="container_12" style="position:relative;">
        <div class="grid_1 lbl">收料单号</div>
        <div class="grid_2 val"><input type="text" data-bind="value:form.billNo" class="easyui-autocomplete txtBox" data-options="url:rootPath+‘/mms/receive!getBillNo.do‘"/></div>
        <div class="grid_1 lbl">供应商</div>
        <div class="grid_2 val"><input type="text" data-bind="value:form.supplierName" class="easyui-autocomplete txtBox" data-options="url:rootPath+‘/mms/merchants!getNames.do‘"/></div>
        <div class="grid_1 lbl">合同名称</div>
        <div class="grid_2 val"><input type="text" data-bind="value:form.contractCode" class="txtBox"/></div>
        <div class="clear"></div>         
        <div class="grid_1 lbl">库房</div>
        <div class="grid_2 val"><input type="text" data-bind="comboboxValue:form.warehouseCode,datasource:dataSource.warehouseItems" class="easyui-combobox txtBox " data-options="showblank:true"/></div>
        <div class="grid_1 lbl">供应类型</div>
        <div class="grid_2 val"><input type="text" data-bind="comboboxValue:form.supplyType,datasource:dataSource.supplyType" class="easyui-combobox txtBox " data-options="showblank:true" /></div>
        <div class="grid_1 lbl">收料日期</div>
        <div class="grid_2 val"><input type="text" data-bind="value:form.receiveDate,readOnly:true" class="txtBox easyui-daterange"/></div>
        <div class="clear"></div>  
        <div class="prefix_9" style="position:absolute;top:5px;height:0;">  
            <a id="search" href="#" class="buttonHuge button-blue" data-bind="click:searchClick" style="margin:0 15px;">查询</a> 
            <a id="reset"  href="#" class="buttonHuge button-blue" data-bind="click:clearClick">清空</a>
    <table data-bind="datagrid:grid">
                <th field="billNo"              sortable="true" align="left"    width="90"                              >收料单号   </th>                       
                <th field="supplierName"        sortable="true" align="left"    width="200"                             >供应商     </th> 
                <th field="supplyType"          sortable="true" align="center"  width="70"  formatter="com.formateSupplyType" >供应类型   </th> 
                <th field="contractCode"        sortable="true" align="left"    width="100"                              >合同名称   </th> 
                <th field="warehouseName"       sortable="true" align="left"    width="100"                             >库房       </th> 
                <th field="receiveDate"         sortable="true" align="center"  width="120"  formatter="com.formatTime"  >收料日期   </th>                       
                <th field="totalMoney"          sortable="true" align="right"   width="70"  formatter="com.formatMoney" >金额       </th>  
                <th field="originalNum"         sortable="true" align="left"    width="90"                              >原始票号   </th>  
                <th field="doPerson"            sortable="true" align="left"    width="60"                              >经办人     </th>                                           
                <th field="remark"              sortable="true" align="left"    width="150"                             >备注       </th>   
    <%@ include file="/common/foot.jsp"%>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="viewModel/mms/mms.com.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="viewModel/mms/receive.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">    
        using([messager, dialog], function(){
            var data = ${data};                
            ko.bindingViewModel(new viewModelReceive(data));
View Code

    材料收料单列表界面,应用 data-bind 与数据模型进行绑定


  4. receive.js

function viewModelReceive(data){ 
    com.formateSupplyType = utils.fnValueToText(data.dataSource.supplyType);
    var self = this;
    this.dataSource = data.dataSource;
    this.form = ko.mapping.fromJS(data.form);
    delete this.form.__ko_mapping__;
    this.grid = {
        size: { w: 4, h: 94 },
        url: rootPath + ‘/mms/receive!list.do‘,
        queryParams: ko.observable(),
        pagination: true,
        customLoad: false
    this.refreshClick = function () {
    this.addClick = function () {
        window.location.href = rootPath + ‘/mms/receive!add.do‘;
    this.deleteClick = function () {
        var row = self.grid.datagrid(‘getSelected‘);
        if (!row) return com.message(‘warning‘, ‘请先选择一条收料单!‘);
        com.message(‘confirm‘, ‘确定要删除选中的收料单吗?‘, function (b) {
            if (b) {
                    type: ‘DELETE‘, 
                    url: rootPath + "/mms/receive!delete.do?billNo=" + row[‘billNo‘], 
                    success: function () {
                        com.message(‘success‘, ‘删除成功!‘);
    this.editClick = function () {
        var row = self.grid.datagrid(‘getSelected‘);
        if (!row) return com.message(‘warning‘, ‘请先选择一条收料单!‘);
        window.location.href = rootPath + ‘/mms/receive!edit.do?billNo=‘ + row[‘billNo‘];
    this.searchClick = function () {
        var param = ko.toJS(this.form);
    this.clearClick = function () {
        $.each(self.form, function () { this(‘‘); });
    this.grid.onDblClickRow = this.editClick;

    this.auditClick = function () {
        var row = self.grid.datagrid(‘getSelected‘);
        if (!row) return com.message(‘warning‘, ‘请先选择一条收料单!‘);
        mms.com.auditDialogList(function (d) {
                type: ‘POST‘,
                url: rootPath + "/mms/receive!audit.do?billNo=" + row[‘billNo‘],
                data: JSON.stringify(d),
                success: function () {
                    com.message(‘success‘, ‘单据已审核!‘);
View Code

    材料收料单列表界面的数据模型,利用 knockout 与界面绑定


四. 效果图

  1. 材料收料单列表界面


  2. 材料收料单编辑界面




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