图灵奖作为计算机领域的世界顶级大奖,从1966年到2015年共有64位牛人获得该奖,其中有3位是杰出女性,超值得点赞,她们分别是Frances E. Allen(编译器优化)、Barbara Liskov(编程语言和分布式系统)、Shafi Goldwasser(加密算法复杂度理论)。
分布式相关的获奖者有2位,分别是Barbara Liskov(ViewStamp Replication和Byzantine Fault Tolerance发明者)和Leslie Lamport(PAXOS, Logic Timeclock, TLA+发明者)。
数据库相关的获奖者有4位,分别是Charles W. Bachman(数据库 Integrated DataStore), Edgar F.Codd(关系型数据库 OLAP, Relational model, Codd‘s 12 rules, Boyce–Codd normal form), Jim Gray(OLTP, ACID发明者), Michael Stonebraker(Ingres, Postgres,Vertica, Streambase, Illustra, VoltDB, SciDB发明者)。
获奖的重点方向在计算机理论和算法,共31人(包括著名的Edsger W. Dijkstra, Donald E. Knuth这些耳熟能详的大牛,以及杰出的华人计算机科学家Andrew Chi-Chih Yao姚期智),它仍然是计算机领域的皇冠。人工智能领域更是计算机世界的翘楚,从1969年MarvinMinsky开始获奖一直火到现在,已经有7人在该领域获奖,并且随着Alpha Go的横空出世,该领域还会越来越繁荣。
年YEAR | 获奖者Recipients | 贡献Known For |
1966 | Alan J. Perlis 1922 – 1990 | 编程技术和编译器 IT, ALGOL |
1967 | Maurice Wilkes 1913 – 2010 | 第一台计算机EDSAC EDSAC, Mercury Delay Line Memory, Microprogramming, Library |
1968 | Richard Hamming 1915 – 1998 | 数字方法,编码系统,错误检测、纠错码 Hamming code, window, numbers, distance |
1969 | Marvin Minsky 1927 - 2016 | 人工智能 AI |
1970 | James H. Wilkinson 1919 - 1986 | 数字分析 Wilkinson matrix |
1971 | John McCarthy 1927 - 2011 | 人工智能 AI; Lisp; Circumscription; Situation calculus |
1972 | Edsger W. Dijkstra 1930 - 2002 | 算法 Dijkstra‘s algorithm |
1973 | Charles W. Bachman 1924 - | 数据库 Integrated Data Store |
1974 | Donald E. Knuth 1938 - | 算法 The Art of Computer Programming |
1975 | Allen Newell 1927 - 1992 | 人工智能,人类识别 Information Processing Language Soar, Logic Theory Machine, General Problem Solver, Bounded rationality Satisficing |
Herbert A. Simon 1916 - 2001 | ||
1976 | Michael O. Rabinand 1931 - | 非确定性状态机、算法、自动化 |
Dana S. Scott 1932 - | ||
1977 | John Backus 1924 - 2007 | Fortran编程语言 Speedcoding, FORTRAN, ALGOL, Backus–Naur form, Function-level programming |
1978 | Robert W. Floyd 1936 - 2001 | 算法分析 Floyd–Warshall algorithm, Floyd–Steinberg dithering, Floyd‘s cycle-finding algorithm |
1979 | Kenneth E. Iverson 1920 - 2004 | 编程语言 Programming languages: APL, J |
1980 | Tony Hoare 1934 - | 算法, 编程语言 |
1981 | Edgar F. Codd 1923 - 2003 | 关系型数据库 OLAP, Relational model |
1982 | Stephen A. Cook 1939 - | NP问题, 计算复杂度 NP-completeness, Propositional proof complexity, Cook-Levin theorem |
1983 | Ken Thompson 1943 - | UNIX操作系统 Unix, B, UTF-8, Go |
Dennis M. Ritchie 1941 - 2011 | UNIX操作系统 ALTRAN, B, C, Unix | |
1984 | Niklaus Wirth 1934 - | 编程语言 Algol, Euler, Pascal, Modula, Oberon |
1985 | Richard M. Karp 1935 - | 网络算法, NP问题 Edmonds–Karp algorithm, |
1986 | John Hopcroftand 1939 - | 算法和数据结构 Algorithms and data structures |
Robert Tarjan 1948 - | ||
1987 | John Cocke 1925 - 2002 | RISC指令集 RISC, CYK algorithm |
1988 | Ivan Sutherland 1938 - | 计算机图形 Father of computer graphics |
1989 | William Kahan 1933 - | 数字分析, 浮点数 IEEE 754, Kahan summation algorithm |
1990 | Fernando J. Corbató 1926 - | 大型分时复用计算机系统 Multics |
1991 | Robin Milner 1934 - 2010 | 并发系统 LCF, ML, CCS |
1992 | Butler W. Lampson 1943 - | 工作站, 网络, 操作系统 SDS 940, Xerox Alto |
1993 | Juris Hartmanisand 1928 - | 计算复杂度理论 |
Richard E. Stearns 1936 - | ||
1994 | Edward Feigenbaum 1936 - | 人工智能、专家系统 Expert system, DENDRAL project |
Raj Reddy 1937 - | ||
1995 | Manuel Blum 1938 - | 计算复杂度理论 Blum complexity axioms, speedup theorem, Blum Shub, Blum-Goldwasser cryptosystem |
1996 | Amir Pnueli 1941 - 2009 | 计算机理论-时间逻辑 Temporal Logic |
1997 | Douglas Engelbart 1925 - 2013 | 鼠标, 超文本, 交互式计算 Computer mouse, Hypertext, Groupware, Interactive computing |
1998 | Jim Gray 1944 - 2007 | 数据库 OLTP, ACID |
1999 | Frederick P. Brooks 1931 - | 大型机, 人月神话 OS/360, The Mythical Man-Month |
2000 | Andrew Chi-Chih Yao 1946 - | 计算机理论 伪随机数, 加密, Yao‘s Principle |
2001 | Ole-Johan Dahland 1931 - 2002 | 面向对象编程 Simula Object-oriented programming |
Kristen Nygaard 1926 - 2002 | ||
2002 | Ronald L. Rivest 1947 - | RSA加密算法 |
Adi Shamir 1952 - | ||
Leonard M. Adleman 1945 - | ||
2003 | Alan Kay 1940 - | 视窗,笔记本 Dynabook, Smalltalk, graphical user interface windows, object-oriented programming |
2004 | Vinton G. Cerfand 1943 - | 网络 TCP/IP, Internet Society |
Robert E. Kahn 1938 - | ||
2005 | Peter Naur 1928 - 2016 | 编程语言 ALGOL |
2006 | Frances E. Allen 1932 - | 编译器 High-performance computing, parallel computing, compiler organization, optimization |
2007 | Edmund M. Clarke 1945 - | 建模检测 Development of Model-Checking |
E. Allen Emersonand 1954 - | ||
Joseph Sifakis 1946 - | ||
2008 | Barbara Liskov 1939 - | 分布式,编程语言 Venus (operating system), CLU and Argus, Thor (object-orientated database), |
2009 | Charles P. Thacker 1943 - | 个人计算机, PC, 以太网 Alto (computer) |
2010 | Leslie G. Valiant 1949 - | 计算理论 Valiant–Vazirani theorem, Counting problem (complexity) |
2011 | Judea Pear 1936 - | 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence, Causality, Bayesian Networks |
2012 | Silvio Micali 1954 - | 加密复杂度理论 Goldwasser–Micali cryptosystem |
Shafi Goldwasser 1958 - | ||
2013 | Leslie Lamport 1941 - | PAXOS, TLA, 分布式 Sequential consistency, Atomic Register Hierarchy, Lamport‘s bakery algorithm, Byzantine fault tolerance, Paxos |
2014 | Michael Stonebraker 1943 - | 数据库 Ingres, Postgres, Vertica, Streambase, Illustra, VoltDB, SciDB |
2015 | Martin E. Hellman 1945 - | 密码学 Diffie–Hellman key exchange |
Whitfield Diffie 1944 |
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