===================BSIM4.3.0 Model Selectors/Controllers============
LEVEL SPICE3 model selector
VERSION Model version
BINUNIT Binning unitr
PARAMCHK Switch for parameter value check
MOBMOD Mobility model
RDSMOD Bias-dependent source/drain resistance model
IGCMOD Gate-to-channel tunneling current model
IGBMOD Gate-to-substrate tunneling current model
CAPMOD Capacitance model
RGATEMOD Gate resistance model
RBODYMOD Substrate resistance network model
TRNQSMOD Transient NQS model
ACNQSMOD AC small-signal NQS model
FNOIMOD Flicker noise model
TNOIMOD Thermal noise model
DIOMOD Source/drain junction diode IV
TEMPMOD Temperature mode selector
PERMOD Whether PS/PD includes the gate-edge perimeter
GEOMOD Geometry-dependent parasitics
RGEOMOD Source/drain diffusion resistance and contact model
=====================Process Parameters======================
EPSROX Gate dielectric constant relative to vacuum 3.9 (SiO2)
TOXE Electrical gate equivalent oxide thicknes
TOXP Physical gate equivalent oxide thickness
TOXM Tox at which parameters are extracted
DTOX Defined as (TOXE-TOXP)
XJ S/D junction depth
GAMMA1 (g1 in equation) Body-effect coefficient near the surface
GAMMA2 (g2 in equation) Body-effect coefficient in bulk
NDEP Channel doping concentration at depletion edge for zero body bias
NSUB Substrate doping concentration
NGATE Poly Si gate doping concentration
NSD Source/drain doping concentration
VBX Vbs at which the depletion region width equalsXT
XT Doping depth 1.55e-7m Yes -
RSH Source/drain sheet resistance
RSHG Gate electrode sheet resistance
=======================Basic Model Parameters==========================
VTH0 or VTHO Long-channel threshold voltage at Vbs=0 0.7V (NMOS) -0.7V (PMOS) Yes Note-4
VFB Flat-band voltage -1.0V Yes Note-4
PHIN Non-uniform. vertical doping effect on surface potential 0.0V Yes -
K1 First-order body bias coefficient 0.5V1/2 Yes Note-5
K2 Second-order body bias coefficient 0.0 Yes Note-5
K3 Narrow width coefficient 80.0 Yes -
K3B Body effect coefficient of K3 0.0 V-1 Yes -
W0 Narrow width parameter 2.5e-6m Yes -
LPE0 Lateral non-uniform. doping parameter at Vbs=0 1.74e-7m Yes -
LPEB Lateral non-uniform. doping effect on K1 0.0m Yes -
VBM Maximum applied body bias in VTH0 calculation -3.0V Yes -
DVT0 First coefficient of short-channel effect on Vth 2.2 Yes -
DVT1 Second coefficient of short-channel effect on Vth 0.53 Yes -
DVT2 Body-bias coefficient of short-channel effect on Vth -0.032V-1 Yes -
DVTP0 First coefficient of drain-inducedVth shift due to for long-channel pocket devices 0.0m Yes Not modeled if binned DVTP0 <=0.0
DVTP1 First coefficient of drain-inducedVth shift due to for long-channel pocket devices 0.0V-1 Yes -
DVT0W First coefficient of narrow width effect on Vth for small channel length 0.0 Yes -
DVT1W Second coefficient of narrow width effect on Vth for small channel length 5.3e6m-1 Yes -
DVT2W Body-bias coefficient of narrow width effect for small channel length -0.032V-1 Yes -
U0 Low-field mobility 0.067 m2/(Vs) (NMOS); 0.025 m2/(Vs) PMOS Yes -
UA Coefficient of first-order mobility degradation due to vertical field 1.0e-9m/V for MOBMOD =0 and 1; 1.0e-15m/V for MOBMOD =2 Yes -
UB Coefficient of secon-order mobility degradation due to vertical field 1.0e-19m2/ V2 Yes -
UC Coefficient of mobility degradation due to body-bias effect -0.0465V-1 for MOBMOD=1; -0.0465e-9 m/V2 for MOBMOD =0 and 2 Yes -
EU Exponent for mobility degradation of MOBMOD=2 1.67 (NMOS); 1.0 (PMOS) -
VSAT Saturation velocity 8.0e4m/s Yes -
A0 Coefficient of channel-length dependence of bulk charge effect 1.0 Yes -
AGS Coefficient of Vgs dependence of bulk charge effect 0.0V-1 Yes -
B0 Bulk charge effect coefficient for channel width 0.0m Yes -
B1 Bulk charge effect width offset 0.0m Yes -
KETA Body-bias coefficient of bulk charge effect -0.047V-1 Yes -
A1 First non-saturation effect parameter 0.0V-1 Yes -
A2 Second non-saturation factor 1.0 Yes -
WINT Channel-width offset parameter 0.0m No -
LINT Channel-length offset parameter 0.0m No -
DWG Coefficient of gate bias dependence of Weff 0.0m/V Yes -
DWB Coefficient of body bias dependence of Weff bias dependence 0.0m/V1/2 Yes -
VOFF Offset voltage in subthreshold region for large W and L -0.08V Yes -
VOFFL Channel-length dependence of VOFF 0.0mV No -
MINV Vgsteff fitting parameter for moderate inversion condition 0.0 Yes -
NFACTOR Subthreshold swing factor 1.0 Yes -
ETA0 DIBL coefficient in subthreshold region 0.08 Yes -
ETAB Body-bias coefficient for the subthreshold DIBL effect -0.07V-1 Yes -
DSUB DIBL coefficient exponent in subthreshold region DROUT Yes -
CIT Interface trap capacitance 0.0F/m2 Yes -
CDSC coupling capacitance between source/ drain and channel 2.4e-4F/m2 Yes -
CDSCB Body-bias sensitivity of Cdsc 0.0F/(Vm2) Yes -
CDSCD Drain-bias sensitivity of CDSC 0.0(F/Vm2) Yes -
PCLM Channel length modulation parameter 1.3 Yes -
PDIBLC1 Parameter for DIBL effect on Rout 0.39 Yes -
PDIBLC2 Parameter for DIBL effect on Rout 0.0086 Yes -
PDIBLCB Body bias coefficient of DIBL effect on Rout 0.0V-1 Yes -
DROUT Channel-length dependence of DIBL effect on Rout 0.56 Yes -
PSCBE1 First substrate current induced body-effect parameter 4.24e8V/m Yes -
PSCBE2 Second substrate current induced body-effect parameter 1.0e-5m/V Yes -
PVAG Gate-bias dependence of Early voltage 0.0 Yes -
DELTA (d in equation) Parameter for DC Vdseff 0.01V Yes -
FPROUT Effect of pocket implant on Rout degradation 0.0V/m0.5 Yes Not modeled if binned FPROUT not positive
PDITS Impact of drain-induced Vth shift on Rout 0.0V-1 Yes Not modeled if binned PDITS=0; Fatal error if binned PDITS negative
PDITSL Channel-length dependence of drain-induced Vth shift for Rout 0.0m-1 No Fatal error if PDITSL negative
PDITSD Vds dependence of drain-induced Vth shift for Rout 0.0V-1 Yes -
LAMBDA Velocity overshoot coefficient 0.0 Yes If not given or (<=0.0), velocity overshoot will be turned off
VTL Thermal velocity 2.05e5[m/s] Yes If not given or (<=0.0), source end thermal velocity will be turned off
LC Velocity back scattering coefficient 0.0[m] No 5e9[m] at room temperature
XN Velocity back scattering coefficient 3.0 Yes –
================Parameters for Asymmetric and Bias-Dependent Rds Model==================
RDSW Zero bias LDD resistance per unit width for RDSMOD=0 200.0 ohm(mm)WR Yes If negative, reset to 0.0
RDSWMIN LDD resistance per unit width at high Vgs and zero Vbs for RDSMOD=0 0.0 ohm(mm)WR No -
RDW Zero bias lightly-doped drain resistance Rd(V) per unit width for RDSMOD=1 100.0 ohm(mm)WR Yes -
RDWMIN Lightly-doped drain resistance per unit width at high Vgs and zero Vbs for RDSMOD=1 0.0 ohm(mm)WR No -
RSW Zero bias lightly-doped source resistance Rs(V) per unit width for RDSMOD=1 100.0 ohm(mm)WR Yes -
RSWMIN Lightly-doped source resistance per unit width at high Vgs and zero Vbs for RDSMOD=1 0.0 ohm(mm)WR No -
PRWG Gate-bias dependence of LDD resistance 1.0V-1 Yes -
PRWB Body-bias dependence of LDD resistance 0.0V-0.5 Yes -
WR Channel-width dependence parameter of LDD resistance 1.0 Yes -
NRS Number of source diffusion squares 1.0 No -
NRD Number of drain diffusion squares 1.0 No –
==================Impact Ionization Current Model Parameters==================
ALPHA0 First parameter of impact ionization current 0.0Am/V Yes -
ALPHA1 Isub parameter for length scaling 0.0A/V Yes -
BETA0 The second parameter of impact ionization current 30.0V Yes –
===================Gate-Induced Drain Leakage Model Parameters===================
AGIDL Pre-exponential coefficient for GIDL 0.0mho Yes Igidl=0.0 if binned AGIDL =0.0
BGIDL Exponential coefficient for GIDL 2.3e9V/m Yes Igidl=0.0 if binned BGIDL =0.0
CGIDL Paramter for body-bias effect on GIDL 0.5V3 Yes -
EGIDL Fitting parameter for band bending for GIDL 0.8V Yes –
===================Gate Dielectric Tunneling Current Model Parameters =============
AIGBACC Parameter for Igb in accumulation 0.43 (Fs2/g)0.5m-1 Yes -
BIGBACC Parameter for Igb in accumulation 0.054 (Fs2/g)0.5 m-1V-1 Yes -
CIGBACC Parameter for Igb in accumulation 0.075V-1 Yes -
NIGBACC Parameter for Igb in accumulation 1.0 Yes Fatal error if binned value not positive
AIGBINV Parameter for Igb in inversion 0.35 (Fs2/g)0.5m-1 Yes -
BIGBINV Parameter for Igb in inversion 0.03 (Fs2/g)0.5 m-1V-1 Yes -
CIGBINV Parameter for Igb in inversion 0.006V-1 Yes -
EIGBINV Parameter for Igb in inversion 1.1V Yes -
NIGBINV Parameter for Igb in inversion 3.0 Yes Fatal error if binned value not positive
AIGC Parameter for Igcs and Igcd 0.054 (NMOS) and 0.31 (PMOS) (Fs2/g)0.5m-1 Yes -
BIGC Parameter for Igcs and Igcd 0.054 (NMOS) and 0.024 (PMOS) (Fs2/g)0.5 m-1V-1 Yes -
CIGC Parameter for Igcs and Igcd 0.075 (NMOS) and 0.03 (PMOS) V-1 Yes -
AIGSD Parameter for Igs and Igd 0.43 (NMOS) and 0.31 (PMOS) (Fs2/g)0.5m-1 Yes -
BIGSD Parameter for Igs and Igd 0.054 (NMOS) and 0.024 (PMOS) (Fs2/g)0.5 m-1V-1 Yes -
CIGSD Parameter for Igs and Igd 0.075 (NMOS) and 0.03 (PMOS) V-1 Yes -
DLCIG Source/drain overlap length for Igs and Igd LINT Yes -
NIGC Parameter for Igcs, Igcd ,Igs and Igd 1.0 Yes Fatal error if binned value not positive
POXEDGE Factor for the gate oxide thickness in source/drain overlap regions 1.0 Yes Fatal error if binned value not positive
PIGCD Vds dependence of Igcs and Igcd 1.0 Yes Fatal error if binned value not positive
NTOX Exponent for the gate oxide ratio 1.0 Yes -
TOXREF Nominal gate oxide thickness for gate dielectric tunneling current model only 3.0e-9m No Fatal error if not positive
=============Charge and Capacitance Model Parameters========================
XPART Charge partition parameter 0.0 No -
CGSO Non LDD region source-gate overlap capacitance per unit channel width calculated (F/m) No Note-6
CGDO Non LDD region drain-gate overlap capacitance per unit channel width calculated (F/m) No Note-6
CGBO Gate-bulk overlap capacitance per unit channel length 0.0 F/m Note-6
CGSL Overlap capacitance between gate and lightly-doped source region 0.0F/m Yes -
CGDL Overlap capacitance between gate and lightly-doped source region 0.0F/m Yes -
CKAPPAS Coefficient of bias-dependent overlap capacitance for the source side 0.6V Yes -
CKAPPAD Coefficient of bias-dependent overlap capacitance for the drain side CKAPPAS Yes -
CF Fringing field capacitance calculated (F/m) Yes Note-7
CLC Constant term for the short channel model 1.0e-7m Yes -
CLE Exponential term for the short channel model 0.6 Yes -
DLC Channel-length offset parameter for CV model LINT (m) No -
DWC Channel-width offset parameter for CV model WINT (m) No -
VFBCV Flat-band voltage parameter (for CAPMOD=0 only) -1.0V Yes -
NOFF CV parameter in Vgsteff,CV for weak to strong inversion 1.0 Yes -
VOFFCV CV parameter in Vgsteff,CV for week to strong inversion 0.0V Yes -
ACDE Exponential coefficient for charge thickness in CAPMOD=2 for accumulation and depletion regions 1.0m/V Yes -
MOIN Coefficient for the gate-bias dependent surface potential 15.0 Yes –
=======================High-Speed/RF Model Parameters========================
XRCRG1 Parameter for distributed channel-resistance effect for both intrinsic-input resistance and charge-deficit NQS models 12.0 Yes Warning message issued if binned XRCRG1 <=0.0
XRCRG2 Parameter to account for the excess channel diffusion resistance for both intrinsic input resistance and charge-deficit NQS models 1.0 Yes -
RBPB Resistance connected between bNodePrime and bNode 50.0ohm No If less than 1.0e-3ohm, reset to 1.0e-3ohm
RBPD Resistance connected between bNodePrime and dbNode 50.0ohm No If less than 1.0e-3ohm, reset to 1.0e-3ohm
RBPS Resistance connected between bNodePrime and sbNode 50.0ohm No If less than 1.0e-3ohm, reset to 1.0e-3ohm
RBDB Resistance connected between dbNode and bNode 50.0ohm No If less than 1.0e-3ohm, reset to 1.0e-3ohm
RBSB Resistance connected between sbNode and bNode 50.0ohm No If less than 1.0e-3ohm, reset to 1.0e-3ohm
GBMIN Conductance in parallel with each of the five substrate resistances to avoid potential nuge issued if less than 1.0e-20 mho
=====================Flicker and Thermal Noise Model Parameters========================
NOIA Flicker noise parameter A 6.25e41 (eV)-1s1EFm-3 for NMOS; 6.188e40 (eV)-1s1EFm-3 for PMOS No -
NOIB Flicker noise parameter B 3.125e26 (eV)-1s1EFm-1 for NMOS; 1.5e25 (eV)-1s1EFm-1 for PMOS No -
NOIC Flicker noise parameter C 8.75 (eV)-1s1-EFm No -
EM Saturation field 4.1e7V/m No -
AF Flicker noise exponent 1.0 No -
EF Flicker noise frequency exponent 1.0 No -
KF Flicker noise coefficient 0.0 A2-EFs1-EF F No -
NTNOI Noise factor for short-channel devices for TNOIMOD=0 only 1.0 No -
TNOIA Coefficient of channel-length dependence of total channel thermal noise 1.5E6 No -
TNOIB Channel-length dependence parameter for channel thermal noise partitioning 3.5E6 No -
RNOIA Thermal Noise Coefficient 0.577 No -
RNOIB Thermal Noise Coefficient 0.37 No –
=======================Layout-Dependent Parasitics Model Parameters===================
DMCG Distance from S/D contact center to the gate edge 0.0m No -
DMCI Distance from S/D contact center to the isolation edge in the channel-length direction DMCG No -
DMDG Same as DMCG but for merged device only 0.0m No -
DMCGT DMCG of test structures 0.0m No -
NF Number of device fingers 1 No Fatal error if less than one
DWJ Offset of the S/D junction width DWC (in CVmodel) No -
MIN Whether to minimize the number of drain or source diffusions for even-number fingered device 0 (minimize the drain diffusion number) No -
XGW Distance from the gate contact to the channel edge 0.0m No -
XGL Offset of the gate length due to variations in patterning 0.0m No -
XL Channel length offset due to mask/ etch effect 0.0m No -
XW Channel width offset due to mask/etch effect 0.0m No -
NGCON Number of gate contacts 1 No Fatal error if less than one; if not equal to 1 or 2, warning message issued and reset to 1
=======================Asymmetric Source/Drain Junction Diode Model Parameters=====================
IJTHSREV Limiting current in reverse bias region IJTHSREV =0.1A IJTHDREV =IJTHSREV No If not positive, reset to 0.1A
IJTHSFWD Limiting current in forward bias region IJTHSFWD =0.1A IJTHDFWD =IJTHSFWD No If not positive, reset to 0.1A
XJBVS Fitting parameter for diode breakdown XJBVS=1.0 XJBVD =XJBVS No Note-8
BVS Breakdown voltage BVS=10.0V BVD=BVS No If not positive, reset to 10.0V
JSS Bottom junction reverse saturation current density JSS= 1.0e-4A/m2 JSD=JSS No -
JSWS Isolation-edge sidewall reverse saturation current density JSWS =0.0A/m JSWD =JSWS No -
JSWGS Gate-edge sidewall reverse saturation current density JSWGS =0.0A/m JSWGD =JSWGS No -
CJS Bottom junction capacitance per unit area at zero bias CJS=5.0e-4 F/m2 CJD=CJS No -
MJS Bottom junction capacitance grating coefficient MJS=0.5 MJD=MJS No -
MJSWS Isolation-edge sidewall junction capacitance grading coefficient MJSWS =0.33 MJSWD =MJSWS No -
CJSWS Isolation-edge sidewall junction capacitance per unit area CJSWS= 5.0e-10 F/m CJSWD =CJSWS No -
CJSWGS Gate-edge sidewall junction capacitance per unit length CJSWGS =CJSWS CJSWGD =CJSWS No -
MJSWGS Gate-edge sidewall junction capacitance grading coefficient MJSWGS =MJSWS MJSWGD =MJSWS No -
PB Bottom junction built-in potential PBS=1.0V PBD=PBS No -
PBSWS Isolation-edge sidewall junction built-in potential PBSWS =1.0V PBSWD =PBSWS No -
PBSWGS Gate-edge sidewall junction built-in potential PBSWGS =PBSWS PBSWGD =PBSWS No -
IJTHDREV Limiting current in reverse bias region IJTHSREV =0.1A IJTHDREV =IJTHSREV No If not positive, reset to 0.1A
IJTHDFWD Limiting current in forward bias region IJTHSFWD =0.1A IJTHDFWD =IJTHSFWD No If not positive, reset to 0.1A
XJBVD Fitting parameter for diode breakdown XJBVS=1.0 XJBVD =XJBVS No Note-8
BVD Breakdown voltage BVS=10.0V BVD=BVS No If not positive, reset to 10.0V
JSD Bottom junction reverse saturation current density JSS= 1.0e-4A/m2 JSD=JSS No -
JSWD Isolation-edge sidewall reverse saturation current density JSWS =0.0A/m JSWD =JSWS No -
JSWGD Gate-edge sidewall reverse saturation current density JSWGS =0.0A/m JSWGD =JSWGS No -
CJD Bottom junction capacitance per unit area at zero bias CJS=5.0e-4 F/m2 CJD=CJS No -
MJD Bottom junction capacitance grating coefficient MJS=0.5 MJD=MJS No -
MJSWD Isolation-edge sidewall junction capacitance grading coefficient MJSWS =0.33 MJSWD =MJSWS No -
CJSWD Isolation-edge sidewall junction capacitance per unit area CJSWS= 5.0e-10 F/m CJSWD =CJSWS No -
CJSWGD Gate-edge sidewall junction capacitance per unit length CJSWGS =CJSWS CJSWGD =CJSWS No -
MJSWGD Gate-edge sidewall junction capacitance grading coefficient MJSWGS =MJSWS MJSWGD =MJSWS No -
PBSWD Isolation-edge sidewall junction built-in potential PBSWS =1.0V PBSWD =PBSWS No -
PBSWGD Gate-edge sidewall junction built-in potential PBSWGS =PBSWS PBSWGD =PBSWS No –
=======================Temperature Dependence Parameters=====================================
TNOM Temperature at which parameters are extracted 27oC No -
UTE Mobility temperature exponent -1.5 Yes -
KT1 Temperature coefficient for threshold voltage -0.11V Yes -
KT1L Channel length dependence of the temperature coefficient for threshold voltage 0.0Vm Yes -
KT2 Body-bias coefficient of Vth temperature effect 0.022 Yes -
UA1 Temperature coefficient for UA 1.0e-9m/V Yes -
UB1 Temperature coefficient for UB -1.0e-18 (m/V)2 Yes -
UC1 Temperature coefficient for UC 0.056V-1 for MOBMOD=1; 0.056e-9m/ V2 for MOBMOD=0 and 2 Yes -
AT Temperature coefficient for saturation velocity 3.3e4m/s Yes -
PRT Temperature coefficient for Rdsw 0.0ohm-m Yes -
NJS Emission coefficients of junction for source and drain junctions, respectively NJS=1.0; NJD=NJS No -
XTIS Junction current temperature exponents for source and drain junctions, respectively XTIS=3.0; XTID=XTIS No -
NJD Emission coefficients of junction for source and drain junctions, respectively NJS=1.0; NJD=NJS No -
XTID Junction current temperature exponents for source and drain junctions, respectively XTIS=3.0; XTID=XTIS No -
TPB Temperature coefficient of PB 0.0V/K No -
TPBSW Temperature coefficient of PBSW 0.0V/K No -
TPBSWG Temperature coefficient of PBSWG 0.0V/K No -
TCJ Temperature coefficient of CJ 0.0K-1 No -
TCJSW Temperature coefficient of CJSW 0.0K-1 No -
TCJSWG Temperature coefficient of CJSWG 0.0K-1 No –
=====================Stress Effect Model Parameters====================================
SA Distance between OD edge to Poly from one side 0.0 If not given or(<=0), stress effect will be turned off
SB Distance between OD edge to Poly from other side 0.0 If not given or(<=0), stress effect will be turned off
SD Distance between neighbouring fingers 0.0 For NF>1 :If not given or(<=0), stress effect will be turned off
SAref Reference distance between OD and edge to poly of one side 1E-06[m] No >0.0
SBref Reference distance between OD and edge to poly of the other side 1E-06[m] No >0.0
WLOD Width parameter for stress effect 0.0[m] No -
KU0 Mobility degradation/enhancement coefficient for stress effect 0.0[m] No -
KVSAT Saturation velocity degradation/ enhancement parameter for stress effect 0.0[m] No -1<=kvsat< =1
TKU0 Temperature coefficient of KU0 0.0 No -
LKU0 Length dependence of ku0 0.0 No -
WKU0 Width dependence of ku0 0.0 No -
LLODKU0 Length parameter for u0 stress effect 0.0 No >0
WLODKU0 Width parameter for u0 stress effect 0.0 No >0
KVTH0 Threshold shift parameter for stress effect 0.0[Vm] No -
LKVTH0 Length dependence of kvth0 0.0 No -
WKVTH0 Width dependence of kvth0 0.0 No -
PKVTH0 Cross-term dependence of kvth0 0.0 No -
LLODVTH Length parameter for Vth stress effect 0.0 No >0
WLODVTH Width parameter for Vth stress effect 0.0 No >0
STK2 K2 shift factor related to Vth0 change 0.0[m] No
LODK2 K2 shift modification factor for stress effect 1.0 No >0
STETA0 eta0 shift factor related to Vth0 change 0.0[m] No
LODETA0 eta0 shift modification factor for stress effect 1.0 No >0
===================dW and dL Parameters=====================
WL Coefficient of length dependence for width offset 0.0mWLN No -
WLN Power of length dependence of width offset 1.0 No -
WW Coefficient of width dependence for width offset 0.0mWWN No -
WWN Power of width dependence of width offset 1.0 No -
WWL Coefficient of length and width cross term dependence for width offset 0.0 mWWN+WLN No -
LL Coefficient of length dependence for length offset 0.0mLLN No -
LLN Power of length dependence for length offset 1.0 No -
LW Coefficient of width dependence for length offset 0.0mLWN No -
LWN Power of width dependence for length offset 1.0 No -
LWL Coefficient of length and width cross term dependence for length offset 0.0 mLWN+LLN No -
LLC Coefficient of length dependence for CV channel length offset LL No -
LWC Coefficient of width dependence for CV channel length offset LW No -
LWLC Coefficient of length and width cross-term dependence for CV channel length offset LWL No -
WLC Coefficient of length dependence for CV channel width offset WL No -
WWC Coefficient of width dependence for CV channel width offset WW No -
WWLC Coefficient of length and width cross-term dependence for CV channel width offset WWL No –
===================Range Parameters for Model Application=========================
LMIN Minimum channel length 0.0m No -
LMAX Maximum channel length 1.0m No -
WMIN Minimum channel width 0.0m No -
WMAX Maximum channel width 1.0m No -