vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/resilio-sync.list 在文件中添加如下源 deb http://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/deb resilio-sync non-free
wget -qO - https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install resilio-sync
sudo systemctl enable resilio-sync
编辑文件/usr/lib/systemd/user/resilio-sync.service,改变"WantedBy=multi-user.target" 变成 "WantedBy=default.target"
systemctl --user enable resilio-sync
systemctl --user start resilio-sync
Upgrade. If you have btsync package installed and running, stop it before installing resilio-sync.
All settings from btsync will be moved to resilio-sync.
Before updating from btsync to resilio-sync check the size of
/var/lib/btsync folder and ensure that your computer has enough free
space to store the double of it.
If it‘s too big, you can safely delete sync.log (and its archive) and journals.
If you DO NOT have btsync package installed, ignore the note above and proceed to installing resilio-sync package. Installing resilio-sync package on Raspberry Pi devices follow the same installation steps (with one extra step for RPI1 - see below).
To install Sync from Resilio repository, you need to complete 3 steps:
Add repository
Add PGP public key for package verification
Install the package
Before installing Resilio Sync package, stop btsync service.
Create file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/resilio-sync.list with the following content to register Resilio repository:
deb http://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/deb resilio-sync non-free
Add public key with the following command:
wget -qO - https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc | sudo apt-key add -
Also you can use the following command to add public key:
curl -LO https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc && sudo apt-key add ./key.asc
For arm64 architecture | For Raspberry Pi 1 |
In /etc/apt/sources.list change the line as follows: deb [arch=armhf] http://linux-packages.resilio.com/ resilio-sync/deb resilio-sync non-free | sudo dpkg --add-architecture armel |
Install Sync
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install resilio-sync
Only arm and x64 arch are available.
Create file /etc/yum.repos.d/resilio-sync.repo with the following content to register Resilio repository:
name=Resilio Sync $basearch
Add public key:
sudo rpm --import https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc
Install Sync:
sudo yum install resilio-sync
Enable sync service automatic startup as user rslsync:
sudo systemctl enable resilio-sync
Enable sync service as current user:
edit file /usr/lib/systemd/user/resilio-sync.service and change "WantedBy=multi-user.target" to "WantedBy=default.target". Save. Then enable the service:
systemctl --user enable resilio-sync
Systemctl can be also run with the following arguments: start, stop, enable, disable, status
For example:
systemctl --user start resilio-sync
Run as rslsync user:
sudo service resilio-sync start
Service can also be run with the following arguments: start, stop, restart
Guide on how to use Sync on linux is here.
After successful migration and verifying that setup is preserved, you can remove btsync package:
sudo apt-get purge btsync
sudo yum remove btsync
本文出自 “知道的越多越觉得自己渺小” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://johnjohn.blog.51cto.com/4481703/1890912