Awk 变量以字母开头,后续字符可以是数字、字母、或下划线。关键字不能用作 awk 变量。awk 变量可以直接使用而不需事先声明。 如果要初始化变量,最好在BEGIN 区域内做,它只会执行一次。Awk 中没有数据类型的概念,一个 awk 变量是 number 还是 string 取决于该变量所处的上下文。
[root@localhost ~]# cat emp4 101,John Doe,CEO,10000 102,Jason Smith,IT Manager,5000 103,Raj Reddy,Sysadmin,4500 104,Anand Ram,Developer,4500 105,Jane Miller,Sales Manager,3000 [root@localhost ~]# cat emp.awk BEGIN{ FS=","; total=0; } { print $2 "‘s salary is:" $4; total=total+$4; } END{ print "---\nTotal company salary=$"total; } [root@localhost ~]# awk -f emp.awk emp4 John Doe‘s salary is:10000 Jason Smith‘s salary is:5000 Raj Reddy‘s salary is:4500 Anand Ram‘s salary is:4500 Jane Miller‘s salary is:3000 --- Total company salary=$27000
[root@localhost ~]# cat emp4 101,John Doe,CEO,10000 102,Jason Smith,IT Manager,5000 103,Raj Reddy,Sysadmin,4500 104,Anand Ram,Developer,4500 105,Jane Miller,Sales Manager,3000 [root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘{print -$4}‘ emp4 -10000 -5000 -4500 -4500 -3000
[root@localhost ~]# cat num -1 -2 -3 [root@localhost ~]# awk ‘{print +$1}‘ num -1 -2 -3 [root@localhost ~]# awk ‘{print -$1}‘ num 1 2 3
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘{print ++$4}‘ emp4 #前自加 10001 5001 4501 4501 3001 [root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘{print --$4}‘ emp4 #前自减 9999 4999 4499 4499
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘{$4--;print $4}‘ emp4 #后自减 9999 4999 4499 4499 2999 [root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘{$4++;print $4}‘ emp4 #后自加 10001 5001 4501 4501 3001
实例3:打印所有可登陆 shell 的用户总数:
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F‘:‘ >‘$NF ~ /\/bin\/bash/ { n++ } > END { print n }‘ /etc/passwd 10 [root@localhost ~]# grep -c ‘/bin/bash$‘ /etc/passwd 10
[root@localhost ~]# cat num 1 2 1 1 3 4 2 [root@localhost ~]# awk ‘/1/{print NF}‘ num 1 1 1 [root@localhost ~]# awk ‘/1/{n++}END{print n}‘ num 3 [root@localhost ~]# awk ‘/2/{n++}END{print n}‘ num 2 [root@localhost ~]# awk ‘/3/{n++}END{print n}‘ num 1 [root@localhost ~]# awk ‘/4/{n++}END{print n}‘ num 1
需要两个操作数的操作符,成为二元操作符。 Awk 中有多种基本二元操作符(如算术操作符、 字符串操作符、赋值操作符,等等)。
实例1:将每件单独的商品价格减少 20% 并且将每件单独的商品的数量减少 1
[root@localhost ~]# cat items.txt 101,HD Camcorder,Video,210,10 102,Refrigerator,Appliance,850,2 103,MP3 Player,Audio,270,15 104,Tennis Racket,Sports,190,20 105,Laser Printer,Office,475,5 [root@localhost ~]# cat dis.awk BEGIN{ FS=","; OFS=","; discount=0 } { discount=$4*20/100; print $1,$2,$3,$4-discount,$5-1 } [root@localhost ~]# awk -f dis.awk items.txt 101,HD Camcorder,Video,168,9 102,Refrigerator,Appliance,680,1 103,MP3 Player,Audio,216,14 104,Tennis Racket,Sports,152,19 105,Laser Printer,Office,380,4
[root@localhost ~]# awk ‘NR%2==0‘ items.txt 102,Refrigerator,Appliance,850,2 104,Tennis Racket,Sports,190,20
[root@localhost ~]# cat str.awk BEGIN{ FS=","; OFS=","; str1="Audio"; str2="Video"; nustr="100"; str3=str1 str2; print "Concatenate string is:"str3; nustr=nustr+1; print "Str to nu:"nustr; } [root@localhost ~]# awk -f str.awk items.txt Concatenate string is:AudioVideo Str to nu:101
[root@localhost ~]# cat fz.awk BEGIN { FS=","; OFS=","; total1 = total2 = total3 = total4 = total5 = 10; total1 += 5; print total1; total2 -= 5; print total2; total3 *= 5; print total3; total4 /= 5; print total4; total5 %= 5; print total5; } [root@localhost ~]# awk -f fz.awk items.txt 15 5 50 2 0
[root@localhost ~]# cat items.txt 101,HD Camcorder,Video,210,10 102,Refrigerator,Appliance,850,2 103,MP3 Player,Audio,270,15 104,Tennis Racket,Sports,190,20 105,Laser Printer,Office,475,5 [root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘ >BEGIN{ total=0} { total +=$5 } >END { print "Total Qutantity:" total }‘ items.txt Total Qutantity:52
实例1:打印数量小于等于临界值 5 的商品信息
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘$5<=5‘ items.txt 102,Refrigerator,Appliance,850,2 105,Laser Printer,Office,475,5
实例2:打印编号为 103 的商品信息
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘$1==103‘ items.txt 103,MP3 Player,Audio,270,15
实例3:打印除 Video 以外的所有商品
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘$3!="Video"‘ items.txt 102,Refrigerator,Appliance,850,2 103,MP3 Player,Audio,270,15 104,Tennis Racket,Sports,190,20 105,Laser Printer,Office,475,5
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘$3!="Video"{print $2}‘ items.txt Refrigerator MP3 Player Tennis Racket Laser Printer
实例5:打印价钱低于 900 或者数量小于等于临界值 5 的商品信息
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘$5<=5||$4<900‘ items.txt 101,HD Camcorder,Video,210,10 102,Refrigerator,Appliance,850,2 103,MP3 Player,Audio,270,15 104,Tennis Racket,Sports,190,20 105,Laser Printer,Office,475,5
实例6:打印/etc/password 中最大的 UID(以及其所在的整行)。
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F ‘:‘ ‘ >$3 > maxuid >{ maxuid = $3; maxline = $0 } >END { print maxuid,maxline }‘ /etc/passwd 1009 user3:x:1009:1010::/home/user3:/bin/bash
实例8:打印/etc/passwd 中 UID 和 GROUP ID 相同的用户信息
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F ‘:‘ ‘$3 == $4‘ /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:young,geek,010110110,0101101101:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin dbus:x:81:81:System message bus:/:/sbin/nologin vcsa:x:69:69:virtual console memory owner:/dev:/sbin/nologin abrt:x:173:173::/etc/abrt:/sbin/nologin
实例9:打印/etc/passwd 中 UID >= 100 并且用户的 shell 是/bin/sh 的用户
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F: ‘$3 >= 100 && $7 == "/bin/sh"‘ /etc/passwd user1:x:800:800:test user:/none:/bin/sh
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F ‘:‘ ‘$3 >= 100 && $NF ~ /\/bin\/sh/‘ /etc/passwd user1:x:800:800:test user:/none:/bin/sh #正则表达式模式匹配
实例10:打印/etc/passwd 中没有注释信息(第 5 个字段)的用户
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F: ‘$5 == ""‘ /etc/passwd abrt:x:173:173::/etc/abrt:/sbin/nologin ntp:x:38:38::/etc/ntp:/sbin/nologin postfix:x:89:89::/var/spool/postfix:/sbin/nologin tcpdump:x:72:72::/:/sbin/nologin sys:x:498:1001::/home/sys:/bin/bash natasha:x:1006:1007::/home/natasha:/bin/bash harry:x:1007:1008::/home/harry:/bin/bash sarah:x:497:497::/home/sarah:/bin/nologin
[root@localhost ~]# cat items.txt 101,HD Camcorder,Video,210,10 102,Refrigerator,Appliance,850,2 103,MP3 Player,Audio,270,15 104,Tennis Racket,Sports,190,20 105,Laser Printer,Office,475,5 [root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘$2 == "Tennis"‘ items.txt #精确匹配 [root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘$2 ~ "Tennis"‘ items.txt #模糊匹配 104,Tennis Racket,Sports,190,20
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F, ‘$2 !~ "Tennis"‘ items.txt #不匹配 101,HD Camcorder,Video,210,10 102,Refrigerator,Appliance,850,2 103,MP3 Player,Audio,270,15 105,Laser Printer,Office,475,5
实例3:打印 shell 为/bin/bash 的用户的总数,如果最后一个字段包含”/bin/bash”,则变量n 增加 1
[root@localhost ~]# grep -c ‘/bin/bash‘ /etc/passwd 9 [root@localhost ~]# awk -F: ‘$NF ~ /\/bin\/bash/ { n++ } END{ print n}‘ /etc/passwd 9
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