Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.
For example,
Given s = "the sky is blue
"blue is sky the
1 Class Solution{ 2 public: 3 void reverseWords(string &s){ 4 char c[1]={‘ ‘}; 5 vector<string> slist = split(s,c); 6 reverse(slist.begin(),slist.end()); 7 s.clear(); 8 for(int i = 0 ; i < slist.size(); ++i){ 9 s = s + slist[i] + " "; 10 } 11 s = s.substr(0,s.size()-1); 12 } 13 vector<string> split(string &s, const char* c){ 14 char *p; 15 vector<string> rst; 16 char *cstr = new char[s.length()+1]; 17 strcpy(cstr,s.c_str()); 18 p = strtok(cstr,c); 19 while(p){ 20 rst.push_back(p); 21 p = strtok(NULL,c); 22 } 23 return rst; 24 } 25 }
1. LINE9 ,不可用s.push_back。因为string相当于一个字符的容器,push_back的参数只能是字符
2. LINE11: substr并不改变string,返回值为string
Reverse Words in a String,布布扣,