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dhcp-option on openwrt

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dhcp-option on openwrt


配置网络支持dhcp option 43和option 60携带的capwapc的master和slave server的信息。客户端解释这个option43



通过vendorclass来定义一个分类器,将携带’oakridge’vendor class的客户端分到独立的’oakridge’ networkid下。 然后为这些客户强制发送option 43的信息,不论客户端有没有请求.

  1. config vendorclass ‘oakridge‘ 
  2. option vendorclass ‘oakridge‘ 
  3. option networkid ‘oakridge‘ 
  4. option force ‘1‘ 
  5. list dhcp_option ‘43,1,4,,1,4,,2,12,ac1.test.com‘ 


  1. dhcp-vendorclass=oakridge,oakridge 
  2. dhcp-option-force=oakridge,43,1,4,,1,4,,2,12,ac1.test.com 


指定vendorid为oakridge,并请求option 43

  1. config interface ‘lan1‘ 
  2. option ifname ‘eth0.1‘ 
  3. option type ‘bridge‘ 
  4. option proto ‘dhcp‘ 
  5. option vendorid ‘oakridge‘ 
  6. option reqopts ‘43‘ 

修改客户端udhcpc代码,将option 43携带信息转换为脚本/lib/netifd/dhcp.sh的环境变量

  1. --- a/networking/udhcp/common.c 
  2. +++ b/networking/udhcp/common.c 
  3. @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ const struct dhcp_optflag dhcp_optflags[ 
  4. { OPTION_STRING_HOST , 0x28 }, /* DHCP_NIS_DOMAIN */ 
  5. { OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST , 0x29 }, /* DHCP_NIS_SERVER */ 
  7. + { OPTION_STRING | OPTION_REQ, 0x2b }, /* DHCP_AC_ADDR */ 
  8. { OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST , 0x2c }, /* DHCP_WINS_SERVER */ 
  9. { OPTION_U32 , 0x33 }, /* DHCP_LEASE_TIME */ 
  10. { OPTION_IP , 0x36 }, /* DHCP_SERVER_ID */ 
  11. @@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ const char dhcp_option_strings[] ALIGN1 
  12. "nisdomain" "\0" /* DHCP_NIS_DOMAIN */ 
  13. "nissrv" "\0" /* DHCP_NIS_SERVER */ 
  14. "ntpsrv" "\0" /* DHCP_NTP_SERVER */ 
  15. + "acaddr" "\0" /* DHCP_AC_ADDR */ 
  16. "wins" "\0" /* DHCP_WINS_SERVER */ 
  17. "lease" "\0" /* DHCP_LEASE_TIME */ 
  18. "serverid" "\0" /* DHCP_SERVER_ID */ 


  1. # add option43 server list into capwapc config file 
  2. [ -n "$acaddr" ] && { 
  3. acaddrs=`echo $acaddr | awk -F‘,‘ ‘{for(i=1;i <= NF; i++){ if(i%3==0)print $i}}‘`; 
  4. uci delete capwapc.server.option43_server 
  5. for addr in $acaddrs 
  6. do 
  7. uci add_list capwapc.server.option43_server=$addr; 
  8. done 
  9. uci commit capwapc; 


-O, --dhcp-option=[tag:

Specify different or extra options to DHCP clients.
By default, dnsmasq sends some standard options to DHCP clients, the netmask and broadcast address are set to the same as the host running dnsmasq, and the DNS server and default route are set to the address of the machine running dnsmasq.
(Equivalent rules apply for IPv6.)
If the domain name option has been set, that is sent. This configuration allows these defaults to be overridden, or other options specified.
The option, to be sent may be given as a decimal number or as “option:

  1. llwang@VM1~ $ dnsmasq --help dhcp 
  2. Known DHCP options: 
  3. 1 netmask 
  4. 2 time-offset 
  5. 3 router 
  6. 6 dns-server 
  7. 7 log-server 
  8. 9 lpr-server 
  9. 13 boot-file-size 
  10. 15 domain-name 
  11. 16 swap-server 
  12. 17 root-path 
  13. 18 extension-path 
  14. 19 ip-forward-enable 
  15. 20 non-local-source-routing 
  16. 21 policy-filter 
  17. 22 max-datagram-reassembly 
  18. 23 default-ttl 
  19. 26 mtu 
  20. 27 all-subnets-local 
  21. 31 router-discovery 
  22. 32 router-solicitation 
  23. 33 static-route 
  24. 34 trailer-encapsulation 
  25. 35 arp-timeout 
  26. 36 ethernet-encap 
  27. 37 tcp-ttl 
  28. 38 tcp-keepalive 
  29. 40 nis-domain 
  30. 41 nis-server 
  31. 42 ntp-server 
  32. 44 netbios-ns 
  33. 45 netbios-dd 
  34. 46 netbios-nodetype 
  35. 47 netbios-scope 
  36. 48 x-windows-fs 
  37. 49 x-windows-dm 
  38. 58 T1 
  39. 59 T2 
  40. 60 vendor-class 
  41. 64 nis+-domain 
  42. 65 nis+-server 
  43. 66 tftp-server 
  44. 67 bootfile-name 
  45. 68 mobile-ip-home 
  46. 69 smtp-server 
  47. 70 pop3-server 
  48. 71 nntp-server 
  49. 74 irc-server 
  50. 77 user-class 
  51. 93 client-arch 
  52. 94 client-interface-id 
  53. 97 client-machine-id 
  54. 119 domain-search 
  55. 120 sip-server 
  56. 121 classless-static-route 
  57. 125 vendor-id-encap 
  58. 255 server-ip-address 

For example, to set the default route option to, do --dhcp-option=3, or --dhcp-option = option:router, and to set the time-server address to, do --dhcp-option = 42, or --dhcp-option = option:ntp-server,
The special address is taken to mean “the address of the machine running dnsmasq”.
Data types allowed are comma separated dotted-quad IPv4 addresses, []-wrapped IPv6 addresses, a decimal number, colon-separated hex digits and a text string.
If the optional tags are given then this option is only sent when all the tags are matched.
Special processing is done on a text argument for option 119, to conform with RFC 3397.
option 119的文本参数根据RFC 3397被特殊处理.
Text or dotted-quad IP addresses as arguments to option 120 are handled as per RFC 3361.
文本或四个.的IP地址作为option 120的参数根据每个RFC 3361被处理。
Dotted-quad IP addresses which are followed by a slash and then a netmask size are encoded as described in RFC 3442.
根据RFC 3442里的描述,四个.的IP地址加反斜线和子网掩码被编码。
IPv6 options are specified using the option6: keyword, followed by the option number or option name.
IPv6 options使用optoin6:keyword后面跟选项数或者名字。
The IPv6 option name space is disjoint from the IPv4 option name space.
IPv6 addresses in options must be bracketed with square brackets, eg. --dhcp-option=option6:ntp-server,[1234::56] For IPv6, [::] means “the global address of the machine running dnsmasq”, whilst [fd00::] is replaced with the ULA, if it exists, and [fe80::] with the link-local address.
Be careful: no checking is done that the correct type of data for the option number is sent, it is quite possible to persuade dnsmasq to generate illegal DHCP packets with injudicious use of this flag.
When the value is a decimal number, dnsmasq must determine how large the data item is.
It does this by examining the option number and/or the value, but can be overridden by appending a single letter flag as follows: b = one byte, s = two bytes, i = four bytes.
通过检查option number和(或)数值,但是通过追加的单个字符flag覆写。b是一个字节,s是两个字节,i是四个字节。
This is mainly useful with encapsulated vendor class options (see below) where dnsmasq cannot determine data size from the option number.
当封装vendor class option时,dnsmasq不能通过option number决定数据大小。这个字符flag非常有用。
Option data which consists solely of periods and digits will be interpreted by dnsmasq as an IP address, and inserted into an option as such.
To force a literal string, use quotes. For instance when using option 66 to send a literal IP address as TFTP server name, it is necessary to do --dhcp-option=66,""
为了强制一个文本的字符串,使用双引号。例如当使用option 66来发送一个文本IP地址作为TFTP服务器名字,必须使用–dhcp-option=66,""
Encapsulated Vendor-class options may also be specified (IPv4 only) using --dhcp-option: for instance --dhcp-option=vendor:PXEClient,1, sends the encapsulated vendor class-specific option “mftp-address=” to any client whose vendor-class matches “PXEClient”.
封装Vendor-class option可能使用–dhcp-option被指定.例如,–dhcp-option=vendor:PXEClient,1,发送一个封装的vendor-class-specific选项”mftp-address="到任何一个vendor-class是PXEClient的client。
The vendor-class matching is substring based (see --dhcp-vendorclass for details).
vendor-class匹配以子字符串为基础(详细见 --dhcp-vendorclass)
If a vendor-class option (number 60) is sent by dnsmasq, then that is used for selecting encapsulated options in preference to any sent by the client. It is possible to omit the vendorclass completely; --dhcp-option=vendor:,1, in which case the encapsulated option is always sent.
Options may be encapsulated (IPv4 only) within other options: for instance --dhcp-option=encap:175, 190, iscsi-client0 will send option 175, within which is the option 190.
选项可能被封装在其它选项里。例如–dhcp-option=encap:175,190, iscsi-client0将发送option175在option190里。
If multiple options are given which are encapsulated with the same option number then they will be correctly combined into one encapsulated option. encap: and vendor: are may not both be set in the same dhcp-option.
The final variant on encapsulated options is “Vendor-Identifying Vendor Options” as specified by RFC3925.
最终封装选项的变种是"Vendor-Identifying Vendor Option"定义在RFC3925里。
These are denoted like this: --dhcp-option=vi-encap:2, 10, text The number in the vi-encap: section is the IANA enterprise number used to identify this option. This form of encapsulation is supported in IPv6.
The address is not treated specially in encapsulated options.
–dhcp-option=vi-encap:2,10,text. 在vi-encap:里的数字是IANA enterprise number用来标识这个选项。在IPv6里也支持。地址0.0.0.0在封装选项里没有特殊意义。


dhcp_option list of strings no (none) The ID dhcp_option here must be with written with an underscore. OpenWrt will translate this to –dhcp-option, with a hyphen, as ultimately used by dnsmasq. Multiple option values can be given for this network-id, with a a space between them and the total string between “”. E.g. ‘26,1470’ or ‘option:mtu, 1470’ that can assign an MTU per DHCP. Your client must accept MTU by DHCP for this to work. Or “3, 6,” to give out gateway and dns server addresses.

Classifying Clients And Assigning Individual Options
DHCP can provide the client with numerous options, such as the domain name, NTP servers, network booting options, etc. While some settings are applicable to all hosts in a network segment, other are more specific and apply only to a group of hosts, or even only a single one. dnsmasq offers to group DHCP options and their values by a network-id, an alphanumeric identifier, and sending options only to hosts which have been tagged with that network-id.
DHCP能提供给客户很多选项,例如domain name,NTP服务器,网络启动选项。然而有些设置只适用于一个网络段里的所有主机,其它的特殊。只适用一组主机,或者甚至单个主机。dnsmasq提供了通过network-id的组识别,只发送option给有network-id标签的主机。
In OpenWrt, you can tag hosts by the DHCP range they’re in (section dhcp), or a number of options the client might send with their DHCP request. In each of these sections, you can use the dhcp_option list to add DHCP options to be sent to hosts with this network-id.
Each classifying section has two configuration options: the value of the DHCP option used to distinguish clients, and the network-id that these clients should be tagged with. Here’s a template:

config classifier
option classifier ‘value’
option networkid ‘network-id’
list dhcp_option ‘DHCP-option’

DHCP Client的选项


  1. udhcpc -p /var/run/udhcpc-br-lan1.pid -s /lib/netifd/dhcp.script -f -t 0 -i br-lan1 -V oakridge -C -O 43 
  2. BusyBox v1.19.4 (2017-01-17 16:59:34 CST) multi-call binary. 
  4. Usage: udhcpc [-fbnqoCRB] [-i IFACE] [-r IP] [-s PROG] [-p PIDFILE] 
  5. [-H HOSTNAME] [-V VENDOR] [-x OPT:VAL]... [-O OPT]... 
  7. -i,--interface IFACE Interface to use (default eth0) 
  8. -p,--pidfile FILE Create pidfile 
  9. -s,--script PROG Run PROG at DHCP events (default /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script) 
  10. -B,--broadcast Request broadcast replies 
  11. -t,--retries N Send up to N discover packets 
  12. -T,--timeout N Pause between packets (default 3 seconds) 
  13. -A,--tryagain N Wait N seconds after failure (default 20) 
  14. -f,--foreground Run in foreground 
  15. -b,--background Background if lease is not obtained 
  16. -n,--now Exit if lease is not obtained 
  17. -q,--quit Exit after obtaining lease 
  18. -R,--release Release IP on exit 
  19. -S,--syslog Log to syslog too 
  20. -O,--request-option OPT Request option OPT from server (cumulative) 
  21. -o,--no-default-options Don‘t request any options (unless -O is given) 
  22. -r,--request IP Request this IP address 
  23. -x OPT:VAL Include option OPT in sent packets (cumulative) 
  24. Examples of string, numeric, and hex byte opts: 
  25. -x hostname:bbox - option 12 
  26. -x lease:3600 - option 51 (lease time) 
  27. -x 0x3d:0100BEEFC0FFEE - option 61 (client id) 
  28. -F,--fqdn NAME Ask server to update DNS mapping for NAME 
  29. -H,-h,--hostname NAME Send NAME as client hostname (default none) 
  30. -V,--vendorclass VENDOR Vendor identifier (default ‘udhcp VERSION‘) 
  31. -C,--clientid-none Don‘t send MAC as client identifier 
  32. Signals: 
  33. USR1 Renew current lease 
  34. USR2 Release current lease 


reqopts string no (none) Space-separated list of additional DHCP options to request from the server
sendopts string no (none) Space-separated list of additional DHCP options to send to the server. Syntax: option:value where option is either an integer code or a symbolic name such as hostname.
reqopts 字符串,额外DHCP选项请求。在参数请求列表里。


DHCP for dhsmasq config
Network for UDHCPC config
DHCP Options List


dhcp-option on openwrt


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