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  1 import com.*.message.Configuration;
  2 import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Callback;
  3 import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord;
  4 import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.RecordMetadata;
  5 import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer;
  6 import org.slf4j.Logger;
  7 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
  9 import java.io.IOException;
 10 import java.util.List;
 11 import java.util.concurrent.Future;
 12 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
 14 /**
 15  * kafka消息生产者
 16  * 
 17  * @author 
 18  * @version V1.0
 19  * @param <T>
 20  * @modify by user: {修改人} 2015-4-14
 21  * @modify by reason:{方法名}:{原因}
 22  */
 23 public abstract class KafkaProducer<T> implements IProducer<T>{
 25     private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
 26     public AtomicInteger sendNum = new AtomicInteger();
 28     private String topic;
 29     private Integer partition = null;
 30     private org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer<byte[], byte[]> producer;
 32     /**
 33      * 创建一个新的实例KafkaProducer.
 34      * 
 35      * @param configuration
 36      *            配置
 37      * @param topic
 38      *            消息主题
 39      */
 40     public KafkaProducer(Configuration configuration, String topic) {
 41         this.topic = topic;
 42         producer = new org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer<byte[], byte[]>(configuration.getConfig(),
 43                 new ByteArraySerializer(), new ByteArraySerializer());
 44     }
 46     /**
 47      * 创建一个新的实例KafkaProducer.
 48      * 
 49      * @param configuration
 50      *            配置
 51      * @param topic
 52      *            消息主题
 53      * @param partition
 54      *            分区数
 55      */
 56     public KafkaProducer(Configuration configuration, String topic, Integer partition) {
 57         this(configuration, topic);
 58         this.partition = partition;
 59     }
 61     /**
 62      * 消息序列化方法
 63      * 
 64      * @author 
 65      * @param msgInfo
 66      * @return
 67      */
 68     protected abstract byte[] serialize(T msgInfo);
 70     /*
 71      * (non-Javadoc)
 72      * 
 73      * @see com.hikvision.bsp.message.producer.IProducer#send(T)
 74      */
 75     @Override
 76     public boolean send(final T msg) {
 77         return send(msg, new Callback() {
 78             @Override
 79             public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception exception) {
 80                 if (exception != null) {
 81                     LOGGER.error("send message ,error info:{}", exception.toString());
 82                 }
 83             }
 84         });
 85     }
 87     /*
 88      * (non-Javadoc)
 89      * 
 90      * @see com.hikvision.bsp.message.producer.IProducer#send(T,
 91      * org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Callback)
 92      */
 93     @Override
 94     public boolean send(final T msg, final Callback callback) {
 95         if (msg == null) {
 96             LOGGER.error("send msg is null. ");
 97             return false;
 98         }
100         // serialize list to protostuff, and send msg
101         byte[] data = serialize(msg);
102         try {
103             producer.send(new ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]>(topic, partition, null, data), callback);
104         } catch (Throwable e) {
105             LOGGER.error("send msg faild.", e);
106             return false;
107         }
108         return true;
109     }
111     @Override
112     public boolean synSend(final T msg) {
113         if (msg == null) {
114             LOGGER.error("send msg is null. ");
115             return false;
116         }
118         // serialize list to protostuff, and send msg
119         byte[] data = serialize(msg);
120         Future<?> future = null;
121         try {
122             future = producer.send(new ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]>(topic, partition, null, data));
123         } catch (Throwable e) {
124             LOGGER.error("send msg faild.", e);
125             return false;
126         } finally {
127             try {
128                 future.get();
129             } catch (Exception e) {
130                 LOGGER.error("send msg faild.", e);
131                 return false;
132             }
133         }
134         return true;
135     }
137     /*
138      * (non-Javadoc)
139      * 
140      * @see com.hikvision.bsp.message.producer.IProducer#send(java.util.List)
141      */
142     @Override
143     public boolean send(List<T> msgList) {
144         // check arguments validation
145         if (msgList.size() == 0) {
146             LOGGER.error("send msg is null. ");
147             return false;
148         }
149         long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
151         for (final T msg : msgList) {
152             send(msg);
153         }
154         LOGGER.info("Send {} messages to kafka take: {}ms", msgList.size(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - curTime));
155         return true;
156     }
158     @Override
159     public void close() throws IOException {
160         if (producer != null) {
161             producer.close();
162         }
163     }
164 }




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