;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Project: info.asm ; Name: zwp ; Date: 2014/5 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data segment thirty db 30 ; value for mul instruction msg0 db '-----------------------HeBei University of Enginging------------------------!' msg1 db '----------------------- COMPUTER SCIENCE 2013-5 -----------------------------!' msg2 db '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!' msg3 db '----- I LOVE YOU !' msg4 db '----------------------I LOVE YOU !' msg5 db '----------------------------------------I LOVE YOU !' msg6 db '------------------- Believe Yourself Your Will Cool--------------------------!' msg7 db 'One day I meet you !' msg8 db 'I am very happy, because I found a beautiful gril !' msg9 db 'Yes I am sure I like you! !' errmsg db 'No You don't like me, I ....... !' data ends stack segment db 256 dup(0) tos label word stack ends code segment main proc far assume cs:code, ds:data, ss:stack start: mov ax, stack mov ss, ax mov sp, offset tos ; 设置堆栈 push ds sub ax, ax push ax mov ax, data mov ds, ax ; 设置数据段 begin: mov ah, 1 int 21h ; call bios 21h 1 function sub al, '0' jc error ; if <0 goto error cmp al, 9 ja error ; if (0, 9)‘s character is true mov bx, offset msg0 ; point first message mul thirty ; ax = al * 30 add bx, ax call display ; show message jmp begin ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; if error will be executed ;------------------------------------------------------------------- error: mov bx, offset errmsg ; bx = errmsg's offset address call display ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; display character ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- display proc near mov cx, 30 disp1: mov dl, [bx] call dispchar ; show char inc bx loop disp1 ; cx-- mov dl, 0dh ; 回车 call dispchar mov dl, 0ah ; 换行 call dispchar ret display endp dispchar proc near mov ah, 2 int 21h ; show char ret dispchar endp main endp code ends end start
读了几本操作系统的书籍,发现一个不足,(估计也不算不足)那就是大多数讲操作系统原理的书,只涵盖操作系统--这一软件层面的解释,像I/O, 内存管理,进程/线程管理,文件系统,网络(有些只是稍微略带一点介绍)等等。
往具体了看其实一个系统(软件 + 硬件)它们是密不可分的,只要越往底层走越明显。太紧密了。前些天翻了下模电发现(运算放大)涵盖了模电很大一部分,最令我感觉模电 “吊炸天”的是 加法器,减法器,乘法器,除法器,积分,微分,指数....都可以在模电中实现,大家都知道(CPU中 + - * /)都是用加法实现的(具体可参看数电加法器一节)。。。越来越发现自己要学的太多了,没办法奋斗吧——少年!
8042 Keyboard Microcontroller
具体细节请参阅 8042的数据手册,我就不一一细说了。
8042 Keyboard Microcontroller,布布扣,bubuko.com