man page地址:
is_png = !png_sig_cmp(header, 0, number);
1 png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct 2 (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, (png_voidp)user_error_ptr, 3 user_error_fn, user_warning_fn); 4 if (!png_ptr) 5 return (ERROR); 6 7 png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); 8 if (!info_ptr) 9 { 10 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, 11 (png_infopp)NULL, (png_infopp)NULL); 12 return (ERROR); 13 } 14 15 png_infop end_info = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); 16 if (!end_info) 17 { 18 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, 19 (png_infopp)NULL); 20 return (ERROR); 21 }
进阶用法:使用自己的mem allocation函数,可以通过调用
png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct_2 (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, (png_voidp)user_error_ptr, user_error_fn, user_warning_fn, (png_voidp) user_mem_ptr, user_malloc_fn, user_free_fn);
1 PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY No transformation 2 PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_16 Strip 16-bit samples to 3 8 bits 4 PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_ALPHA Discard the alpha channel 5 PNG_TRANSFORM_PACKING Expand 1, 2 and 4-bit 6 samples to bytes 7 PNG_TRANSFORM_PACKSWAP Change order of packed 8 pixels to LSB first 9 PNG_TRANSFORM_EXPAND Perform set_expand() 10 PNG_TRANSFORM_INVERT_MONO Invert monochrome images 11 PNG_TRANSFORM_SHIFT Normalize pixels to the 12 sBIT depth 13 PNG_TRANSFORM_BGR Flip RGB to BGR, RGBA 14 to BGRA 15 PNG_TRANSFORM_SWAP_ALPHA Flip RGBA to ARGB or GA 16 to AG 17 PNG_TRANSFORM_INVERT_ALPHA Change alpha from opacity 18 to transparency 19 PNG_TRANSFORM_SWAP_ENDIAN Byte-swap 16-bit samples
png_read_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, png_transforms, NULL)
等价于png_read_info(), png_read_image(), png_read_end()三个api的总和。
png_bytep row_pointers[height];
row_pointers = png_get_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr);
这里就可以获取的图片raw data的指针了
low-level 读取接口
png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type, &interlace_type, &compression_type, &filter_method); width - holds the width of the image in pixels (up to 2^31). height - holds the height of the image in pixels (up to 2^31). bit_depth - holds the bit depth of one of the image channels. (valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and depend also on the color_type. See also significant bits (sBIT) below). color_type - describes which color/alpha channels are present. PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY (bit depths 1, 2, 4, 8, 16) PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA (bit depths 8, 16) PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE (bit depths 1, 2, 4, 8) PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB (bit_depths 8, 16) PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA (bit_depths 8, 16) PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA filter_method - (must be PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE for PNG 1.0, and can also be PNG_INTRAPIXEL_DIFFERENCING if the PNG datastream is embedded in a MNG-1.0 datastream) compression_type - (must be PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE for PNG 1.0) interlace_type - (PNG_INTERLACE_NONE or PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7) Any or all of interlace_type, compression_type, of filter_method can be NULL if you are not interested in their values. channels = png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr); channels - number of channels of info for the color type (valid values are 1 (GRAY, PALETTE), 2 (GRAY_ALPHA), 3 (RGB), 4 (RGB_ALPHA or RGB + filler byte)) rowbytes = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr); rowbytes - number of bytes needed to hold a row signature = png_get_signature(png_ptr, info_ptr); signature - holds the signature read from the file (if any). The data is kept in the same offset it would be if the whole signature were read (i.e. if an application had already read in 4 bytes of signature before starting libpng, the remaining 4 bytes would be in signature[4] through signature[7] (see png_set_sig_bytes())). width = png_get_image_width(png_ptr, info_ptr); height = png_get_image_height(png_ptr, info_ptr); bit_depth = png_get_bit_depth(png_ptr, info_ptr); color_type = png_get_color_type(png_ptr, info_ptr); filter_method = png_get_filter_type(png_ptr, info_ptr); compression_type = png_get_compression_type(png_ptr, info_ptr); interlace_type = png_get_interlace_type(png_ptr, info_ptr);
res_x = png_get_x_pixels_per_meter(png_ptr, info_ptr) res_y = png_get_y_pixels_per_meter(png_ptr, info_ptr) res_x_and_y = png_get_pixels_per_meter(png_ptr, info_ptr) res_x = png_get_x_pixels_per_inch(png_ptr, info_ptr) res_y = png_get_y_pixels_per_inch(png_ptr, info_ptr) res_x_and_y = png_get_pixels_per_inch(png_ptr, info_ptr) aspect_ratio = png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio(png_ptr, info_ptr) (Each of these returns 0 [signifying "unknown"] if the data is not present or if res_x is 0; res_x_and_y is 0 if res_x != res_y) The data from the oFFs chunk can be retrieved in se
x_offset = png_get_x_offset_microns(png_ptr, info_ptr); y_offset = png_get_y_offset_microns(png_ptr, info_ptr); x_offset = png_get_x_offset_inches(png_ptr, info_ptr); y_offset = png_get_y_offset_inches(png_ptr, info_ptr); (Each of these returns 0 [signifying "unknown" if both x and y are 0] if the data is not present or if the chunk is present but the unit is the pixel)
PNG stores comments in keyword/text pairs
这句话的意思是:PNG里面也有类似于jpeg里面的exif键值对信息?one pair per chunk!
4 bit/pixel paletted or grayscale data will be returned 2 pixels/byte with the leftmost pixel in the high-order bits of the byte, unless png_set_packing() is called
Data will be decoded into the supplied row buffers packed into bytes unless the library has been told to transform it into another format. For example, 4 bit/pixel paletted or grayscale data will be returned 2 pixels/byte with the leftmost pixel in the high-order bits of the byte, unless png_set_packing() is called. 8-bit RGB data will be stored in RGB RGB RGB format unless png_set_filler() is called to insert filler bytes, either before or after each RGB triplet. 16-bit RGB data will be returned RRGGBB RRGGBB, with the most significant byte of the color value first, unless png_set_strip_16() is called to transform it to regular RGB RGB triplets, or png_set_filler() is called to insert filler bytes, either before or after each RRGGBB triplet. Similarly, 8-bit or 16-bit grayscale data can be modified with png_set_filler() or png_set_strip_16().
The following code transforms grayscale images of less than 8 to 8 bits, changes paletted images to RGB, and adds a full alpha channel if there is transparency information in a tRNS chunk. This is most useful on grayscale images with bit depths of 2 or 4 or if there is a multiple-image viewing application that wishes to treat all images in the same way.
if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) png_set_palette_to_rgb(png_ptr); if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8(png_ptr); if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(png_ptr);
These three functions are actually aliases for png_set_expand(), added in libpng version 1.0.4, with the function names expanded to improve code readability. In some future version they may actually do different things.