app 在 Android 7.0 上登录的时候, Dialog 不显示了,但是半透明背景显示
经过搜索和对比,发现出现该问题是因为重写了 getResources() 方法造成的 。
1 /** 2 * 设置 app 不随着系统字体的调整而变化 3 */ 4 @Override 5 public Resources getResources() { 6 Resources resources = super.getResources(); 7 Configuration configuration = resources.getConfiguration(); 8 configuration.setToDefaults(); 9 resources.updateConfiguration(configuration, resources.getDisplayMetrics()); 10 return resources; 11 }
configuration.setToDefault() 方法
1 /** 2 * Set this object to the system defaults. 3 */ 4 public void setToDefaults() { 5 fontScale = 1; 6 mcc = mnc = 0; 7 locale = null; 8 userSetLocale = false; 9 touchscreen = TOUCHSCREEN_UNDEFINED; 10 keyboard = KEYBOARD_UNDEFINED; 11 keyboardHidden = KEYBOARDHIDDEN_UNDEFINED; 12 hardKeyboardHidden = HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_UNDEFINED; 13 navigation = NAVIGATION_UNDEFINED; 14 navigationHidden = NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_UNDEFINED; 15 orientation = ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED; 16 screenLayout = SCREENLAYOUT_UNDEFINED; 17 uiMode = UI_MODE_TYPE_UNDEFINED; 18 screenWidthDp = compatScreenWidthDp = SCREEN_WIDTH_DP_UNDEFINED; 19 screenHeightDp = compatScreenHeightDp = SCREEN_HEIGHT_DP_UNDEFINED; 20 smallestScreenWidthDp = compatSmallestScreenWidthDp = SMALLEST_SCREEN_WIDTH_DP_UNDEFINED; 21 densityDpi = DENSITY_DPI_UNDEFINED; 22 seq = 0; 23 }
在 Android 7.0 上的 PhoneWindow 代码有了变化, DecorView 从 PhoneWindow 中独立出来一个类,同时在初始化的时候,调用了 updateAvailableWidth() 方法
1 private void updateAvailableWidth() {
2 Resources res = getResources();
3 mAvailableWidth = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP,
4 res.getConfiguration().screenWidthDp, res.getDisplayMetrics());
5 }
其中会调用 getResources() 方法,但是该方法设置为 setToDefault(),那么获取到的 screenWidthDp 为默认值 SCREEN_WIDTH_DP_UNDEFINED
1 /** 2 * Default value for {@link #screenWidthDp} indicating that no width 3 * has been specified. 4 */ 5 public static final int SCREEN_WIDTH_DP_UNDEFINED = 0;
代码中默认值为 0 ,那么 mAvaliableWidth 值为 0 ,所以造成 Dialog 无法显示的问题。
只设置 getResource() 方法中的 fontScale 为 1 ,其他的值不修改。
1 /** 2 * 设置 app 不随着系统字体的调整而变化 3 */ 4 @Override 5 public Resources getResources() { 6 Resources resources = super.getResources(); 7 Configuration configuration = resources.getConfiguration(); 8 configuration.fontScale = 1; 9 resources.updateConfiguration(configuration, resources.getDisplayMetrics()); 10 return resources; 11 }