目前关于REST 服务的话题越来越热,kbmmw 在5.0 里面开始支持rest。今天我就试一下kbmmw 的
rest 服务。闲话少说,开始。
老规矩,放上两个kbmMWServer1和 kbmMWHTTPSysServerTransport1两个控件。
设置kbmMWHTTPSysServerTransport1的server 属性。urls 属性默认是http://+:80/, 我们在这里就改了。
因为我们后面采用的是samrtservice. 因此现在在主窗体里面不用再操心后面有什么服务要注册了。只需要一句话就
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin kbmMWServer1.Active:=True; end; procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin kbmMWServer1.AutoRegisterServices; end;
主窗体就ok 了。
type [kbmMW_Service(‘name:xalionservice, flags:[listed]‘)] [kbmMW_Rest(‘path:/xalionservice‘)] // Access to the service can be limited using the [kbmMW_Auth..] attribute. // [kbmMW_Auth(‘role:[SomeRole,SomeOtherRole], grant:true‘)] TkbmMWCustomSmartService1 = class(TkbmMWCustomSmartService) private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } // HelloWorld function callable from both a regular client, // due to the optional [kbmMW_Method] attribute, // and from a REST client due to the optional [kbmMW_Rest] attribute. // The access path to the function from a REST client (like a browser)+ // is in this case relative to the services path. // In this example: http://.../xalionservice/helloworld // Access to the function can be limited using the [kbmMW_Auth..] attribute. // [kbmMW_Auth(‘role:[SomeRole,SomeOtherRole], grant:true‘)] [kbmMW_Rest(‘method:get, path:helloworld‘)] [kbmMW_Method] function HelloWorld:string; end; implementation uses kbmMWExceptions; {$R *.dfm} // Service definitions. //--------------------- function TkbmMWCustomSmartService1.HelloWorld:string; begin Result:=‘Hello world‘; end; initialization TkbmMWRTTI.EnableRTTI(TkbmMWCustomSmartService1); end.
直接在浏览器里面输入http:// 就可以看到下图
好,最简单的rest 服务做好了,我们继续做更复杂的。
[kbmMW_Method(‘EchoString‘)] // 回应输入的串 [kbmMW_Rest(‘method:get, path: [ "echostring/{AString}","myechostring/{AString}" ]‘)] [kbmMW_Auth(‘role:[SomeRole,SomeOtherRole], grant:true‘)] function EchoString([kbmMW_Rest(‘value: "{AString}"‘)] const AString:string):string; end; implementation uses kbmMWExceptions; {$R *.dfm} // Service definitions. //--------------------- function TkbmMWCustomSmartService1.EchoString(const AString: string): string; begin result:=‘你好!‘+astring; end;
[kbmMW_Method] [kbmMW_Rest(‘method:get, path: "cal/addnumbers"‘)] function AddNumbers([kbmMW_Rest(‘value: "$arg1", required: true‘)] const AValue1:integer; [kbmMW_Rest(‘value: "$arg2", required: true‘)] const AValue2:integer; [kbmMW_Arg(mwatRemoteLocation)] const ARemoteLocation:string):integer; end; implementation uses kbmMWExceptions; {$R *.dfm} // Service definitions. //--------------------- function TkbmMWCustomSmartService1.AddNumbers(const AValue1, AValue2: integer; const ARemoteLocation: string): integer; begin Result:=AValue1+AValue2; end;
// server (optional) indicates name of TkbmMWServer instance to register service with. If missing will be registered with all server instances.
// name (optional) overrides service preferred name.
// version (optional) overrides service version.
// minInstances (optional) overrides services minInstances.
// maxInstances (optional) overrides services maxInstances.
// flags (optional). Array that can contain: [ listed,runrequireauth,listrequireauth,stateful,persistent,default ]
// gatherStatistics (optional). Boolean value that can be on/off or true/false.
// maxIdleTime (optional). Integer indicating max idle time in seconds before non stateful service instance is GC‘ed.
// maxIdleStatefulTime (optional). Integer indicating max idle time in seconds before stateful service instance is GC‘ed.
// timeout (optional). Integer indicating max allowed time of a request in seconds before service instance is GC‘ed.
// dontQueue (optional). Boolean indicating if requests should be queued or not if no instances of the service is available at time of request.
[kbmMW_Service(‘name:SMARTDEMO, version:1.0, minInstances:32, maxInstances:128‘)]
上面做完了,那么如何通过这个REST 服务与前端的JS 显示库结合呢?