在使用 static 类型声明的方法时需要注意的是:如果在类中声明了一 static
类型的属性,则此属性既可以在非 static 类型的方法中使用,也可以在 static
类型的方法中使用。但用 static 类型的属性调用非 static 类型的属性时,则会
public class PersonStatic { String name = "张三" ; static String city = "中国"; int age ; public PersonStatic(String name,int age) { this.name = name ; this.age = age ; } public static void print() { System.out.println(name); } public String talk() { return "我是: "+this.name+",今年: "+this.age+"岁,来自: "+city; } }
Test.java:1: error: class PersonStatic is public, should be declared in a file named PersonStatic.java public class PersonStatic ^ Test.java:13: error: non-static variable name cannot be referenced from a static context System.out.println(name); ^ 2 errors