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Version of SQLite used in Android?

时间:2014-05-27 16:06:41      阅读:617      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

sing the emulators (adb shell sqlite3 --version):

SQLite 3.7.11:

  • 19-4.4-KitKat
  • 18-4.3-Jelly Bean
  • 17-4.2-Jelly Bean
  • 16-4.1-Jelly Bean

SQLite 3.7.4:

  • 15-4.0.3-Ice Cream Sandwich
  • 14-4.0-Ice Cream Sandwich
  • 13-3.2-Honeycomb
  • 12-3.1-Honeycomb
  • 11-3.0-Honeycomb

SQLite 3.6.22:

  • 10-2.3.3-Gingerbread
  • 9-2.3.1-Gingerbread
  • 8-2.2-Froyo

SQLite 3.5.9:

  • 7-2.1-Eclair
  • 4-1.6-Donut
  • 3-1.5-Cupcake

Note: Android SDK level links show where the android.database.sqlite package has changed. Where there is no link (e.g. SDK level 17), indicates no changes to that package.

Note: Here are some anomalies (list by no means exhaustive):

SQLite 3.7.13 (instead of 3.7.11):

  • LG Optimus G E975 LG-E975|JZO54K (16-4.1-Jelly Bean)
  • LG G2 D802 LG-D802|JDQ39B (17-4.2-Jelly Bean)

SQLite (instead of 3.6.22):

  • LG Optimus Sol E730/myTouch E739/myTouch Q C800 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GRJ22)
  • LG Optimus Vu F100S/F100L (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, RK39F)
  • LG Optimus LTE TAG F120K/F120L (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GRK39F)
  • LG Optimus LTE L-01D (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GRJ90)
  • LG Optimus Net P690b (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GINGERBREAD)
  • LG Prada KU5400 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GWK74)
  • LG Prada P940 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GWK74)
  • LG LU6200/SU640 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GRJ90)s

SQLite 3.7.5 (instead of 3.7.4):

  • Samsung Galaxy Note (15-GT-N7000|IML74K.ZSLPF)
  • Samsung Galaxy SII (15-SC-02C|IML74K.OMMP4 and GT-I9100|IML74K.DXLP7)
  • Samsung Galaxy S Duos (15-GT-S7562|IMM76I.S7562XXBMD6)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 (15-GT-P6810|IMM76D.ZSLP8)

SQLite (instead of 3.6.22):

  • LG Esteem MS910 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GSE-_v.05)
  • AndroTab (8-2.2-Froyo, 1.0.7100.0385)
  • GPLUS MUSN M500 (8-2.2-Froyo, FRG83G)

SQLite (instead of 3.5.9):

  • Motorola Backflip MB300 (7-2.1-Eclair, ERD79)
  • Garmin-Asus nüvifone A10/A50/Garminfone (7-2.1-Eclair, ERE27)

Note: adb command to get SQLite version only works on emulators and on devices with sqlite3 available: http://stackoverflow.com/a/3645800/444761

For other devices, see Juri‘s answer.

I have added an Issue #58909 to the Android Issue Tracker. Please star this if you would like to support it.


Although the documentation gives 3.4.0 as reference number, if you execute the following sql, you‘ll notice that there is a much higher number of SQlite installed:

Cursorcursor= SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(":memory:",null).rawQuery("select sqlite_version() AS sqlite_version",null);
String sqliteVersion ="";while(cursor.moveToNext()){
   sqliteVersion +=cursor.getString(0);}

This is just a piece of quick, dirty code to retrieve the sqlite version. For instance on a HTC Hero with Android 2.1, I get: 3.5.9.

On my Nexus One with Android 2.2, I even get 3.6.22.

Version of SQLite used in Android?,布布扣,bubuko.com

Version of SQLite used in Android?


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