BintreeNode.h #ifndef BINTREENODE_H #define BINTREENODE_H typedef char Datatype; typedef struct BinTreeNode { Datatype data; struct BinTreeNode *lchild; struct BinTreeNode *rchild; }BinTreeNode; BinTreeNode *CreateNode(Datatype elem); #endif BinTree.h #ifndef BINTREE_H #define BINTREE_H #include "BinTreeNode.h" typedef struct BinTree { BinTreeNode *root; int count; }BinTree; void Init(BinTree *r); void BinTreeCreate(BinTree *r); int BinTreeDepth(BinTreeNode *r); int BinTreeWidth(BinTreeNode *r); int BinTreeNodes(BinTree *r); int BinTreeLeaves(BinTreeNode *r); void BinTreeDestroy(BinTreeNode *r); BinTreeNode *FindNode(BinTreeNode *r,Datatype elem); void DisplayBinTree(BinTreeNode *r); void PreOrder(BinTreeNode *r); void PostOrder(BinTreeNode *r); void InOrder(BinTreeNode *r); void AllPath(BinTreeNode *r,char path[],int pathlen); #endif BinTreeNode.c #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include "BinTreeNode.h" BinTreeNode *CreateNode(Datatype elem) { BinTreeNode *p=(BinTreeNode *)malloc(sizeof(BinTreeNode)); if(!p) { printf("No enough memory!"); exit(-1); } p->data=elem; p->lchild =p->rchild =NULL; return p; } BinTree.c #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include"BinTree.h" int Leavescount=0; void Init(BinTree *r) { r->count=0; r->root=NULL; } void BinTreeCreate(BinTree *r) { char str[100]; int i=0,top=-1; char flag; BinTreeNode *p=NULL; BinTreeNode *Stack[50]; printf("Please input a string: "); scanf("%s",str); getchar(); while(str[i]!=‘\0‘) { switch(str[i]) { case ‘(‘: top++; Stack[top]=p; flag=‘l‘; break; case ‘,‘: flag=‘r‘; break; case ‘)‘: top--; break; default: p=CreateNode(str[i]); if(r->root==NULL) { r->root =p; r->count =1; } else { if(flag==‘l‘) { Stack[top]->lchild =p; r->count++; } else { Stack[top]->rchild =p; r->count++; } } break; }//end of switch i++; }//end of while } int BinTreeDepth(BinTreeNode *r) { int ldepth=0,rdepth=0; if(!r) return 0; else { ldepth=BinTreeDepth(r->lchild); rdepth=BinTreeDepth(r->rchild); return (ldepth>rdepth?(ldepth+1):(rdepth+1)); } } void DisplayBinTree(BinTreeNode *p) { if(p) { printf("%c",p->data); if(p->lchild ||p->rchild) { printf("("); DisplayBinTree(p->lchild ); printf(","); DisplayBinTree(p->rchild ); printf(")"); } } } int BinTreeNodes(BinTree *r) { return r->count; } int BinTreeLeaves(BinTreeNode *r) { if(r) { BinTreeLeaves(r->lchild); BinTreeLeaves(r->rchild); if(!r->lchild&&!r->rchild) Leavescount++; } return Leavescount; } void BinTreeDestroy(BinTreeNode *r) { BinTreeNode *p=r; if(!p) return; BinTreeDestroy(p->lchild); BinTreeDestroy(p->rchild); free(p); p=NULL; } BinTreeNode *FindNode(BinTreeNode *r,Datatype elem) { BinTreeNode *p=NULL; if(r==NULL) return NULL; else if(r->data==elem) return r; else { p=FindNode(r->lchild,elem); if(p) return p; else return FindNode(r->rchild,elem); } } int BinTreeWidth(BinTreeNode *r) { struct Queue { int lnode; BinTreeNode *p; }Queue[50]; int front,rear; int lnum,max,i,n; front=rear=0; if(r!=NULL) { rear++; Queue[rear].p=r; Queue[rear].lnode=1; while(rear!=front) { front++; r=Queue[front].p; lnum=Queue[front].lnode; if(r->lchild!=NULL) { rear++; Queue[rear].p=r->lchild; Queue[rear].lnode=lnum+1; } if(r->rchild!=NULL) { rear++; Queue[rear].p=r->lchild; Queue[rear].lnode=lnum+1; } } max=0; lnum=1; i=1; while(i<=rear) { n=0; while(i<=rear&&Queue[i].lnode==lnum) { n++; i++; } lnum=Queue[i].lnode; if(max<n) max=n; } return max; } else return 0; } void PreOrder(BinTreeNode *r) { BinTreeNode *Stack[50]; int top=-1; BinTreeNode *p; if(r!=NULL) { top++; Stack[top]=r; while(top>-1) { p=Stack[top]; top--; printf("%c",p->data); if(p->rchild!=NULL) { top++; Stack[top]=p->rchild; } if(p->lchild!=NULL) { top++; Stack[top]=p->lchild; } } printf("\n"); } } void InOrder(BinTreeNode *r) { BinTreeNode *Stack[50]; int top=-1; BinTreeNode *p=NULL; if(r!=NULL) { p=r; while(top>-1||p!=NULL) { while(p!=NULL) { top++; Stack[top]=p; p=p->lchild; } if(top>-1) { p=Stack[top]; top--; printf("%c",p->data); p=p->rchild; } } printf("\n"); } } void PostOrder(BinTreeNode *r) { BinTreeNode *p=NULL; struct Stack { BinTreeNode *pt; int tag; }Stack[50]; int top=-1; top++; Stack[top].pt=r; Stack[top].tag=1; while(top>-1) { if(Stack[top].tag==1) { p=Stack[top].pt; top--; if(p!=NULL) { top++; Stack[top].pt=p; Stack[top].tag=0; top++; Stack[top].pt=p->rchild; Stack[top].tag=1; top++; Stack[top].pt=p->lchild; Stack[top].tag=1; } } if(Stack[top].tag==0) { printf("%c",Stack[top].pt->data); top--; } } } void AllPath(BinTreeNode *r,char path[],int pathlen) { int i; if(r!=NULL) { if(r->lchild==NULL&&r->rchild==NULL) { printf("The path is %c to root: %c ",r->data,r->data ); for(i=pathlen-1;i>=0;i--) printf("%c ",path[i]); printf("\n"); } else { path[pathlen]=r->data; pathlen++; AllPath(r->lchild,path,pathlen); AllPath(r->rchild,path,pathlen); pathlen--; } } } /* a b d c e */ main.c #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include"BinTreeNode.h" #include"BinTree.h" void menu(void) { printf("\n"); printf("-----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" Menu Version 1.0\n"); printf("-----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("1.Tree nodes 2.Display the tree \n"); printf("3.Create the tree 4.Tree Depth \n"); printf("5.Tree width 6.Tree leaves \n"); printf("7.Find node 8.PreOrder \n"); printf("9.InOrder 10.PostOrder \n"); printf("11.AllPath 12.Destroy and exit \n"); printf("Please input your choice: "); } int main(void) { BinTree t; int choice; char elem; char path[50]; Init(&t); while(1) { menu(); scanf("%d",&choice); getchar(); switch(choice) { case 1: printf("The nodes of the tree is: %d !\n",BinTreeNodes(&t)); break; case 2: DisplayBinTree(t.root); printf("\n"); break; case 3: BinTreeCreate(&t); break; case 4: printf("The depth of the tree is: %d !\n",BinTreeDepth(t.root)); break; case 5: printf("The width of the tree is: %d !\n",BinTreeWidth(t.root)); break; case 6: printf("The leaves of the tree is: %d !\n",BinTreeLeaves(t.root)); break; case 7: printf("Please input the node you want to check: "); scanf("%c",&elem); getchar(); if(FindNode(t.root,elem)) printf("Find success!\n"); else printf("Not find!\n"); break; case 8: PreOrder(t.root); break; case 9: InOrder(t.root); break; case 10: PostOrder(t.root); break; case 11: AllPath(t.root,path,0); break; case 12: BinTreeDestroy(t.root); exit(0); break; default: printf("Illegal input!\n"); break; } } return 0; }