<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">续drools6 基本使用1</span>
8. 创建src/main/test folder,把droolsTest.java移动到test folder,把droolsTest.java改装成junit test case,执行mvn test,确保rules运行没有问题
9. 执行mvn install 把rules打包成jar文件上传到本地库
Note: 如果rule文件里面有中文,记得要把文件保存成utf-8格式,然后测试的时候保证maven的surefire plugin加上了使用utf-8的运行参数,否则会乱码出错
10. 在另外一个项目中使用drools,主要是借助kie-ci框架,实现启动load rules,动态修改rules和执行规则
java代码:创建一个ruleservice接口和实现类,实现以下方法:启动load rules(initService),动态修改(refreshService), 执行规则(fireService)
public void initService(String groupId, String artifactId, String version) throws NotExistsException { ks = KieServices.Factory.get(); try{ kContainer = ks.newKieContainer(ks.newReleaseId(groupId, artifactId, version)); } catch (Exception e){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("fail to get maven rules kmodule from groupId: ["); sb.append(groupId).append("] artifactId: [").append(artifactId).append("] version: [").append(version).append("]"); throw new NotExistsException(sb.toString()); } if(null != kContainer) kSession = kContainer.newStatelessKieSession("ksession-rules"); } @Override public void refreshService(String groupId, String artifactId, String version) throws NotExistsException { try{ kContainer.updateToVersion(ks.newReleaseId(groupId, artifactId, version)); } catch (Exception e){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("fail to get maven rules kmodule from groupId: ["); sb.append(groupId).append("] artifactId: [").append(artifactId).append("] version: [").append(version).append("]"); throw new NotExistsException(sb.toString()); } if(null != kContainer) kSession = kContainer.newStatelessKieSession("ksession-rules"); } @Override public void fireService(Message info) { kSession.execute(info); }
11. 基本测试,对于使用drools和直接写java代码,显然使用drools可以实现动态部署,更具优势,不过有人担心性能受到影响,这里我做了一下测试,
public void setMatchThresholdsInfo(CustomerInfo info) { String temp = info.getProfessionCode(); // boolean flag = false; if (null == temp || 0 == (temp.trim()).length() || "其他".equals(temp) || "其它".equals(temp) || "无业".equals(temp) || "未知".equals(temp)) { info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 20); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " Invalid professionCode value: " + info.getProfessionCode()); } if (info.getCertificateEndDate() == null || info.getCertificateEndDate().before(new Date())) { info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 80); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " Invalid Certification End date value: " + info.getCertificateEndDate()); } if (info.getCustomerName() == null || info.getCustomerName().trim().length() == 0) { info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 80); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " Customer Name is null"); } if (info.getCertificateId() == null || 0 == (info.getCertificateId().trim()).length()) { info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 80); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " Invalid Certification ID: " + info.getCertificateId()); } if (null == info.isForeignFlag() ||info.isForeignFlag()) { info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 20); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " 境外标志: " + info.getForeignFlag()); } info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType().trim()); }rule规则:
//created on: May 19, 2014 package com.elulian.CustomerSecurityManagementSystem.service.impl //list any import classes here. import com.elulian.CustomerSecurityManagementSystem.vo.CustomerInfo import java.util.Date //declare any global variables here rule "Profession Rule" //include attributes such as "salience" here... when //conditions info : CustomerInfo (null == professionCode || 0 == (info.getProfessionCode().trim()).length() || "其他".equals(professionCode) || "其它".equals(professionCode) || "无业".equals(professionCode) || "未知".equals(professionCode)) then //actions info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 20); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " Invalid professionCode value: " + info.getProfessionCode()); end rule "Certification End date Rule" when //conditions info : CustomerInfo (null == certificateEndDate || certificateEndDate.before(new Date())) then //actions info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 80); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " Invalid Certification End date value: " + info.getCertificateEndDate()); end rule "Customer Name Rule" when //conditions info : CustomerInfo (null == customerName || 0 == (info.getCustomerName().trim()).length()) then //actions info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 80); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " Customer Name is null"); end rule "Certification ID Rule" when //conditions info : CustomerInfo (null == certificateId || 0 == (info.getCertificateId().trim()).length()) then //actions info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 80); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " Invalid Certification ID: " + info.getCertificateId()); end /* rule "Certification ID Rule 2" when //use regx here to check digital and length later info : CustomerInfo ("身份证" == certificateType && (15 != (info.getCertificateId().trim()) || 18 != (info.getCertificateId().trim()))) then info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 80); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " Invalid Certification ID: " + info.getCertificateId()); end */ rule "Foregin Flag Rule" when info : CustomerInfo (null == foreignFlag || true == foreignFlag) then //actions info.setRiskValue(info.getRiskValue() + 20); info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType() + " 境外标志: " + info.getForeignFlag()); end //execute after all other rules are fired rule "Trim Risk Type Rule" salience -9999 when info : CustomerInfo (true) then info.setRiskType(info.getRiskType().trim()); end
@Test public void testExeuctionTime(){ long recordsNumber = 100000; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long used = 0; for(int i = 0; i < recordsNumber ; i++){ CustomerInfo info = new CustomerInfo(); info.setRiskType(""); info.setRiskValue(0); thresholdService.setCustomerThresholdsInfo(info); } used = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println(used); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); used = 0; for(int i = 0; i < recordsNumber; i++){ CustomerInfo info = new CustomerInfo(); info.setRiskType(""); info.setRiskValue(0); thresholdService.setMatchThresholdsInfo(info); } used = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println(used); }
recordsNumber = 10
recordsNumber = 100
[Thread-3] WARN org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint - Exception jitting: null == certificateEndDate || certificateEndDate.before(
new Date()) This is NOT an error and NOT prevent the correct execution since the constraint will be evaluated in intrepreted mode
[Thread-4] WARN org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint - Exception jitting: null == customerName || 0 == (info.getCustomerName().t
rim()).length() This is NOT an error and NOT prevent the correct execution since the constraint will be evaluated in intrepreted mode
[Thread-2] WARN org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint - Exception jitting: null == professionCode || 0 == (info.getProfessionCode()
.trim()).length() || "鍏朵粬".equals(professionCode) || "鍏跺畠".equals(professionCode) || "鏃犱笟".equals(professionCode) || "鏈煡".equal
s(professionCode) This is NOT an error and NOT prevent the correct execution since the constraint will be evaluated in intrepreted mode
[Thread-5] WARN org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint - Exception jitting: null == certificateId || 0 == (info.getCertificateId()
.trim()).length() This is NOT an error and NOT prevent the correct execution since the constraint will be evaluated in intrepreted mode
recordsNumber = 10000
更多rules warning。。。。。。。。有机会和时间要研究下如何调优