Tools 是基于 jQuery 开发的网站界面库,包含网站最常用的Tabs(选项卡)、Tooltip(信息提示)、Overlay(遮罩、弹窗)、Scrollable(滚动控制)、Form
Tools 提供了高自定义的API接口,能够帮助开发者非常容易的实现所需要的功能,带给用户更佳的使用体验。
jQuery UI,jQuery Tools 提供了作为网站应用更需要使用的功能,jQuery Tools 提供的功能分为三部分,分别是 UI
Tools,Form Tools 和 Tools Box,下面会对每个功能模块分别作介绍,另外 jQuery Tools 要比 jQuery UI
的界面更精美,可定制性更好。除此之外,jQuery Tools 核心代码使用 GZIP 压缩后只有3.9KB,及时包括搜有的扩展功能也才14KB,要比
jQuery UI 轻量很多。
UI Tools
Tools 部分包括Tabs、Tooltip、Overlay和Scrollable四个功能模块,各功能模块的Demo如下:
- Minimal
setup for tabs
- Naming
the tabs
- 4
different skins with CSS
- Using
mouseover to switch tabs
- Making
wizards with the tabs
- Making
accordions with tabs
- Customizing
the accordion effect
- Horizontal
accordion using the tabs
- Multiple
tabs and accordion instances
- Handling
browsers back button
- Loading
tab contents with ajax
- AJAXed
tabs with history support
- Slideshow
plugin for the tabs
- Basics
of using the tooltip
- Using
any HTML inside the tooltip
- Imitating
browsers default tooltip
- Using
tooltips in form fields
- Using
tooltips in tables or lists
- Custom
tooltip effect
- Dynamic
positioning of the tooltip
- Minimal
setup for overlay
- The
apple effect for overlay
- Creating
modal dialogs with overlay
- Opening
overlays programmatically
- Overlays
with different styles
- Loading
external pages into overlay
- Multiple
overlays on the same page
- Creating
a customized overlay effect
- Minimal
setup for scrollable
- A
vertical scrollable
- A
simple scrollable image gallery
- Gallery
with multiple scrollables
- A
scrollable registration wizard
- Scrollable
plugins in action
- Browser
back button navigation
- jQuery
tools home page setup
- A
complete navigational system
- Add
and remove items from scrollable
- Customizing
the scrolling animation
Form Tools
Tools 部分包括Validator、Rangeinput和Dateinput三个功能模块,各功能模块的Demo如下:
- Minimal
setup for validator
- Custom
input types and attributes
- Server & client-side validation
- Error Summary
- Validator
events in action
- Localizing
the validator
- Minimal
setup for rangeinput
- A
couple of vertical ranges
- Multiple
small ranges
- A
custom scrollbar for a DIV
- Minimal
setup for dateinput
- A
large skin for Dateinput
- Customizing
Dateinput behavior
- Prompting
for start and end dates
- Calendar
that is always available
- Localizing
the Dateinput (french)
Tools Box
Box 部分包括Expose、Flashembed和Combinations三个功能模块,各功能模块的Demo如下:
- Minimal
setup for expose
- Styling
the mask
- Exposing
a form
- Exposing
videos with a custom mask
- Basics
of Flash embedding
- Flashembed
and jQuery
- Loading
flash on a mouse click
- Placing HTML on top of a
flash object
- Handling
old flash versions
- Flashembed
and Flowplayer
- HTML5 form inside
an overlay
- An
artist’s portfolio
- Speeding
up the portfolio
jQuery Tools:Web开发必备的 jQuery UI 库,布布扣,bubuko.com
jQuery Tools:Web开发必备的 jQuery UI 库