- 先将左子树转换成一个双向链表list1
- 再将右子树转换成一个双向链表list2
- 最后将list1+根节点+list2合成一个链表
code// function:binary tree to double directed linklist template<typename T> std::pair<btnode<T>*,btnode<T>*> binarytree<T>::_BinaryTreeToDoubleDirectedLinkedList(btnode<T>* p) { std::pair<btnode<T>*,btnode<T>*> right,left ; if(p == NULL) { left = std::make_pair(p,p); return left; } else { if(p->Lchild) { left = this->_BinaryTreeToDoubleDirectedLinkedList(p->Lchild); left.second->Rchild = p; p->Lchild = left.second; } if(p->Rchild) { right = this->_BinaryTreeToDoubleDirectedLinkedList(p->Rchild); right.first->Lchild = p; p->Rchild = right.first; } if(p->Lchild && p->Rchild) { return std::make_pair(left.first,right.second); } else if(! p->Lchild && p->Rchild) { return std::make_pair(p,right.second); } else if(p->Lchild && ! p->Rchild) { return std::make_pair(left.second,p); } else return std::make_pair(p,p); } }
binary-tree.h#include <iostream> #include <utility> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; template<typename T> class btnode { public: T key; btnode * Lchild; btnode * Rchild; // function:make function btnode( ); }; template<typename T> btnode<T>::btnode() { key = -1; Lchild = NULL; Rchild = NULL; }; template<typename T> class binarytree { public: // var:R id the root of the tree btnode<T> * R; // function:make function binarytree(); // function:make tree void _maketree(T * data,size_t s); // function:insert key into tree void _insert(btnode<T> * *bt,T d); // function:visit node p void _visit(btnode<T> * p); // fucntion:preorder visit tree void _preOrderTraver(btnode<T> * p); // fucntion:inorder visit tree void _inOrderTraver(btnode<T> * p); // fucntion:postorder visit tree void _postOrderTraver(btnode<T> * p); // function:whether is balanced binary tree std::pair<size_t,bool> _IsBalancedBinaryTree(btnode<T> *p); // function:binary tree to double directed linklist std::pair<btnode<T>*,btnode<T>*> _BinaryTreeToDoubleDirectedLinkedList(btnode<T>*p); // function:show the linkedlist void binarytree<T>::ShowLinklist(btnode<T>* p); }; // function:make function template<typename T> binarytree<T>::binarytree() { this->R = NULL; }; // function:make tree // input:an array of data and its length // output: a binary tree template<typename T> void binarytree<T>::_maketree(T * data,size_t s) { for(size_t i= 0;i<s;i++) { this->_insert(&(this->R),data[i]); } }; // function:insert key into tree template<typename T> void binarytree<T>::_insert(btnode<T> * *bt,T d) { if((*bt) == NULL) { (*bt) = new btnode<T>; (*bt) -> key = d; } else { btnode<T> * p = *bt ; if(d < p->key) { this->_insert(&(p->Lchild),d); } else if(d>p->key) { this->_insert(&(p->Rchild),d); } else { cout<<d<<" has been inserted"<<endl; } } }; // function:visit node p template<typename T> void binarytree<T>::_visit(btnode<T> * p) { if(p != NULL) { cout<<"key="<<p->key<<endl; } else { cout<<"node point null"<<endl; } }; // fucntion:preorder visit tree template<typename T> void binarytree<T>::_preOrderTraver(btnode<T> * p) { if(p != NULL ) { this->_visit(p); this->_preOrderTraver(p->Lchild); this->_preOrderTraver(p->Rchild); } }; // fucntion:inorder visit tree template<typename T> void binarytree<T>::_inOrderTraver(btnode<T> * p) { if(p != NULL ) { this->_inOrderTraver(p->Lchild); this->_visit(p); this->_inOrderTraver(p->Rchild); } }; // fucntion:postorder visit tree template<typename T> void binarytree<T>::_postOrderTraver(btnode<T> * p) { if(p != NULL ) { this->_postOrderTraver(p->Lchild); this->_postOrderTraver(p->Rchild); this->_visit(p); } }; // function:whether is balanced binary tree template<typename T> std::pair<size_t,bool> binarytree<T>::_IsBalancedBinaryTree(btnode<T> *p) { if( p == NULL ) return std::make_pair(0,true); else { std::pair<size_t,bool> r = this -> _IsBalancedBinaryTree(p->Rchild); std::pair<size_t,bool> l = this -> _IsBalancedBinaryTree(p->Lchild); int h = (int)(r.first) - (int)(l.first); h = abs(h); if(h>1) return std::make_pair(max(r.first,l.first)+1,false); else return std::make_pair(max(r.first,l.first)+1,r.second && l.second); } }; // function:binary tree to double directed linklist template<typename T> std::pair<btnode<T>*,btnode<T>*> binarytree<T>::_BinaryTreeToDoubleDirectedLinkedList(btnode<T>* p) { std::pair<btnode<T>*,btnode<T>*> right,left ; if(p == NULL) { left = std::make_pair(p,p); return left; } else { if(p->Lchild) { left = this->_BinaryTreeToDoubleDirectedLinkedList(p->Lchild); left.second->Rchild = p; p->Lchild = left.second; } if(p->Rchild) { right = this->_BinaryTreeToDoubleDirectedLinkedList(p->Rchild); right.first->Lchild = p; p->Rchild = right.first; } if(p->Lchild && p->Rchild) { return std::make_pair(left.first,right.second); } else if(! p->Lchild && p->Rchild) { return std::make_pair(p,right.second); } else if(p->Lchild && ! p->Rchild) { return std::make_pair(left.second,p); } else return std::make_pair(p,p); } } // function:show the linkedlist template<typename T> void binarytree<T>::ShowLinklist(btnode<T>* p) { cout<<"list data follows"<<endl; while(p) { cout<<p->key<<endl; p = p->Rchild; } }
test.cpp#include <iostream> #include "b-tree.h" using namespace std; // function:input data std::pair<int*,size_t> Inputdata(); int main() { // tree has the root : tree::R binarytree<int> * T = new binarytree<int>; //int size = 10; //int * data = new int[size]; //for(int i=0;i<size;i++) //{ // data[i] = rand()%20; //} int data[9] = {4,7,3,2,8,6,5,9,10}; std::pair<int*,size_t> d = Inputdata(); T->_maketree(d.first,d.second); cout<<"preorder traversal"<<endl; T->_preOrderTraver(T->R); cout<<"inorder traversal"<<endl; T->_inOrderTraver(T->R); cout<<"postorder traversal"<<endl; T->_postOrderTraver(T->R); std::pair<size_t,bool> r=T->_IsBalancedBinaryTree(T->R); cout<<"whether it is balanced binary tree,result is "<<r.second<<endl; T->ShowLinklist(T->_BinaryTreeToDoubleDirectedLinkedList(T->R).first); system("pause"); return 0; } // function:input data std::pair<int*,size_t> Inputdata() { size_t s = 0; cout<<"please input the number(>=0) of data,size = "<<endl; cin>>s; std::pair<int*,size_t> r; int * p = NULL; if(s == 0) { r = std::make_pair(p,0); return r; } else { p = new int[s]; cout<<"please input data"<<endl; for(size_t i = 0; i<s; i++) { cin>>p[i]; } cout<<"ok,data input over"<<endl; r = std::make_pair(p,s); return r; } }