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AutoSharedLibrary -- 基于模板元编程技术的跨平台C++动态链接加载库

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    ASL_SYMBOL(Proc_test1, test1, false) 
    ASL_SYMBOL(Proc_test2, test2, true)

TestLib theLib;
try { theLib.Load("./1.so"); }
catch (ASL::LibraryNotFoundException& e)
    cout << e.what() << endl; // 输出./1.so 
catch (ASL::SymbolNotFoundException& e) 
    cout << e.what() << endl; // 输出 加载失败的符号名称 

theLib.test1(1); // assert(theLib.test1 != NULL) 

假定有个一个名为1.so的动态链接库,并且该模块导出test1和test2两个接口。test1的接口类型为Proc_test1, test2的接口类型为Proc_test2。

ASL_SYMBOL宏的第三个参数表示,如果该符号加载失败(模块并没有导出该接口),是否抛出SymbolNotFoundException。 为false时,抛出异常,终止链接库加载流程,并且e.what()为加载失败的符号名称。为true时,忽略错误,仍然继续加载其他符号,客户端可以根据对应的接口是否为NULL来判断该符号是否加载成功。

	created:	2014/05/31
	file base:	AutoSharedLibrary
	file ext:	h
	author:		qiuhan (hanzz2007@hotmail.com)
	purpose:	Cross platform classes and macros to make  dynamic link module
                easy to use by using c++ template meta programming technic.

                No need to make any changes to existing module code.

                Support both windows(*.dll) and linux(*.so) platforms (wchar_t & char).
                SPECIAL THANKS TO TRL (Template Relection Library)
                Following codes are all in client side:

                    ASL_SYMBOL(Proc_func1, func1, true)
                    ASL_SYMBOL(Proc_func2, func2, false)
                ClassName theLib;
                try {
                catch (ASL::LibraryNotFoundException& e) {
                catch (ASL::SymbolNotFoundException& e) {


#define  ASL_INCLUDE_H

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

#include <cstdlib>
#include <exception>
#include <string>

namespace ASL {

    namespace Private {

        template <class Head_, class Tail_>
        struct TypeList
            typedef Head_ Head;
            typedef Tail_ Tail;

        class NullType {};

        template <int i_>
        struct Int2Type
            enum { value = i_ };

        template <int condition_, class T0_, class T1_>
        struct Select
            typedef T0_ Result;

        template <class T0_, class T1_>
        struct Select<false, T0_, T1_>
            typedef T1_ Result;

        template <int condition_, int v0_, int v1_>
        struct SelectInt
            enum { value = v0_ };

        template <int v0_, int v1_>
        struct SelectInt<false, v0_, v1_>
            enum { value = v1_ };

        template <class Type_, int Ignore_>
        struct MemberInfo
            typedef Type_ Type;
            enum {
                ignore = Ignore_

        template <class TList_, int startLine_, int endLine_, class ConcreteClass_>
        struct CreateMemberIndicesImpl
            typedef typename ConcreteClass_::template IsMemberPresent<endLine_> IsMemberPresent;
            enum { isMemberPresent = IsMemberPresent::value };

            typedef typename Select< isMemberPresent
                , TypeList<MemberInfo<Int2Type<IsMemberPresent::index>, IsMemberPresent::ignoreError >, TList_>
                , TList_ >::Result NewTList;

            typedef CreateMemberIndicesImpl<NewTList, startLine_, endLine_ - 1, ConcreteClass_> MemberIndicesImpl;
            typedef typename MemberIndicesImpl::Indices Indices;

        template <class TList_, int startLine_, class ConcreteClass_>
        struct CreateMemberIndicesImpl<TList_, startLine_, startLine_, ConcreteClass_>
            typedef TList_ Indices;

        template <int startLine_, int endLine_, class ConcreteClass_>
        struct CreateMemberIndices
            typedef CreateMemberIndicesImpl< NullType, startLine_
                , endLine_ - 1, ConcreteClass_ > MemberIndicesImpl;
            typedef typename MemberIndicesImpl::Indices Indices;

        template <class ConcreteClass_, int startLine_, int currentLine_>
        struct GetMemberIndex
            typedef typename ConcreteClass_::template IsMemberPresent<currentLine_> IsMemberPresent;

            enum {
                index = SelectInt< IsMemberPresent::value
                , IsMemberPresent::index
                , GetMemberIndex<ConcreteClass_, startLine_, currentLine_ - 1>::index >::value + 1

        template <class ConcreteClass_, int startLine_>
        struct GetMemberIndex<ConcreteClass_, startLine_, startLine_>
            enum { index = -1 };


    class DefaultLibraryLoader
        typedef void* LibHandle;

            lib_handle = NULL;

        template<class Char_>
        bool Load(const Char_* name)
#if defined(WIN32)
            lib_handle = ::LoadLibrary(name);
            lib_handle = dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY);
            return lib_handle != NULL;

        void Unload()
            if (!lib_handle) {

#if defined(WIN32)
#elif !defined(_ANDROID)

            lib_handle = NULL;

        template<class Char_>
        void* LoadSymbol(const Char_* fun_name)
#if defined(WIN32)
            return (void *)::GetProcAddress((HMODULE)lib_handle, fun_name);
#elif !defined(_ANDROID)
            return dlsym(lib_handle, fun_name);

        LibHandle lib_handle;

    class LibraryNotFoundException : public std::exception
        LibraryNotFoundException(const char* err)
            _err = err;

        LibraryNotFoundException(const wchar_t* err)
            static const size_t CONVERT_LEN = 256;

            char mbsBuff[CONVERT_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
            std::wcstombs(mbsBuff, err, CONVERT_LEN);
            _err = mbsBuff;
        ~LibraryNotFoundException() throw() {}

        virtual const char* what() const throw() {
            return _err.c_str();
        std::string _err;

    class SymbolNotFoundException : public std::exception
        SymbolNotFoundException(const char* err)
            _err = err;

        SymbolNotFoundException(const wchar_t* err)
            static const size_t CONVERT_LEN = 256;

            char mbsBuff[CONVERT_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
            std::wcstombs(mbsBuff, err, CONVERT_LEN);
            _err = mbsBuff;

        ~SymbolNotFoundException() throw() { }

        virtual const char* what() const throw() {
            return _err.c_str();

        std::string _err;

    struct DefaultErrorHandler
        template<class Char_>
        static void OnLoadLibrary(const Char_* libName)
            throw LibraryNotFoundException(libName);

        template<class Char_>
        static void OnLoadSymbol(const Char_* symbolName, const bool ignore)
            if (!ignore) {
                throw SymbolNotFoundException(symbolName);

    template < class ConcreteClass_,
                    class Loader_ = DefaultLibraryLoader,
                    class ErrorHandler_ = DefaultErrorHandler >
    class AutoSharedLibrary


        template<class Char_>
        void Load(ConcreteClass_& object, const Char_* p)
            if (!_loader.Load(p)) {
            typedef typename ConcreteClass_::MemberIndices Indices;
            LoadSymbols(object, Indices());

        void Unload()

        template <class Indices_>
        void LoadSymbols(ConcreteClass_& object, Indices_ indices)
            typedef typename Indices_::Head SymInfo;
            typedef typename SymInfo::Type Index;

            bool ret = LoadSymbol(object.getLoadName(Index()),
            if (!ret) {
                ErrorHandler_::OnLoadSymbol(object.getLoadName(Index()), (bool)SymInfo::ignore);
            LoadSymbols(object, typename Indices_::Tail());

        void LoadSymbols(ConcreteClass_& object, Private::NullType indices)

        template <class FuncType_, class Char_>
        bool LoadSymbol(const Char_* funcName, FuncType_& func)
            func = (FuncType_)_loader.LoadSymbol(funcName);
            return func != NULL;

        Loader_ _loader;


#define ASL_LIBRARY_BEGIN(ConcreteClass_)     ASL_LIBRARY_BEGIN_2(ConcreteClass_, ASL::DefaultLibraryLoader, ASL::DefaultErrorHandler)

#define ASL_LIBRARY_BEGIN_2(ConcreteClass_, LibraryLoader_, ErrorHandler_) class ConcreteClass_ {                                  private:                                                    typedef ConcreteClass_ ConcreteClass;               enum { startLine = __LINE__ };                              ASL::AutoSharedLibrary<ConcreteClass_, LibraryLoader_, ErrorHandler_> _libLoader;  public:                                                     ConcreteClass_() { }                                        ~ConcreteClass_() { Unload(); }                             template<class Char_> void Load(const Char_* p)     {                                                           _libLoader.Load(*this, p);                          }                                                           void Unload()                                       {                                                           _libLoader.Unload();                                }                                                           template <int lineNb_, class Dummy_ = ASL::Private::NullType> struct IsMemberPresent                                  {                                                    enum { value = false };                                 enum { index = 0 };                                     enum { ignoreError = false };                           };

#define ASL_SYMBOL_2(DataType, name, loadName, ignoreNotFound)          public:                                                     DataType name;                                      private:                                                    typedef DataType ConcreteClass::* MemberPtr##name;  public:                                                     template <class Dummy_>                             struct IsMemberPresent<__LINE__, Dummy_>                {                                                    enum { value = true };                                  enum { index = ASL::Private::GetMemberIndex<                ConcreteClass, startLine, __LINE__ - 1>::index }; enum { ignoreError = ignoreNotFound};           };                                                      static const char* getLoadName(                         ASL::Private::Int2Type<IsMemberPresent<__LINE__>::index >) { return #loadName; }                               static MemberPtr##name getMemberPtr(                ASL::Private::Int2Type< IsMemberPresent<__LINE__>::index >) { return &ConcreteClass::name; }

#define ASL_SYMBOL(DataType, name, ignoreNotFound) ASL_SYMBOL_2(DataType, name, name, ignoreNotFound)

#define ASL_LIBRARY_END()                               private:                                                enum { endLine = __LINE__ };                            public:                                                     typedef ASL::Private::CreateMemberIndices<startLine, endLine, ConcreteClass>     ::Indices MemberIndices;                            };


AutoSharedLibrary -- 基于模板元编程技术的跨平台C++动态链接加载库,布布扣,bubuko.com

AutoSharedLibrary -- 基于模板元编程技术的跨平台C++动态链接加载库


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