var v,l,r,fa:array[0..100000] of longint; root,x,i,n,ans:longint; procedure zig(x:longint); var y,z:longint; begin y:=fa[x];z:=fa[y]; if root=y then root:=x; l[y]:=r[x]; if r[x]<>0 then fa[r[x]]:=y; r[x]:=y; fa[y]:=x; fa[x]:=z; if z=0 then exit; if l[z]=y then l[z]:=x else r[z]:=x; end; procedure zag(x:longint); var y,z:longint; begin y:=fa[x];z:=fa[y]; if root=y then root:=x; r[y]:=l[x]; if l[x]<>0 then fa[l[x]]:=y; l[x]:=y; fa[y]:=x; fa[x]:=z; if z=0 then exit; if l[z]=y then l[z]:=x else r[z]:=x; end; procedure splay(x:longint); var y,z:longint; begin while x<>root do begin y:=fa[x]; if y=root then begin if x=l[y] then zig(x) else zag(x); exit; end; z:=fa[y]; if l[y]=x then if l[z]=y then begin zig(y);zig(x) end else begin zig(x);zag(x); end else if r[z]=y then begin zag(y);zag(x); end else begin zag(x);zig(x); end; end; end; procedure insert(x,k:longint); var i,j:longint; begin if root=0 then begin root:=k; v[k]:=x;l[k]:=0;r[k]:=0;fa[k]:=0; exit; end; i:=root; v[k]:=x; while true do begin if x<=v[i] then j:=l[i] else j:=r[i]; if j=0 then begin if x<=v[i] then l[i]:=k else r[i]:=k; fa[k]:=i; break; end; i:=j; end; splay(k); end; function min(x,k:longint):longint; var i,j,tmp:longint; begin tmp:=maxlongint; i:=l[k]; while i<>0 do begin if abs(v[i]-x)<tmp then begin tmp:=abs(v[i]-x);j:=i;end; i:=r[i]; end; i:=r[k]; while i<>0 do begin if abs(v[i]-x)<tmp then begin tmp:=abs(v[i]-x);j:=i;end; i:=l[i]; end; splay(j); exit(tmp); end; begin read(n); ans:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin read(x); insert(x,i); if i<>1 then ans:=ans+min(x,i) else ans:=x; end; writeln(ans); end.