DATA: o_encryptor TYPE REF TO cl_hard_wired_encryptor, o_cx_encrypt_error TYPE REF TO cx_encrypt_error. DATA: v_ac_string TYPE string VALUE ‘RICK‘, v_ac_xstring TYPE xstring, v_en_string TYPE string, v_en_xstring TYPE xstring, v_de_string TYPE string, v_de_xstring TYPE string, v_error_msg TYPE string. START-OF-SELECTION. * Create object for Encryption CREATE OBJECT o_encryptor. * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Encryption - String to String *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* WRITE / ‘Encryption - String to String‘. TRY. CALL METHOD o_encryptor->encrypt_string2string EXPORTING the_string = v_ac_string RECEIVING result = v_en_string. CATCH cx_encrypt_error INTO o_cx_encrypt_error. CALL METHOD o_cx_encrypt_error->if_message~get_text RECEIVING result = v_error_msg. MESSAGE v_error_msg TYPE ‘E‘. ENDTRY. WRITE:/ ‘Actual String: ‘, v_ac_string. WRITE:/ ‘Encrypted String: ‘, v_en_string. SKIP. * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Decryption - String to String *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* WRITE / ‘Decryption - String to String‘. TRY. CALL METHOD o_encryptor->decrypt_string2string EXPORTING the_string = v_en_string RECEIVING result = v_de_string. CATCH cx_encrypt_error INTO o_cx_encrypt_error. CALL METHOD o_cx_encrypt_error->if_message~get_text RECEIVING result = v_error_msg. MESSAGE v_error_msg TYPE ‘E‘. ENDTRY. WRITE:/ ‘Encrypted String: ‘, v_en_string. WRITE:/ ‘Decrypted String: ‘, v_de_string. SKIP.