Data Analysis: indoor localization using received signal strength (RSS)
An error about list operation in python: append and extend elements
We define a list A to storage objects, which the length is unknown, and list B and C to storage the final result.
The code like bellow:
# begin
A = []
B = []
C = []
for obj in range(110):
add ten objects to A, A = [a0,a1,a2….a9]
del A[:]
# end
the expected result is:
B = [a0, a1, a2,a3 ……,a 1098, a1099] // which has 1100 elements
C = [[a0, a1….a9], [a10, a11…a19]…. [a1090, a1091…a1099]] // which has 110 elements
But when I run the code, the bug appear, the real result as follow:
B = [a0, a1, a2,a3 ……,a 1098, a1099] // which has 1100 elements
C = [[], []…. []] // which has nothing in each list
Then I research the difference between append and extend through google
append : append object to the end
extend : extend list by iterable
Finally, I print the result in each cycle, the list B using extend looked fine, but the list C using append came wrong, it showed like bellow:
C = [[A1]]
C = [[A2],[A2]]
C = [[A3],[A3],[A3]]
C = [[A109],[A109],…[A109]]
Then I make a deep copy from A to D, then append the D to the C, like bellow:
# begin
A = []
B = []
C = []
for obj in range(110):
add ten objects to A, A = [a0,a1,a2….a9]
D = copy.deepcopy(A)
del A[:]
# end
Run the code and the result came right.
So , when using extend, it will copy all elements in A to the list B, but when using append, it will only copy the address of A to list C, so, in the end, the A will be empty, which caused the result: list C has nothing.
python: the difference between append and extend