KeyCode values for keyboard keys
Type of key
KeyCode values and descriptions
Mouse buttons
- KeyLeftButton! Left mouse button
- KeyMiddleButton! Middle mouse button
- KeyRightButton! Right mouse button
KeyA! - KeyZ! A - Z, uppercase or lowercase
Other symbols
- KeyQuote! ‘ and "
- KeyEqual! = and +
- KeyComma! , and <
- KeyDash! - and _
- KeyPeriod! . and >
- KeySlash! / and ?
- KeyBackQuote! ` and ~
- KeyLeftBracket! [ and {
- KeyBackSlash! \ and |
- KeyRightBracket! ] and }
- KeySemiColon! ; and :
Non-printing characters
- KeyBack! Backspace
- KeyTab!
- KeyEnter!
- KeySpaceBar!
Function keys
KeyF1! - KeyF12! Function keys F1 to F12
Control keys
- KeyShift!
- KeyControl!
- KeyAlt!
- KeyPause!
- KeyCapsLock!
- KeyEscape!
- KeyPrintScreen!
- KeyInsert!
- KeyDelete!
Navigation keys
- KeyPageUp!
- KeyPageDown!
- KeyEnd!
- KeyHome!
- KeyLeftArrow!
- KeyUpArrow!
- KeyRightArrow!
- KeyDownArrow!
Numeric and symbol keys
- Key0! 0 and )
- Key1! 1 and !
- Key2! 2 and @
- Key3! 3 and #
- Key4! 4 and $
- Key5! 5 and %
- Key6! 6 and ^
- Key7! 7 and &
- Key8! 8 and *
- Key9! 9 and (
Keypad numbers
KeyNumpad0! - KeyNumpad9! 0 - 9 on numeric keypad
Keypad symbols
- KeyMultiply! * on numeric keypad
- KeyAdd! + on numeric keypad
- KeySubtract! - on numeric keypad
- KeyDecimal! . on numeric keypad
- KeyDivide! / on numeric keypad
- KeyNumLock!
- KeyScrollLock!