* quote : "http://inventwithpython.com/" *
* python-version : 2.7.11 *
要运行下面这个程序,你需要下载这个字典并且和 py 文件放在同一个目录下
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 UPPERLETTERS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" 3 LETTERS_AND_SPACE = UPPERLETTERS + UPPERLETTERS.lower() + ‘ \t\n‘ 4 5 def loadDictionary(): #返回一个dict。其中包含了dictionary.txt 中的所有单词 6 dictionaryFile = open("dictionary.txt") 7 englishWords = {} 8 for word in dictionaryFile.read().split(‘\n‘): 9 englishWords[word] = None 10 dictionaryFile.close() 11 return englishWords 12 13 ENGLISH_WORDS = loadDictionary() 14 15 def removeNonLetters(message): #只保留原字符串中的英文和空格部分 16 lettersOnly = [] 17 for symbol in message: 18 if symbol in LETTERS_AND_SPACE: 19 lettersOnly.append(symbol) 20 return ‘‘.join(lettersOnly) 21 22 def getEnglishcount(message): #返回一个占比值。即这个message中的英文单词占(百分)比多少 23 message = message.upper() 24 message = removeNonLetters(message) 25 possibleWords = message.split() #预处理。得到原message中所有单词组成的列表 26 27 if possibleWords == []: 28 return 0.0 29 30 matches = 0 31 for word in possibleWords: 32 if word in ENGLISH_WORDS: 33 matches += 1 34 return float(matches) / len(possibleWords) 35 36 def isEnglish(message , wordPercentage = 20, letterPercentage = 85): 37 wordsMatch = getEnglishcount(message) * 100 >= wordPercentage 38 numLetters = len(removeNonLetters(message)) 39 messageLettersPercentage = float(numLetters) / len(message) *100 40 lettersMatch = messageLettersPercentage >= letterPercentage 41 return wordsMatch and lettersMatch
从理论上来说,当要加密的消息为 message 时,换位加密法可能的秘钥有 len(message)-2 个(从 2 到 len(message)-1)
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 import detectEnglish , transpositionDecrypt 3 4 def main(): 5 myMessage = """Cb b rssti aieih rooaopbrtnsceee er es no npfgcwu plri ch nitaalr eiuengiteehb(e1 hilincegeoamn fubehgtarndcstudmd nM eu eacBoltaeteeoinebcdkyremdteghn.aa2r81a condari fmps" tad l t oisn sit u1rnd stara nvhn fsedbh ee,n e necrg6 8nmisv l nc muiftegiitm tutmg cm shSs9fcie ebintcaets h aihda cctrhe ele 1O7 aaoem waoaatdahretnhechaopnooeapece9etfncdbgsoeb uuteitgna.rteoh add e,D7c1Etnpneehtn beete" evecoal lsfmcrl iu1cifgo ai. sl1rchdnheev sh meBd ies e9t)nh,htcnoecplrrh ,ide hmtlme. pheaLem,toeinfgn t e9yce da‘ eN eMp a ffn Fc1o ge eohg dere.eec s nfap yox hla yon. lnrnsreaBoa t,e eitsw il ulpbdofgBRe bwlmprraio po droB wtinue r Pieno nc ayieeto‘lulcih sfnc ownaSserbereiaSm-eaiah, nnrttgcC maciiritvledastinideI nn rms iehn tsigaBmuoetcetias rn""" 6 hackedMessage = hackTransposition(myMessage) 7 8 if hackedMessage == None: 9 print ‘Failed to hack encryption‘ 10 else: 11 print ‘Copying hacked message to clipboard:‘ 12 print hackedMessage 13 14 def hackTransposition(message): 15 print ‘Hacking‘ 16 17 for key in xrange(1 , len(message)): 18 print ‘Trying key #%s ...‘%(key) 19 decryptedText = transpositionDecrypt.decryptMessage(key , message) 20 if detectEnglish.isEnglish(decryptedText): 21 print ‘‘ 22 print ‘Possible encryption hack : ‘ 23 print ‘Key %s : %s‘%(key ,decryptedText[:100]) 24 print ‘‘ 25 print ‘If you think the message is Ok , Enter D for done , or just press Enter to continue hacking :‘ 26 resp = raw_input(‘>>>‘) 27 28 if resp.strip().upper().startswith(‘D‘): 29 return decryptedText 30 return None 31 32 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 33 main()
但是乘数加密法一个缺点是字母 A 对应的数字是 0 。它在乘上秘钥之后仍然是 0 。那么对任意秘钥,字母 A 就永远对应字母 A。
这意味着,我们需要两个秘钥,假设为 A 和 B
明文-->乘上秘钥 A -->加上秘钥 B -->根据符号集的大小取模-->密文
明文<--根据符号集的大小进行取模运算<--乘上秘钥 A 的模逆<--减去秘钥 B <--密文
但是。乘数加密法的秘钥 A 存在一个问题。
例如当你选择秘钥 A = 8 时。字母 C 和 P 都被加密成了 Q。这样在解密的时候就无法判断原明文。
实际上。秘钥A 和符号集的大小必须互质。 也就是说,两者的最大公约数必须为1。
另外。如果你足够细心的话。会发现解密的时候我们并没有 乘以 A 的倒数,而是乘上 A 的模逆。
1 #cryptomath.py 2 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 3 def gcd(a , b): #求最大公约数 4 while a != 0: 5 a ,b = b%a , a 6 return b 7 8 def findModInverse(a , m): #欧几里得 扩展算法求模逆 9 if gcd(a , m) != 1: 10 return None 11 u1 , u2 , u3 = 1 , 0 , a 12 v1 , v2 , v3 = 0, 1, m 13 while v3 != 0: 14 q = u3 / v3 15 v1 , v2 , v3 , u1 , u2 , u3 = (u1 - q * v1) , (u2 - q * v2) , (u3 - q * v3) , v1 , v2 , v3 16 return u1 % m
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 import sys , cryptomath , random 3 SYMBOLS = """ !"#$%&‘()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~""" 4 5 def main(): 6 myMessage = """"A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human." -Alan Turing""" 7 myKey = 2023 8 myMode = ‘encrypt‘ 9 10 if myMode == ‘encrypt‘: 11 translated = encryptMessage(myKey , myMessage) 12 elif myMode == ‘decrypt‘: 13 translated = decryptMessage(myKey , myMessage) 14 print ‘Key : %s‘%(myKey) 15 print ‘%sed text :‘%(myMode.title()) 16 print translated 17 print ‘‘ 18 translated = decryptMessage(myKey , translated) 19 print ‘Decrypted test :‘ 20 print translated 21 22 def getKeyParts(key): #由一个秘钥得到两部分秘钥 23 keyA = key/len(SYMBOLS) 24 keyB = key%len(SYMBOLS) 25 return (keyA , keyB) 26 27 def checkKeys(keyA , keyB , mode): 28 if keyA == 1 and mode == ‘encrypt‘: #keyA 为 1 时,秘钥太弱 29 sys.exit("key A can‘t be 1.Choose a different key.") 30 elif keyB == 0 and mode == ‘encrypt‘: #keyB 为 0 时,秘钥太弱 31 sys.exit("key B can‘t be 0.Choose a different key.") 32 elif keyA < 0 or keyB < 0 or keyB > len(SYMBOLS) -1:#限定秘钥范围。其中keyA 大于0 , 0 < keyB < len(SYMBOLS) 33 sys.exit(‘Key A must be greater than 0 and key B must be between 0 and %s‘)%(len(SYMBOLS)) 34 elif cryptomath.gcd(keyA , len(SYMBOLS)) != 1: #前面说秘钥keyA 必须与符号集的大小互质 35 sys.exit(‘key A and the symbol set size are not relatively prime.Choose a different key‘) 36 #加密解密过程均是找到对应关系 37 def encryptMessage(key , message): 38 keyA , keyB = getKeyParts(key) 39 checkKeys(keyA, keyB , ‘encrypt‘) 40 cipherText = ‘‘ 41 for symbol in message: 42 if symbol in SYMBOLS: 43 symIndex = SYMBOLS.find(symbol) 44 cipherText += SYMBOLS[(symIndex * keyA + keyB) % len(SYMBOLS)] 45 else: 46 cipherText += symbol 47 return cipherText 48 49 def decryptMessage(key , message): 50 keyA , keyB = getKeyParts(key) 51 checkKeys(keyA, keyB , ‘decrypt‘) 52 plainText = ‘‘ 53 modInverseOfKeyA = cryptomath.findModInverse(keyA , len(SYMBOLS)) 54 55 for symbol in message: 56 if symbol in SYMBOLS: 57 symIndex = SYMBOLS.find(symbol) 58 plainText += SYMBOLS[(symIndex - keyB) * modInverseOfKeyA % len(SYMBOLS)] 59 else: 60 plainText += symbol 61 return plainText 62 63 def getRandomKey():#可能不容易想到一个符合条件的秘钥。这时你可以选择用getRandomKey() 函数自动生成一个秘钥 64 while True: 65 keyA = random.randint(2 , len(SYMBOLS)) 66 keyB = random.randint(2 , len(SYMBOLS)) 67 if cryptomath.gcd(keyA , len(SYMBOLS)) == 1: 68 return keyA * len(SYMBOLS) + keyB 69 70 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 71 main()
SYMBOLS = """ !"#$%&‘()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"""
对于上述这个字符集。(len(SYMBOLS) = 95)。
因为秘钥 keyB 是对这个长度取模得到的。所以 keyB 的值在 0 和这个 长度减一 之间。 keyB的可能取值是95个
对于秘钥keyA 。我们假设一个字母原来对应的数字为 X , 加密后对应的数字是 Y。
即。 Y = (X * keyA + keyB)%len(SYMBOLS)
那么。我们同样有 (X * (keyA+len(SYMBOLS)) +keyB ) % len(SYMBOLS) = (X * keyA + keyB)%len(SYMBOLS) + x*len(SYMBOLS) % len(SYMBOLS) = Y
这也就是说。对于keyA ,我们取 keyA + len(SYMBOLS) 作为新的秘钥 keyA 。我们得到的加密消息将会是一样的。
这意味着。秘钥A 和 B都受限于符号集的大小。
1 import affineCipher ,detectEnglish , cryptomath 2 SILENT_MODE = False 3 4 def main(): 5 myMessage = """U&‘<3dJ^Gjx‘-3^MS‘Sj0jxuj‘G3‘%j‘<mMMjS‘g{GjMMg9j{G‘g"‘gG‘<3^MS‘Sj<jguj‘m‘P^dm{‘g{G3‘%jMgjug{9‘GPmG‘gG‘-m0‘P^dm{LU‘5&Mm{‘_^xg{9""" 6 hackedMessage = hackAffine(myMessage) 7 8 if hackedMessage != None: 9 print hackedMessage 10 else: 11 print ‘Failed to hack encryption.‘ 12 13 def hackAffine(message): 14 print ‘Hacking ...‘ 15 for key in xrange(len(affineCipher.SYMBOLS) ** 2): 16 keyA = affineCipher.getKeyParts(key)[0] 17 if cryptomath.gcd(keyA , len(affineCipher.SYMBOLS)) != 1: 18 continue 19 decryptedText = affineCipher.decryptMessage(key , message) 20 if not SILENT_MODE: 21 print ‘Tried key %s ... (%s)‘%(key , decryptedText) 22 23 if detectEnglish.isEnglish(decryptedText): 24 print ‘‘ 25 print ‘Possible encryption hack :‘ 26 print ‘Key " %s‘%(key) 27 print ‘Decrypted message :‘+decryptedText[:200] 28 print ‘‘ 29 print ‘Enter D for done , or just press Enter to continue hacking‘ 30 resp = raw_input(‘>>>‘) 31 if resp.strip().upper().startswith(‘D‘): 32 return decryptedText 33 return None 34 35 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 36 main()
由前面的分析。我们得到。keyA 和 keyB 的值均在 1 到 len(SYMBOLS)之间。
那么,我们对应的秘钥就可能有 len(SYMBOLS) * len(SYMBOLS) 个。
我们遍历这些可能的秘钥。通过上一个py文件得到 keyA keyB 的值然后尝试解密。得到英文消息时自动暂停。
要实现简单替代加密法,随机选择字母来加密字母表的每个字母。每个字母只用一次。这样的秘钥可以有 403 291 461 126 605 635 584 000 000 个。
类似于前面的凯撒加密法和仿射加密法。 只不过,这一次,我们并不用简单的加或乘的关系来找对应的秘钥。
1 import sys , random 2 3 LETTERS = ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ‘ 4 5 def main(): 6 myMessage = ‘If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way. -Bertrand Russell‘ 7 myKey = ‘LFWOAYUISVKMNXPBDCRJTQEGHZ‘ 8 myMode = ‘encrypt‘ 9 10 checkValidKey(myKey) 11 12 if myMode == ‘encrypt‘: 13 translated = encryptMessage(myKey , myMessage) 14 elif myMode == ‘decrypt‘: 15 translated = decryptMessage(myKey , myMessage) 16 print ‘Using key %s‘%(myKey) 17 print ‘‘ 18 print ‘The %sed message is : ‘%(myMode) 19 print translated 20 print ‘‘ 21 print ‘the decrypted message is :‘ 22 print decryptMessage(myKey , translated) 23 24 def checkValidKey(key): 25 keyList = list(key) 26 lettersList = list(LETTERS) 27 keyList.sort() 28 lettersList.sort() 29 if keyList != lettersList: 30 sys.exit(‘There is an error in the key or symbol set.‘) 31 32 def encryptMessage(key , message): 33 return translateMessage(key , message , ‘encrypt‘) 34 def decryptMessage(key , message): 35 return translateMessage(key , message , ‘decrypt‘) 36 37 def translateMessage(key , message , mode): 38 translated = ‘‘ 39 charsA = LETTERS 40 charsB = key 41 if mode == ‘encrypt‘: 42 charsA , charsB = charsB , charsA 43 for symbol in message: 44 if symbol.upper() in charsA: 45 symIndex = charsA.find(symbol.upper()) 46 if symbol.isupper(): 47 translated += charsB[symIndex] 48 else: 49 translated += charsB[symIndex].lower() 50 else: 51 translated += symbol 52 return translated 53 54 def getRandomKey(): 55 key = list(LETTERS) 56 random.shuffle(key) 57 return ‘‘.join(key) 58 59 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 60 main()
前面我们说到。简单替代加密法可能的秘钥有 403 291 461 126 605 635 584 000 000 个。秘钥实在太多了,无法让计算机来暴力破解。
我们来看一下一个可能的密文单词 HGHHU。
1. 明文单词一定是 5 个字母
2. 明文第一,第三,第四个字母是一样的
3. 这个单词有 3 个不同的字母,第一,第二,第五个字母彼此不同
那我们可以从字典中找到同样符合这三个特性的单词。例如 Puppy Mommy Bobby Lilly
现在。我们需要给密词创建单词模式。第一个字母获得数字0 , 后面每个不同的字母第一次出现时都会获得下一个数字。比如:
cat 的单词模式为 0,1,2
catty 的单词模式为 0,1,2,2,3
roofer 的单词模式为 0,1,1,2,3,0
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 import pprint 3 def getWordPattern(word): #返回单词模式 4 word = word.upper() 5 nextNum = 0 6 letterNums = {} 7 wordPattern = [] 8 9 for letter in word: 10 if letter not in letterNums: 11 letterNums[letter] = str(nextNum) 12 nextNum += 1 13 wordPattern.append(letterNums[letter]) 14 return ‘.‘.join(wordPattern) 15 16 def main(): 17 allPatterns = {} 18 fo = open(‘dictionary.txt‘) 19 wordList = fo.read().split(‘\n‘) 20 fo.close() 21 22 for word in wordList: 23 pattern = getWordPattern(word) 24 25 if pattern not in allPatterns: 26 allPatterns[pattern] = [word] 27 else: 28 allPatterns[pattern].append(word) 29 30 fo = open(‘wordPatterns.py‘,‘w‘) 31 fo.write(‘allPatterns = ‘) 32 fo.write(pprint.pformat(allPatterns)) 33 fo.close() 34 35 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 36 main()
这个程序会在本地生成一个 wordPatterns.py 文件。里面以字典的形式保存了各种不同的单词模式所对应的单词。你可以用编辑器打开看一下。