执行以下命令:C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools\wsusutil postinstall /servicing
To allow WSUS (and presumably SCCM) to support Windows 10 Anniversary, Microsoft released a patch last month which blew up a number of WSUS servers. They have now released KB3159706 which is supposed to fix that problem and support Windows 10 Anniversary. This patch installs on WSUS servers through the normal Windows Update process so even if you are not running Windows 10 or care about Anniversary, you will receive that patch. The problem is that it REQUIRES a number of MANUAL steps to complete the install and if you don’t, your WSUS console will not launch.
You can read https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3159706 and https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/wsus/2016/05/05/the-long-term-fix-for-kb3148812-issues/ for full details but it boils down to:
[WSUS] Windows Server Update Service 更新后,出现错误不能连接