以下脚本可用于辅助下载Esri Proceeding网站上的会议PPT,下载好的文档会自动以文档的标题重命名,这样方便检索使用。
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from lxml import etree from lxml.html import soupparser import re from os import path import shutil from os import rename from urllib.request import Request import urllib.request try: rootpath = ‘D:/EsriPPT/‘ f = open(‘D:/Recent Proceedings.html‘, ‘r‘, encoding="windows-1252", errors=‘ignore‘) t = ‘‘.join(f.readlines()) parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding=‘gbk‘, dtd_validation=False, recover=True, ns_clean=True) tree = soupparser.fromstring(t) rows = tree.xpath(‘//table/tbody/tr‘) for r in rows: cols = r.xpath(‘td‘) for links in cols[1].iterchildren(tag=‘a‘): result = re.search(r‘dev_int_\d+\.pdf‘, links.get(‘href‘)) if(result!=None): oldpath = rootpath + result.group(0) newpath = cols[0].text + ‘.pdf‘ newpath = rootpath + newpath.replace(‘:‘, ‘_‘).replace(‘/‘, ‘‘).replace(‘?‘, ‘‘) # to check whether the original file has downloaded if path.exists(oldpath) and not path.exists(newpath): rename(oldpath, newpath) else: remote = ‘http://proceedings.esri.com/library/userconf/devsummit17/papers/‘ + result.group(0) urllib.request.urlretrieve(remote, oldpath) rename(oldpath, newpath) finally: f.close() del tree