1 #冒泡排序 2 array = [1,2,3,6,5,4] 3 for i in range(len(array)): 4 for j in range(i): 5 if array[j] > array[j + 1]: 6 array[j], array[j + 1] = array[j + 1], array[j] 7 print(array) 8 #字符串格式化用法 9 x=123 10 so="%o"%x #8进制 11 print(so) 12 sh = "%x"%x #16进制 13 print(sh) 14 se=‘%e‘%x 15 print(se) 16 print(‘%s‘%65) #等价于str() 17 print(‘%s‘%65333) 18 print(‘%d,%c‘%(65,65)) #使用元组对字符串进行格式化,按位置进行对应 19 print(int(‘120‘)) #可以使用int()函数将合法的数字字符串转化为整数 20 print(‘%s‘%[1,2,3]) 21 print(str([1,2,3])) #可以使用str()函数将任意类型数据转换为字符串 22 print(str((1,2,3))) 23 print(str({‘A‘:65,‘B‘:66})) 24 25 #使用format()方法进行格式化,该法官法更加灵活,不仅可以使用位置进行格式化,还支持使用与位置无关的参数名来进行格式化,并且支持 26 #序列解包格式化字符串,为程序员提供非常大的方便 27 print(‘{0:.3f}‘.format(1/3)) #保留3位小数 28 # 0.333 29 print("The number {0:,} in hex is: {0:#x},i oct is {0:#o}".format(55)) 30 # The number 55 in hex is: 0x37,i oct is 0o67 31 print(‘The number {0:,} in hex is: {0:x},the number {1} inn oct is {1:o}‘.format(555,55)) 32 #The number 555 in hex is: 22b,the number 55 inn oct is 67 33 print(‘THe number {1} in hex is: {1:#x},the number {0} in oct is {0:#o}‘.format(5555,55)) 34 # THe number 55 in hex is: 0x37,the number 5555 in oct is 0o12663 35 print(‘My name is {name},my age is {age},and my QQ is {qq}‘.format(name=‘zWrite‘,qq=‘122668xx‘,age=25)) 36 # My name is zWrite,my age is 25,and my QQ is 122668xx 37 position =(5,6,12) 38 print(‘X:{0[0]};Y:{0[1]};Z:{0[2]}‘.format(position)) #使用元组同时格式化多值 39 # X:5;Y:6;Z:12 40 weather = [(‘Monday‘,‘rain‘),(‘Tuesday‘,‘sunny‘),(‘Wednessday‘,‘sunny‘),(‘Thursday‘,‘rain‘),(‘Friday‘,‘cloudy‘)] 41 formatter=‘Weather of "{0[0]}" is "{0[1]}"‘.format 42 for item in map(formatter,weather): 43 print(item) 44 # Weather of "Monday" is "rain" 45 # Weather of "Tuesday" is "sunny" 46 # Weather of "Wednessday" is "sunny" 47 # Weather of "Thursday" is "rain" 48 # Weather of "Friday" is "cloudy" 49 from string import Template 50 t = Template(‘My name is ${name},and is ${age} years old.‘) #创建模版 51 d = {‘name‘:‘zWrite‘,‘age‘:39} 52 t.substitute(d) #替换 53 print(t) 54 # <string.Template object at 0x101389198> 55 tt = Template(‘My name is $name,and is $age years old.‘) 56 tt.substitute(d) 57 print(tt) 58 # <string.Template object at 0x101389588>