class Person { public $name; private $age; private $sex; public static $information = "I come from the earth"; public function __construct($name="zhangsan", $age=23, $sex="male") { $this->sex = $sex; $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } public function sayHello(){ echo "My name is $this->name and I am $this->age years old. I am a $this->sex.\r\n"; echo self::$information; echo "<br>"; } } $person = new Person(); $person->name = ‘Lisi‘; $person->sayHello(); echo serialize($person); //输出结果如下: //My name is Lisi and I am 23 years old. I am a male. I come from the earth //O:6:"Person":3:{s:4:"name";s:4:"Lisi";s:11:"Personage";i:23;s:11:"Personsex";s:4:"male";}
#变量定义 typedef struct _zval_struct zeal; //存储变量的类型 struct _zval_struct { /* Variable information */ zvalue_value value; /* 存储变量的值 */ zend_uint refcount; /* 变量引用数 */ zend_uchar type; /* 变量类型 */ zend_uchar is_ref; /* 变量是否被引用 */ }; typedef union _zvalue_value { long lval; /* 长整型 */ double dval; /* double型 */ struct { char *val; int len; } str; /* String型 */ HashTable *ht; /* array型 */ zend_object_value obj; /* 对象型 */ } zvalue_value; #对象底层实现 typedef struct _zend_object { zend_class_entry *ce; //类入口,存储该对象的类结构,相当于类指针 HashTable *properties; //对象属性组成的HashTable HashTable *guards; /* 阻止递归调用 */ } zend_object; typedef struct _zend_guard { zend_bool in_get; zend_bool in_set; zend_bool in_unset; zend_bool in_isset; zend_bool dummy; /* sizeof(zend_guard) must not be equal to sizeof(void*) */ } zend_guard; //由于zend_class_entry源码较多且复杂,因此此处省略。
class Person { public $name; private $age; private $sex; public static $information = "I come from the earth"; public function __construct($name="zhangsan", $age=23, $sex="male") { $this->sex = $sex; $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } } $person = new Person(); $person_arr = array("name"=>"zhangsan", "age"=>"23", "sex"=>"male"); echo serialize($person); echo "<br>"; //输出对象序列化结果并换行符 echo serialize($person_arr); echo "<br>"; //输出数组序列化结果并换行 $object = (object)$person_arr; //将数组转化为对象 echo serialize($object); //输出数组序转化为对象的序列化结果 /*输出结果如下: O:6:"Person":3:{s:4:"name";s:8:"zhangsan";s:11:"Personage";i:23;s:11:"Personsex";s:4:"male";} a:3:{s:4:"name";s:8:"zhangsan";s:3:"age";s:2:"23";s:3:"sex";s:4:"male";} O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:4:"name";s:8:"zhangsan";s:3:"age";s:2:"23";s:3:"sex";s:4:"male";} 结果解释如下: O代表的是对象,a代表的是数组, O后的数字(6和8)代表该对象所属类名的长度,紧挨在数字后面的就是类名 类名后面的数字为类对象属性的个数,如上有3个,分别为name,age,sex 大括号中的为对象或数组的属性名和属性值的键值对,其中s代表字符串 最后需要说明的是当把数组转化为对象时,因为没有与数组转换成对象对应的类,因此PHP中一个称为"孤儿"的类stdClass类就会收留这个对象 */
class Person { public $name; private $age; private $sex; public static $information = "I come from the earth"; public function __construct($name="zhangsan", $age=23, $sex="male") { $this->sex = $sex; $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } public function __sleep() { // TODO: Implement __sleep() method return array("name","age"); //该方法指定仅序列化对象的name和age属性 } public function __wakeup() { // TODO: Implement __wakeup() method. var_dump($this->name); //打印输出对象的name属性的值 var_dump($this->sex); //打印输出对象的sex属性的值,由于sex没有被序列化,因此输出null } } $serResult = serialize(new Person()); //序列化一个Person类对象,该方法完成前先调用Person类的__sleep() echo $serResult; echo "<br>"; //输出对象序列化结果并换行符 $unSerResult = unserialize($serResult); //将序列化结果反序列化,该方法完成前调用Person类的__wakeup方法 echo $unSerResult->name; echo "<br>"; //由反序列化得到的Person类对象调用对象的name属性 echo var_dump($unSerResult); echo "<br>"; //输出反序列化得到的Person类对象 /*输出结果如下: O:6:"Person":2:{s:4:"name";s:8:"zhangsan";s:11:"Personage";i:23;} string(8) "zhangsan" NULL zhangsan object(Person)#1 (3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "zhangsan" ["age":"Person":private]=> int(23) ["sex":"Person":private]=> NULL } */
1 class Person { 2 public $name; 3 private $age; 4 private $sex; 5 public static $information = "I come from the earth"; 6 public function __construct($name="zhangsan", $age=23, $sex="male") { 7 $this->sex = $sex; 8 $this->age = $age; 9 $this->name = $name; 10 } 11 public function __destruct() { 12 // TODO: Implement __destruct() method. 13 echo "The object will be destructed"; 14 } 15 } 16 17 $person = new Person(); 18 unset($person); //unset()方法释放$person对象 19 echo $person->name; //该行试图打印$person对象的name属性值,由于$person对象已经被销毁了,因此该行会报错 20 /* 21 输出结果如下: 22 The object will be destructed 23 Notice: Undefined variable: person in /Users/zhangshilei/PhpstormProjects/untitled/demo/Person.php on line 19 24 25 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Users/zhangshilei/PhpstormProjects/untitled/demo/Person.php on line 19 26 */
class Person { public $name; private $age; private $sex; public static $information = "I come from the earth"; public function __construct($name="zhangsan", $age=23, $sex="male") { $this->sex = $sex; $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } public function __get($field) { // TODO: Implement __get() method. echo "the get method is executed<br>"; return $this->$field; } public function __set($key, $value) { // TODO: Implement __set() method. echo "The set method is executed<br>"; $this->$key = $value; } } $person = new Person(); $person->name="Lisi"; echo $person->name; echo "<br>"; $person->age = 25; //age作为$person的私有属性,如果没有__set()方法此句会报错 echo $person->age; //没有__get()方法,此句会报错,如果__get()方法中没有return语句,该句没有返回值 /*输出结果如下: Lisi The set method is executed the get method is executed 25 结果解释如下: 不知道大家注意到了没有,设置公有属性name的值没有调用__set()方法,读取公有属性name的值没有调用__get()方法 只有在设置和读取私有属性age的值才调用了__get()和__set()方法 */
class Person { public $name; private $age; private $sex; public static $information = "I come from the earth"; public function __construct($name="zhangsan", $age=23, $sex="male") { $this->sex = $sex; $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } public function __call($name, $arguments) { // TODO: Implement __call() method. echo "被调用方法的名称为:$name<br>"; echo "传入该方法的参数为:", var_dump($arguments),"<br>"; } public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { // TODO: Implement __callStatic() method. echo "被调用静态方法的名称为:$name<br>"; echo "传入该方法的参数为:", var_dump($arguments),"<br>"; } } $person = new Person(); $person->shopping("clothes","fruit","snack"); Person::travel("Beijing","Pair","London","Prussia"); /* 输出结果为: 被调用方法的名称为:shopping 传入该方法的参数为:array(3) { [0]=> string(7) "clothes" [1]=> string(5) "fruit" [2]=> string(5) "snack" } 被调用静态方法的名称为:travel 传入该方法的参数为:array(4) { [0]=> string(7) "Beijing" [1]=> string(4) "Pair" [2]=> string(6) "London" [3]=> string(7) "Prussia" } */
class Person { public $name; private $age; private $sex; public static $information = "I come from the earth"; public function __construct($name="zhangsan", $age=23, $sex="male") { $this->sex = $sex; $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } public function __toString() { // TODO: Implement __toString() method. return "My name is $this->name.<br> I am $this->age years old and I am a $this->sex."; } } $person = new Person(); echo $person; /* 输出结果如下: My name is zhangsan. I am 23 years old and I am a male. */
class Person { public $name; private $age; private $sex; public static $information = "I come from the earth"; public function __construct($name="zhangsan", $age=23, $sex="male") { $this->sex = $sex; $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } public function __sleep() { // TODO: Implement __sleep() method return array("name","age"); //该方法指定仅序列化对象的name和age属性 } public function __wakeup() { // TODO: Implement __wakeup() method. var_dump($this->name); //打印输出对象的name属性的值 var_dump($this->sex); //打印输出对象的sex属性的值,由于sex没有被序列化,因此输出null } public function __destruct() { // TODO: Implement __destruct() method. echo "The object will be destructed"; } public function __get($field) { // TODO: Implement __get() method. echo "the get method is executed<br>"; return $this->$field; } public function __set($key, $value) { // TODO: Implement __set() method. echo "The set method is executed<br>"; $this->$key = $value; } public function __call($name, $arguments) { // TODO: Implement __call() method. echo "被调用方法的名称为:$name<br>"; echo "传入该方法的参数为:", var_dump($arguments),"<br>"; } public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { // TODO: Implement __callStatic() method. echo "被调用方法的名称为:$name<br>"; echo "传入该方法的参数为:", var_dump($arguments),"<br>"; } public function __toString() { // TODO: Implement __toString() method. return "My name is $this->name.<br> I am $this->age years old and I am a $this->sex."; } public function sayHello($other){ echo "My name is $this->name, nice to meet you $other"; } } $person = new Person(); $reflect = new ReflectionObject($person); $props = $reflect->getProperties(); //获取对象的属性列表(所有属性) foreach ($props as $prop){ //打印类中属性列表 echo $prop->getName(),"\r"; } echo "<br>"; $methods = $reflect->getMethods(); //获取类的方法列表 foreach ($methods as $method){ echo $method->getName(),"\r"; } echo "<br>"; //返回对象属性的关联数组 var_dump(get_object_vars($person)); echo "<br>"; //返回类的公有属性的关联数组 var_dump(get_class_vars(get_class($person))); echo "<br>"; //获取类的方法名组成的数组 var_dump(get_class_methods(get_class($person))); /*输出结果如下: name age sex information __construct __sleep __wakeup __destruct __get __set __call __callStatic __toString sayHello array(1) { ["name"]=> string(8) "zhangsan" } array(2) { ["name"]=> NULL ["information"]=> string(21) "I come from the earth" } array(10) { [0]=> string(11) "__construct" [1]=> string(7) "__sleep" [2]=> string(8) "__wakeup" [3]=> string(10) "__destruct" [4]=> string(5) "__get" [5]=> string(5) "__set" [6]=> string(6) "__call" [7]=> string(12) "__callStatic" [8]=> string(10) "__toString" [9]=> string(8) "sayHello" } */
class Person { public $name; private $age; private $sex; public static $information = "I come from the earth"; public function __construct($name="zhangsan", $age=23, $sex="male") { $this->sex = $sex; $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } public function sayHello($other){ echo "My name is $this->name, nice to meet you ".implode("",$other)."<br>"; } } class Dynamicproxy{ private $target; public function __construct($className) { //为动态代理传入类名称,则自动生成类对象 $this->target = new $className(); } public function __call($name, $arguments) { // TODO: Implement __call() method. $reflect = new ReflectionObject($this->target); if($method = $reflect->getMethod($name)){ //获取名称为$name的类方法 if($method->isPublic() && !$method->isAbstract()){ echo "Before the method ".$method->getName()." we should do something<br>"; $method->invoke($this->target,$arguments); echo "After the method ".$method->getName()." we should do something<br>"; } } } } $objProxy = new Dynamicproxy("Person"); $objProxy->sayHello("Janny"); /* 输出结果如下: Before the method sayHello we should do something My name is zhangsan, nice to meet you Janny After the method sayHello we should do something */
function showError(){ $date = ‘2017-06-05‘; if(ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})",$date,$regs)){ //deprecated级别错误 echo $regs[3].$regs[2].$regs[1]; }else{ echo "Invalid date format: $date"; } if($value > 5){ //notice级别的错误 echo "It is amazing, the variable $value is not init",PHP_EOL; } $a = array(‘o‘=>2,4,6,8); echo $a[o]; //notice级别的错误 $sum = array_sum($a,3); //warning级别的错误,传入参数不正确 echo fun(); //fetal error echo "the code is after fetal error"; //该句不执行 //echo "prase error:",$55; } showError();
function DivisionError($errno, $errmsg, $errfile, $errline){ // 获取当前错误时间 $dt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s (T)"); $errortype = array ( E_ERROR => ‘Error‘, E_WARNING => ‘Warning‘, E_PARSE => ‘Parsing Error‘, E_NOTICE => ‘Notice‘, E_CORE_ERROR => ‘Core Error‘, E_CORE_WARNING => ‘Core Warning‘, E_COMPILE_ERROR => ‘Compile Error‘, E_COMPILE_WARNING => ‘Compile Warning‘, E_USER_ERROR => ‘User Error‘, E_USER_WARNING => ‘User Warning‘, E_USER_NOTICE => ‘User Notice‘, E_STRICT => ‘Runtime Notice‘, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => ‘Catchable Fatal Error‘ ); $user_errors = array(E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE); $err = "错误时间".$dt."<br>"; $err .= "错误等级".$errno ."<br>"; $err .= "错误等级名称" . $errortype[$errno] . "<br>"; $err .= "错误消息" . $errmsg . "<br>"; $err .= "错误发生所在文件" . $errfile . "<br>"; $err .= "错误所在行" . $errline . "<br>"; echo $err; } set_error_handler("DivisionError"); //当抛出错误时,直接交给DivisionError处理 function showError(){ $date = ‘2017-06-05‘; if(ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})",$date,$regs)){ //deprecated级别错误 echo $regs[1].$regs[2].$regs[3]; }else{ echo "Invalid date format: $date"; } if($value > 5){ //notice级别的错误 echo "It is amazing, the variable $value is not init",PHP_EOL; } $a = array(‘o‘=>2,4,6,8); echo $a[o]; //notice级别的错误 $sum = array_sum($a,3); echo fun(); //fetal error echo "the code is after fetal error"; //该句不执行 //echo "prase error:",$55; } showError();
class DivisionException extends Exception{ //自定义异常处理类 public function __toString(){ //覆写父类的__toString(),规定输出格式 $errorMessage = ‘错误发生于文件‘.$this->getFile().‘第‘.$this->getLine().‘行<br>‘ .‘错误原因为‘.$this->getMessage(); return $errorMessage; } } class Calculate { private $num1; private $num2; private $operater; public function __construct($num1, $num2, $operater) { $this->operater = $operater; $this->num1 = $num1; $this->num2 = $num2; } public function getResult() { try { if ($this->operater == "+") { return $this->num1 + $this->num2; } else if ($this->operater == "-") { return $this->num1 - $this->num2; } else if ($this->operater == "*") { return $this->num1 * $this->num2; } else { if($this->num2 == 0){ //如果除数为0则抛出异常 throw new DivisionException("除数不能为0"); } return $this->num1 / $this->num2; } } catch (DivisionException $exception){ echo $exception; } } } $calculate = new Calculate(10,0,"/"); echo $calculate->getResult(); /** 输出结果如下: 错误发生于文件/Users/zhangshilei/PhpstormProjects/untitled/demo/Person.php第98行 错误原因为除数不能为0 */