I would like merge two color images with an image mask.
img1 and img2 are color image with 3 channelsmask is grey image with 1 channel
for merge the two image with the mask I do a loop for each pixel.
float c1,c2;
for(int j = 0; j < img1.rows ; j++ ){
for(int i = 0; i < img1.cols ; i++ ){
c1 = (greyGoodScale.at<uchar>(j, i))/255.0;
c2 = 1-c1;
img.at<Vec3b>(j, i)[0] = c2*img1.at<Vec3b>(j, i)[0] + c1*img2.at<Vec3b>(j, i)[0];
img.at<Vec3b>(j, i)[1] = c2*img1.at<Vec3b>(j, i)[1] + c1*img2.at<Vec3b>(j, i)[1];
img.at<Vec3b>(j, i)[2] = c2*img1.at<Vec3b>(j, i)[2] + c1*img2.at<Vec3b>(j, i)[2];
OK, it‘s work but my image is 720x500 and i have 70ms of processing time is TOO LONG, I need to be real time.I can‘t do process on GPU.
Is a way to reduce processing time ?
thank.christopheopenCV 3.x
const uchar *scale = &greyGoodScale.at<uchar>(j, 0);
uchar *imgdata = &img.at<uchar>(j, 0);
const uchar *imgdata1 = &img1.at<uchar>(j, 0);
const uchar *imgdata2 = &img2.at<uchar>(j, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < img1.cols ; i++ ){
c1 = scale[i]/255.0;
c2 = 1-c1;
int pos = 3*i;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++){
imgdata[pos + k] = c2*imgdata1[pos + k] + c1*imgdata2[pos + k];
is one a the best solution with 16ms of processing time.
Now I would like divide the loop into 4 threads. My code is ok :
std::thread t1(firstQuarter...
std::thread t4(fourthQuarter...
but time is exactly same of one thread even time is upper.It‘s just classic access array memory and for the out image they don‘t need mutex because each thread have a quarter aof the image. How free array matrix for multithread for this easy case ?
Mat img1 = imread("f:/lib/opencv/samples/data/lena.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR);
Mat img2 = imread("f:/lib/opencv/samples/data/orange.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR);
Mat img3,img4;
Mat mask1(img1.rows, img1.cols, CV_8UC1, Scalar(0));
circle(mask1, Point(200, 200), 100, Scalar(92), -1);
Mat mask2=255-mask1;
Mat mask2c,mask1c;
vector<Mat> pMask = { mask1,mask1,mask1 };
merge(pMask, mask1c);
pMask.clear(); pMask.push_back(mask2); pMask.push_back(mask2); pMask.push_back(mask2);
merge(pMask, mask2c);
multiply(img1, mask1c, img3, 1.0 / 255, CV_32F);
multiply(img2, mask2c, img4, 1.0 / 255, CV_32F);
img4 =img3+img4;
imshow("test", img3);
img = img1*mask + img2*(1-mask) How do that ?