select distinct
msr.sourcing_rule_name 名称 ,
msi.description 说明 ,
msi.item_type 类型 ,
msi.inventory_item_status_code 状态 ,
msr.planning_active 计划生效 ,
msro.effective_date 有效日期 ,
msro.disable_date 无效日期 ,
msro.attribute1 比例月份
/*,decode(msso.source_type,3,‘采购来源‘,2,‘制造地点‘,‘传送至‘) 来源类型 ,
msso.vendor_id 供应商 ,
msso.vendor_site_id 地点 ,
msso.allocation_percent 比例 ,
msso.rank 优先级 */
from mrp.MRP_SOURCING_RULES msr,
mrp.mrp_sr_receipt_org msro,
mrp.mrp_sr_source_org msso,
inv.mtl_system_items_b msi
where msi.organization_id = X
and msi.organization_id = msr.organization_id
and msi.segment1 = msr.sourcing_rule_name
and msr.organization_id = msro.receipt_organization_id
and msr.sourcing_rule_id = msro.sourcing_rule_id
and msro.sr_receipt_id = msso.sr_receipt_id
--and msr.planning_active=2 --供货比例不为100%
and msso.source_type=3 --采购来源
--and msi.item_type in (‘SA‘,‘OP‘)
and msi.buyer_id is null --无采购员的
and msso.allocation_percent >0 --排除比例为0的选项
and msro.disable_date is null
order by msr.sourcing_rule_name
Oracle EBS-SQL (PO-8):检查有供货比例无采购员.sql,布布扣,
Oracle EBS-SQL (PO-8):检查有供货比例无采购员.sql