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# 一、元素分类
# 有如下值集合[11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 90...],将所有大于
# 66
# 的值保存至字典的第一个key中,将小于
# 66
# 的值保存至第二个key的值中。
# 即: {‘k1‘: 大于66的所有值, ‘k2‘: 小于66的所有值}
# a = [11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99]
# b = []
# c = []
# dict = {"k1":b,"k2":c}
# for i in a:
#     if i >66:
#         b.append(i)
#     if i <66:
#         c.append(i)
# print(dict)
# 二、查找
# 查找列表中元素,移除每个元素的空格,并查找以a或A开头并且以c结尾的所有元素。
# li = ["alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain"]
# tu = ("alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain")
# dic = {‘k1‘: "alex", ‘k2‘: ‘ aric‘, "k3": "Alex", "k4": "Tony"}
# for i in li:
#      i = i.strip()
#      if (i.startswith(‘A‘) or i.startswith(‘a‘)) and i.endswith(‘c‘) :
#          print(i)
# for i in tu:
#      i = i.strip()
#      if (i.startswith(‘A‘) or i.startswith(‘a‘)) and i.endswith(‘c‘) :
#          print(i)
# for i in dic.values():
#      i = i.strip()
#      if (i.startswith(‘A‘) or i.startswith(‘a‘)) and i.endswith(‘c‘):
#          print(i)
# 三、输出商品列表,用户输入序号,显示用户选中的商品
# 商品
# li = ["手机", "电脑", ‘鼠标垫‘, ‘游艇‘]
# while True:
#     choice=int(input(‘请输入序号:‘))
#     print(li[choice])
# 四、购物车
# 功能要求:
# 要求用户输入总资产,例如:2000
# 显示商品列表,让用户根据序号选择商品,加入购物车
# 购买,如果商品总额大于总资产,提示账户余额不足,否则,购买成功。
# 附加:可充值、某商品移除购物车
# goods = [
#     {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999},
#     {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10},
#     {"name": "游艇", "price": 20},
#     {"name": "美女", "price": 998},
# ]
# shopping_cart=[]
# flag=True
# sum=0
# while flag:
#     money=input("请输入您的账户金额:").strip()
#     if money.isdigit():
#         money=int(money)
#         print("商品列表:")
#         while flag:
#             for i in range(len(goods)):
#                 print(i+1,goods[i]["name"],goods[i]["price"])
#             choice=input("请选择您需要购买的商品或退出(q):").strip()
#             num=0
#             if choice.isdigit():
#                 choice=int(choice)
#                 choice=choice-1
#                 if choice >=0 and choice <len(goods):
#                     if money > goods[choice][‘price‘]:
#                         product=goods[choice]
#                         if product in shopping_cart:
#                             num+=1
#                         else:
#                             shopping_cart.append(product)
#                         money = money - goods[choice ]["price"]
#                         sum+=goods[choice ]["price"]
#                         print("购买成功,您购买了"+goods[choice][‘name‘],‘您还剩‘+str(money)+‘元钱‘)
#                     elif money<goods[choice][‘price‘]:
#                         print("对不起,您的账户余额不足!")
#                         flag=False
#                 else:
#                     print(‘商品不存在‘)
#                     continue
#             elif choice.lower()==‘q‘:
#                 print(‘---购物清单---:‘)
#                 for k,v in enumerate(shopping_cart,1):
#                     print(k,v[‘name‘],v[‘price‘],num)
#                 print(‘共消费‘+str(sum)+‘元‘+‘\n您的余额是‘+str(money)+‘元‘+‘\n---结束购物---‘)
#                 flag=False
#             else:
#                 print(‘请输入数字或q‘)
#                 continue
#     else:
#         print(‘请输入数字‘)
#         continue
# 选做题:用户交互,显示省市县三级联动的选择
dic = {
    "河北": {
        "石家庄": ["鹿泉", "藁城", "元氏"],
        "邯郸": ["永年", "涉县", "磁县"],
    "河南": {

    "山西": {
# 第一种
# flag=True
# while flag:
#     for i in dic:
#         print(i)
#     choice1=input(‘>>:‘).strip()
#     if choice1.upper()==‘Q‘:
#         break
#     next1=dic[choice1]
#     for j in next1:
#         print(j)
#     while flag:
#         choice2=input(‘>>:‘).strip()
#         if choice2.upper()==‘Q‘:
#             break
#         if choice2.upper()==‘B‘:
#             flag=False
#             break
#         next2=next1[choice2]
#         for z in next2:
#             print(z)
#         choice3 = input(‘>>:‘).strip()
#         if choice3.upper()==‘Q‘:
#             flag=False
#             break
#         if choice3.upper()==‘B‘:
#             continue
exit_flag = False
while not exit_flag:
    for key in dic:

    choice = input(">:").strip()
    if len(choice) == 0 : continue
    if choice == q:
        exit_flag = True
    if choice in dic: #省存在,进入此省下一级
        while not exit_flag:
            next_layer = dic[choice]
            for key2 in next_layer:
            choice2 = input(">>:").strip()
            if len(choice2) == 0: continue
            if choice2 == b: break
            if choice2 == q:
                exit_flag = True
            if choice2 in next_layer: #再进入下一层
                while not exit_flag:
                    next_layer2 = next_layer[choice2]
                    for key3 in next_layer2:
                    choice3 = input(">>>:").strip()
                    if len(choice3) == 0: continue
                    if choice3 == b: break
                    if choice3 == q:
                        exit_flag = True

                    if choice3 in next_layer2:
                        while not exit_flag:
                            next_layer3 = next_layer2[choice3]
                            for key4 in next_layer3:

                            choice4 = input(">>>>:").strip()
                            if choice4 == b:break
                            if choice4 == q:
                                exit_flag = True

# 第二种
# current_layer=dic
# layers=[dic]
# while True:
#     for i in current_layer:
#         print(i)
#     choice=input(‘>>>:‘).strip()#用户输入选项
#     #判断输入是否有效
#     if choice in current_layer:
#         layers.append(current_layer)#把当前层菜单添加到全部层,用于返回上一级使用
#         current_layer=current_layer[choice]#把当前层替换新的
#     elif choice.upper()==‘B‘:
#         current_layer=layers[-1]
#         layers.pop()
#     elif choice.upper()==‘Q‘:
#         break




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