包头需要声明: type C_CURSOR is ref cursor;
procedure visitcount(in_date number, out_code out number, out_desc out varchar2 ) is t_date number(8); t_datepre number(8); t_sql varchar2(2000); t_tempcount number(8); c_data C_CURSOR; v_cityname varchar(20); v_visittime number(8); v_visitcount number(8); v_counttype number(8); begin if(in_date<=0) then t_date:=to_number(trunc(sysdate)-1,‘yyyymmdd‘); t_datepre:=to_number(trunc(sysdate)-2,‘yyyymmdd‘); else t_date:=in_date; t_datepre:=to_number(to_char(to_date(in_date,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)-1,‘yyyymmdd‘)); end if; --删除之前的数据 --select count(1) into t_tempcount from cn_visitcount -- where visittime=t_date; --if t_tempcount>0 then delete from cn_visitcount where visittime=t_date; --end if; t_sql:=‘ select * from ( select cityname,‘||t_date||‘ visittime,count(1) visitcount,1 counttype from ( select ( case when cityid=68 then ‘‘深圳‘‘ when cityid=56 then ‘‘广州‘‘ end )cityname,mobile,count(1) from cn_visitanalysis where to_number(to_char(visittime,‘‘yyyymmdd‘‘))=‘||t_date|| ‘ and (cityid=68 or cityid=56) group by cityid,mobile ) group by cityname‘; t_sql:=t_sql||‘ union all select cityname,‘||t_date||‘ visittime,count(1) visitcount,2 counttype from ( select ( case when cityid=68 then ‘‘深圳‘‘ when cityid=56 then ‘‘广州‘‘ end )cityname,mobile,count(1) from cn_visitanalysis where to_number(to_char(visittime,‘‘yyyymmdd‘‘))=‘||t_date|| ‘ and (cityid=68 or cityid=56) and mobile not in ( select mobile from cn_visitanalysis where to_number(to_char(visittime,‘‘yyyymmdd‘‘))<=‘||t_datepre||‘ and (cityid=68 or cityid=56) ) group by cityid,mobile ) group by cityname) order by cityname,visitcount desc‘; --插入查询的数据 open c_data for t_sql; loop fetch c_data into v_cityname,v_visittime,v_visitcount,v_counttype ; exit when c_data%notfound; insert into cn_visitcount (visitcountid, cityname, visitcount, visittime, counttype) values (seq_cn_visitcountid.nextval,v_cityname, v_visitcount, v_visittime, v_counttype); end loop; --备份每日的手机号 delete from cn_visitmobile where visittime=t_date; insert into cn_visitmobile select seq_cn_visitmobileid.nextval,mobile,cityid,visittime from ( select mobile,cityid,to_number(to_char(visittime,‘yyyymmdd‘)) visittime from cn_visitanalysis where to_number(to_char(visittime,‘yyyymmdd‘))=t_date and (cityid=68 or cityid=56) group by cityid,mobile,to_number(to_char(visittime,‘yyyymmdd‘)) ) commit; exception when others then out_desc:=‘sqlcode:‘||sqlcode ||‘ err_message:‘ || sqlerrm; begin out_code:= -1; --out_description := ‘系统繁忙,请稍后再试!‘; rollback; --raise; --错误日志 insert into cn_joblog(joblogid,procname,starttime,endtime,logtype,remark) values(seq_cn_joblogid.Nextval,‘fx114v01_cn_job.visitcount‘,sysdate,sysdate,‘error‘,out_desc); commit; end; end visitcount;