from urllib2 import urlopen from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # Get the next page url from the current page url def get_next_page_url(url): page = urlopen(url) soup_page = BeautifulSoup(page, ‘lxml‘) page.close() # Get current page and next page tag current_page_tag = soup_page.find(class_="current") next_page_tag = current_page_tag.find_next_sibling() # Check if the current page is the last one if next_page_tag is None: next_page_url = None else: next_page_url = next_page_tag[‘href‘] return next_page_url # Get the book detail urls by page url def get_book_detail_urls(url): page = urlopen(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(page, ‘lxml‘) page.close() urls = [] book_header_tags = soup.find_all(class_="entry-title") for book_header_tag in book_header_tags: urls.append(book_header_tag.a[‘href‘]) return urls # Get the book detail info by book detail url def get_book_isbn(url): page = urlopen(url) book_isbn_soup = BeautifulSoup(page, ‘lxml‘) page.close() title_tag = book_isbn_soup.find(class_="single-title") title = title_tag.string isbn_key_tag = book_isbn_soup.find(text="ISBN-10:").parent isbn_tag = isbn_key_tag.find_next_sibling() isbn = isbn_tag.string.strip() # Remove the whitespace with the strip method return { ‘title‘: title, ‘ISBN‘: isbn } def start(): url = "" book_info_list = [] def next_page(page_url): book_detail_urls = get_book_detail_urls(page_url) for book_detail_url in book_detail_urls: #print all books ISBN one by one # print(book_detail_url) book_info = get_book_isbn(book_detail_url) print(book_info) # print ISBD book_info_list.append(book_info) next_page_url = get_next_page_url(page_url) if next_page_url is not None: next_page(next_page_url) else: return 0 next_page(url)
网络爬虫: 从allitebooks.com抓取书籍信息: 抓取allitebooks.com书籍信息及ISBN码 from backslash112