#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import sys import math class Segment: def __init__(self): self.word1_dict = {} self.word1_dict_count = {} self.word1_dict_count["<S>"] = 87297 self.word2_dict = {} self.word2_dict_count = {} self.gmax_word_length = 0 self.all_freq = 0 def initial_dict(self, gram1_file, gram2_file): # 读取1_gram文件 dict_file = open(gram1_file, "r") for line in dict_file: sequence = line.strip() key = sequence.split(‘ ‘)[0] value = float(sequence.split(‘ ‘)[1]) self.word1_dict_count[key] = value # 计算频率 #self.all_freq = sum(self.word1_dict_count.itervalues()) #self.gmax_word_length = max(len(key) for key in self.word1_dict_count.iterkeys()) self.gmax_word_length = 30 self.all_freq = 1579053.0 for key in self.word1_dict_count: self.word1_dict[key] = math.log(self.word1_dict_count[key] / self.all_freq) dict_file = open(gram2_file, "r") for line in dict_file: sequence = line.strip() key = sequence.split(" ")[0] + " " + sequence.split(" ")[1] value = float(sequence.split(" ")[2]) first_word = key.split(" ")[0] second_word = key.split(" ")[1] self.word2_dict_count[key] = float(value) if self.word1_dict_count.has_key(first_word): self.word2_dict[key] = math.log(value / self.word1_dict_count[first_word]) else: self.word2_dict[key] = self.word1_dict[second_word] def get_unkonw_word_prob(self, word): return math.log(10. / (self.all_freq * 10 ** len(word))) def get_word_prob(self, word): if self.word1_dict.has_key(word): prob = self.word1_dict[word] else: prob = self.get_unkonw_word_prob(word) return prob def get_word_trans_prob(self, first_word, second_word): trans_word = first_word + " " + second_word # print trans_word if self.word2_dict_count.has_key(trans_word): trans_prob = math.log(self.word2_dict_count[trans_word] / self.word1_dict_count[first_word]) else: trans_prob = self.get_word_prob(second_word) return trans_prob def get_best_pre_node(self, sequence, node, node_state_list): max_seg_length = min([node, self.gmax_word_length]) pre_node_list = [] for segment_length in range(1, max_seg_length + 1): segment_start_node = node - segment_length segment = sequence[segment_start_node:node] pre_node = segment_start_node if pre_node == 0: segment_prob = self.get_word_trans_prob("<S>", segment) else: pre_pre_node = node_state_list[pre_node]["pre_node"] pre_pre_word = sequence[pre_pre_node:pre_node] segment_prob = self.get_word_trans_prob(pre_pre_word, segment) pre_node_prob_sum = node_state_list[pre_node]["prob_sum"] candidate_prob_sum = pre_node_prob_sum + segment_prob pre_node_list.append((pre_node, candidate_prob_sum)) # 找到最大的候选概率值 (best_pre_node, best_prob_sum) = max(pre_node_list, key=lambda d: d[1]) return (best_pre_node, best_prob_sum) def mp_seg(self, sequence): sequence = sequence.strip() node_state_list = [] ini_state = {} ini_state["pre_node"] = -1 ini_state["prob_sum"] = 0 node_state_list.append(ini_state) for node in range(1, len(sequence) + 1): (best_pre_node, best_prob_sum) = self.get_best_pre_node(sequence, node, node_state_list)#找最佳前驱并记录累计和 cur_node = {} cur_node["pre_node"] = best_pre_node cur_node["prob_sum"] = best_prob_sum node_state_list.append(cur_node) best_path = [] node = len(sequence) # 最后一个点 best_path.append(node) while True: pre_node = node_state_list[node]["pre_node"] if pre_node == -1: break node = pre_node best_path.append(node) best_path.reverse() word_list = [] for i in range(len(best_path) - 1): left = best_path[i] right = best_path[i + 1] word = sequence[left:right] word_list.append(word) seg_sequence = " ".join(word_list) return seg_sequence # test if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: segmenter = Segment() segResult = [] segmenter.initial_dict("data.uni", "data.bi") #sequence = "这是一个测试" #seg_sequence = segmenter.mp_seg(sequence) #print seg_sequence with open(‘query.10w.seg.random.test.newn‘, ‘rt‘) as f: for line in f: sequence = line seg_sequence = segmenter.mp_seg(sequence) segResult.append(seg_sequence) with open(‘query.test‘,‘w‘) as w: for i in range(len(segResult)): w.write(segResult[i]+‘\n‘) print segResult[i]