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关于C# 调用 C dll时,抓获C的异常

时间:2014-06-18 17:11:02      阅读:587      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

  最近一直被C# 调用native code时的内存错误,各种错误所困扰。而且在.net 4.0中非托管代码的异常不能被托管代码抓获,导致程序直接crash。

  最终找到了.net 的方法。MSDN有关于expection 的详细解释

  1. 在.net 3.5中是可以抓取AccessViolationException这个C崩溃的异常的,因此可以尝试使用这个.net 3.5重新编译

  2.在.net 4,4.5中可以尝试在app.config 文件中加上如下的配置,


           <legacyCorruptedStateExceptionsPolicy enabled="true"/>




// This program runs as part of an automated test system so you need 
// to prevent the normal Unhandled Exception behavior (Watson dialog). 
// Instead, print out any exceptions and exit with an error code. 
public static int Main() 
       // Catch any exceptions leaking out of the program CallMainProgramLoop(); 
   catch (Exception e) 
       // We could be catching anything here 
         // The exception we caught could have been a program error
        // or something much more serious. Regardless, we know that
        // something is not right. We‘ll just output the exception 
       // and exit with an error. We won‘t try to do any work when
       // the program or process is in an unknown state!

        return 1; 

  return 0; 



关于C# 调用 C dll时,抓获C的异常,布布扣,bubuko.com

关于C# 调用 C dll时,抓获C的异常


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