/************************************************************** Problem: 1996 User: BLADEVIL Language: Pascal Result: Accepted Time:164 ms Memory:8216 kb ****************************************************************/ //By BLADEVIL const d39 =19650827; var n :longint; i, j, l :longint; h :array[0..1010] of longint; w :array[0..1010,0..1010,0..1] of longint; ans :longint; begin read(n); for i:=1 to n do read(h[i]); for i:=1 to n do begin w[i][i][0]:=1; w[i][i][1]:=1; end; for l:=1 to n-1 do for i:=1 to n-l do begin j:=i+l; if h[i+1]>h[i] then w[i][j][0]:=(w[i][j][0]+w[i+1][j][0]) mod d39; if i+1<>j then if h[j]>h[i] then w[i][j][0]:=(w[i][j][0]+w[i+1][j][1]) mod d39; if h[j]>h[i] then w[i][j][1]:=(w[i][j][1]+w[i][j-1][0]) mod d39; if i<>j-1 then if h[j]>h[j-1] then w[i][j][1]:=(w[i][j][1]+w[i][j-1][1]) mod d39; end; ans:=(w[1][n][0]+w[1][n][1]) mod d39; writeln(ans); end.