Function.__typeName = "Function"; Function.__class = true; Function.createCallback = function (b, a) { return function () { var e = arguments.length; if (e > 0) { var d = []; for (var c = 0; c < e; c++) d[c] = arguments[c]; d[e] = a; return b.apply(this, d) } return, a) } }; Function.createDelegate = function (a, b) { return function () { return b.apply(a, arguments) } }; Function.emptyFunction = Function.emptyMethod = function () { }; Function._validateParams = function (e, c) { var a; a = Function._validateParameterCount(e, c); if (a) { a.popStackFrame(); return a } for (var b = 0; b < e.length; b++) { var d = c[Math.min(b, c.length - 1)], f =; if (d.parameterArray) f += "[" + (b - c.length + 1) + "]"; a = Function._validateParameter(e[b], d, f); if (a) { a.popStackFrame(); return a } } return null }; Function._validateParameterCount = function (e, a) { var c = a.length, d = 0; for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) if (a[b].parameterArray) c = Number.MAX_VALUE; else if (!a[b].optional) d++; if (e.length < d || e.length > c) { var f = Error.parameterCount(); f.popStackFrame(); return f } return null }; Function._validateParameter = function (c, a, h) { var b, g = a.type, l = !!a.integer, k = !!a.domElement, m = !!a.mayBeNull; b = Function._validateParameterType(c, g, l, k, m, h); if (b) { b.popStackFrame(); return b } var e = a.elementType, f = !!a.elementMayBeNull; if (g === Array && typeof c !== "undefined" && c !== null && (e || !f)) { var j = !!a.elementInteger, i = !!a.elementDomElement; for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { var n = c[d]; b = Function._validateParameterType(n, e, j, i, f, h + "[" + d + "]"); if (b) { b.popStackFrame(); return b } } } return null }; Function._validateParameterType = function (a, c, n, m, k, d) { var b; if (typeof a === "undefined") if (k) return null; else { b = Error.argumentUndefined(d); b.popStackFrame(); return b } if (a === null) if (k) return null; else { b = Error.argumentNull(d); b.popStackFrame(); return b } if (c && c.__enum) { if (typeof a !== "number") { b = Error.argumentType(d, Object.getType(a), c); b.popStackFrame(); return b } if (a % 1 === 0) { var e = c.prototype; if (!c.__flags || a === 0) { for (var i in e) if (e[i] === a) return null } else { var l = a; for (var i in e) { var f = e[i]; if (f === 0) continue; if ((f & a) === f) l -= f; if (l === 0) return null } } } b = Error.argumentOutOfRange(d, a, String.format(Sys.Res.enumInvalidValue, a, c.getName())); b.popStackFrame(); return b } if (m) { var h; if (typeof a.nodeType !== "number") { var g = a.ownerDocument || a.document || a; if (g != a) { var j = g.defaultView || g.parentWindow; h = j != a && !(j.document && a.document && j.document === a.document) } else h = typeof g.body === "undefined" } else h = a.nodeType === 3; if (h) { b = Error.argument(d, Sys.Res.argumentDomElement); b.popStackFrame(); return b } } if (c && !c.isInstanceOfType(a)) { b = Error.argumentType(d, Object.getType(a), c); b.popStackFrame(); return b } if (c === Number && n) if (a % 1 !== 0) { b = Error.argumentOutOfRange(d, a, Sys.Res.argumentInteger); b.popStackFrame(); return b } return null }; Error.__typeName = "Error"; Error.__class = true; Error.create = function (d, b) { var a = new Error(d); a.message = d; if (b) for (var c in b) a[c] = b[c]; a.popStackFrame(); return a }; Error.argument = function (a, c) { var b = "Sys.ArgumentException: " + (c ? c : Sys.Res.argument); if (a) b += "\n" + String.format(Sys.Res.paramName, a); var d = Error.create(b, { name: "Sys.ArgumentException", paramName: a }); d.popStackFrame(); return d }; Error.argumentNull = function (a, c) { var b = "Sys.ArgumentNullException: " + (c ? c : Sys.Res.argumentNull); if (a) b += "\n" + String.format(Sys.Res.paramName, a); var d = Error.create(b, { name: "Sys.ArgumentNullException", paramName: a }); d.popStackFrame(); return d }; Error.argumentOutOfRange = function (c, a, d) { var b = "Sys.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: " + (d ? d : Sys.Res.argumentOutOfRange); if (c) b += "\n" + String.format(Sys.Res.paramName, c); if (typeof a !== "undefined" && a !== null) b += "\n" + String.format(Sys.Res.actualValue, a); var e = Error.create(b, { name: "Sys.ArgumentOutOfRangeException", paramName: c, actualValue: a }); e.popStackFrame(); return e }; Error.argumentType = function (d, c, b, e) { var a = "Sys.ArgumentTypeException: "; if (e) a += e; else if (c && b) a += String.format(Sys.Res.argumentTypeWithTypes, c.getName(), b.getName()); else a += Sys.Res.argumentType; if (d) a += "\n" + String.format(Sys.Res.paramName, d); var f = Error.create(a, { name: "Sys.ArgumentTypeException", paramName: d, actualType: c, expectedType: b }); f.popStackFrame(); return f }; Error.argumentUndefined = function (a, c) { var b = "Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException: " + (c ? c : Sys.Res.argumentUndefined); if (a) b += "\n" + String.format(Sys.Res.paramName, a); var d = Error.create(b, { name: "Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException", paramName: a }); d.popStackFrame(); return d }; Error.format = function (a) { var c = "Sys.FormatException: " + (a ? a : Sys.Res.format), b = Error.create(c, { name: "Sys.FormatException" }); b.popStackFrame(); return b }; Error.invalidOperation = function (a) { var c = "Sys.InvalidOperationException: " + (a ? a : Sys.Res.invalidOperation), b = Error.create(c, { name: "Sys.InvalidOperationException" }); b.popStackFrame(); return b }; Error.notImplemented = function (a) { var c = "Sys.NotImplementedException: " + (a ? a : Sys.Res.notImplemented), b = Error.create(c, { name: "Sys.NotImplementedException" }); b.popStackFrame(); return b }; Error.parameterCount = function (a) { var c = "Sys.ParameterCountException: " + (a ? a : Sys.Res.parameterCount), b = Error.create(c, { name: "Sys.ParameterCountException" }); b.popStackFrame(); return b }; Error.prototype.popStackFrame = function () { if (typeof this.stack === "undefined" || this.stack === null || typeof this.fileName === "undefined" || this.fileName === null || typeof this.lineNumber === "undefined" || this.lineNumber === null) return; var a = this.stack.split("\n"), c = a[0], e = this.fileName + ":" + this.lineNumber; while (typeof c !== "undefined" && c !== null && c.indexOf(e) === -1) { a.shift(); c = a[0] } var d = a[1]; if (typeof d === "undefined" || d === null) return; var b = d.match(/@(.*):(\d+)$/); if (typeof b === "undefined" || b === null) return; this.fileName = b[1]; this.lineNumber = parseInt(b[2]); a.shift(); this.stack = a.join("\n") }; Object.__typeName = "Object"; Object.__class = true; Object.getType = function (b) { var a = b.constructor; if (!a || typeof a !== "function" || !a.__typeName || a.__typeName === "Object") return Object; return a }; Object.getTypeName = function (a) { return Object.getType(a).getName() }; String.__typeName = "String"; String.__class = true; String.prototype.endsWith = function (a) { return this.substr(this.length - a.length) === a }; String.prototype.startsWith = function (a) { return this.substr(0, a.length) === a }; String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") }; String.prototype.trimEnd = function () { return this.replace(/\s+$/, "") }; String.prototype.trimStart = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+/, "") }; String.format = function () { return String._toFormattedString(false, arguments) }; String.localeFormat = function () { return String._toFormattedString(true, arguments) }; String._toFormattedString = function (l, j) { var c = "", e = j[0]; for (var a = 0; true; ) { var f = e.indexOf("{", a), d = e.indexOf("}", a); if (f < 0 && d < 0) { c += e.slice(a); break } if (d > 0 && (d < f || f < 0)) { c += e.slice(a, d + 1); a = d + 2; continue } c += e.slice(a, f); a = f + 1; if (e.charAt(a) === "{") { c += "{"; a++; continue } if (d < 0) break; var h = e.substring(a, d), g = h.indexOf(":"), k = parseInt(g < 0 ? h : h.substring(0, g), 10) + 1, i = g < 0 ? "" : h.substring(g + 1), b = j[k]; if (typeof b === "undefined" || b === null) b = ""; if (b.toFormattedString) c += b.toFormattedString(i); else if (l && b.localeFormat) c += b.localeFormat(i); else if (b.format) c += b.format(i); else c += b.toString(); a = d + 1 } return c }; Boolean.__typeName = "Boolean"; Boolean.__class = true; Boolean.parse = function (b) { var a = b.trim().toLowerCase(); if (a === "false") return false; if (a === "true") return true }; Date.__typeName = "Date"; Date.__class = true; Date._appendPreOrPostMatch = function (e, b) { var d = 0, a = false; for (var c = 0, g = e.length; c < g; c++) { var f = e.charAt(c); switch (f) { case "‘": if (a) b.append("‘"); else d++; a = false; break; case "\\": if (a) b.append("\\"); a = !a; break; default: b.append(f); a = false } } return d }; Date._expandFormat = function (a, b) { if (!b) b = "F"; if (b.length === 1) switch (b) { case "d": return a.ShortDatePattern; case "D": return a.LongDatePattern; case "t": return a.ShortTimePattern; case "T": return a.LongTimePattern; case "F": return a.FullDateTimePattern; case "M": case "m": return a.MonthDayPattern; case "s": return a.SortableDateTimePattern; case "Y": case "y": return a.YearMonthPattern; default: throw Error.format(Sys.Res.formatInvalidString) } return b }; Date._expandYear = function (c, a) { if (a < 100) { var b = (new Date).getFullYear(); a += b - b % 100; if (a > c.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax) return a - 100 } return a }; Date._getParseRegExp = function (b, e) { if (!b._parseRegExp) b._parseRegExp = {}; else if (b._parseRegExp[e]) return b._parseRegExp[e]; var c = Date._expandFormat(b, e); c = c.replace(/([\^\$\.\*\+\?\|\[\]\(\)\{\}])/g, "\\\\$1"); var a = new Sys.StringBuilder("^"), j = [], f = 0, i = 0, h = Date._getTokenRegExp(), d; while ((d = h.exec(c)) !== null) { var l = c.slice(f, d.index); f = h.lastIndex; i += Date._appendPreOrPostMatch(l, a); if (i % 2 === 1) { a.append(d[0]); continue } switch (d[0]) { case "dddd": case "ddd": case "MMMM": case "MMM": a.append("(\\D+)"); break; case "tt": case "t": a.append("(\\D*)"); break; case "yyyy": a.append("(\\d{4})"); break; case "fff": a.append("(\\d{3})"); break; case "ff": a.append("(\\d{2})"); break; case "f": a.append("(\\d)"); break; case "dd": case "d": case "MM": case "M": case "yy": case "y": case "HH": case "H": case "hh": case "h": case "mm": case "m": case "ss": case "s": a.append("(\\d\\d?)"); break; case "zzz": a.append("([+-]?\\d\\d?:\\d{2})"); break; case "zz": case "z": a.append("([+-]?\\d\\d?)") } Array.add(j, d[0]) } Date._appendPreOrPostMatch(c.slice(f), a); a.append("$"); var k = a.toString().replace(/\s+/g, "\\s+"), g = { "regExp": k, "groups": j }; b._parseRegExp[e] = g; return g }; Date._getTokenRegExp = function () { return /dddd|ddd|dd|d|MMMM|MMM|MM|M|yyyy|yy|y|hh|h|HH|H|mm|m|ss|s|tt|t|fff|ff|f|zzz|zz|z/g }; Date.parseLocale = function (a) { return Date._parse(a, Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, arguments) }; Date.parseInvariant = function (a) { return Date._parse(a, Sys.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, arguments) }; Date._parse = function (g, c, h) { var e = false; for (var a = 1, i = h.length; a < i; a++) { var f = h[a]; if (f) { e = true; var b = Date._parseExact(g, f, c); if (b) return b } } if (!e) { var d = c._getDateTimeFormats(); for (var a = 0, i = d.length; a < i; a++) { var b = Date._parseExact(g, d[a], c); if (b) return b } } return null }; Date._parseExact = function (s, y, j) { s = s.trim(); var m = j.dateTimeFormat, v = Date._getParseRegExp(m, y), x = (new RegExp(v.regExp)).exec(s); if (x === null) return null; var w = v.groups, f = null, c = null, h = null, g = null, d = 0, n = 0, o = 0, e = 0, k = null, r = false; for (var p = 0, z = w.length; p < z; p++) { var a = x[p + 1]; if (a) switch (w[p]) { case "dd": case "d": h = parseInt(a, 10); if (h < 1 || h > 31) return null; break; case "MMMM": c = j._getMonthIndex(a); if (c < 0 || c > 11) return null; break; case "MMM": c = j._getAbbrMonthIndex(a); if (c < 0 || c > 11) return null; break; case "M": case "MM": var c = parseInt(a, 10) - 1; if (c < 0 || c > 11) return null; break; case "y": case "yy": f = Date._expandYear(m, parseInt(a, 10)); if (f < 0 || f > 9999) return null; break; case "yyyy": f = parseInt(a, 10); if (f < 0 || f > 9999) return null; break; case "h": case "hh": d = parseInt(a, 10); if (d === 12) d = 0; if (d < 0 || d > 11) return null; break; case "H": case "HH": d = parseInt(a, 10); if (d < 0 || d > 23) return null; break; case "m": case "mm": n = parseInt(a, 10); if (n < 0 || n > 59) return null; break; case "s": case "ss": o = parseInt(a, 10); if (o < 0 || o > 59) return null; break; case "tt": case "t": var u = a.toUpperCase(); r = u === m.PMDesignator.toUpperCase(); if (!r && u !== m.AMDesignator.toUpperCase()) return null; break; case "f": e = parseInt(a, 10) * 100; if (e < 0 || e > 999) return null; break; case "ff": e = parseInt(a, 10) * 10; if (e < 0 || e > 999) return null; break; case "fff": e = parseInt(a, 10); if (e < 0 || e > 999) return null; break; case "dddd": g = j._getDayIndex(a); if (g < 0 || g > 6) return null; break; case "ddd": g = j._getAbbrDayIndex(a); if (g < 0 || g > 6) return null; break; case "zzz": var q = a.split(/:/); if (q.length !== 2) return null; var i = parseInt(q[0], 10); if (i < -12 || i > 13) return null; var l = parseInt(q[1], 10); if (l < 0 || l > 59) return null; k = i * 60 + (a.startsWith("-") ? -l : l); break; case "z": case "zz": var i = parseInt(a, 10); if (i < -12 || i > 13) return null; k = i * 60 } } var b = new Date; if (f === null) f = b.getFullYear(); if (c === null) c = b.getMonth(); if (h === null) h = b.getDate(); b.setFullYear(f, c, h); if (b.getDate() !== h) return null; if (g !== null && b.getDay() !== g) return null; if (r && d < 12) d += 12; b.setHours(d, n, o, e); if (k !== null) { var t = b.getMinutes() - (k + b.getTimezoneOffset()); b.setHours(b.getHours() + parseInt(t / 60, 10), t % 60) } return b }; Date.prototype.format = function (a) { return this._toFormattedString(a, Sys.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }; Date.prototype.localeFormat = function (a) { return this._toFormattedString(a, Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }; Date.prototype._toFormattedString = function (e, h) { if (!e || e.length === 0 || e === "i") if (h && > 0) return this.toLocaleString(); else return this.toString(); var d = h.dateTimeFormat; e = Date._expandFormat(d, e); var a = new Sys.StringBuilder, b; function c(a) { if (a < 10) return "0" + a; return a.toString() } function g(a) { if (a < 10) return "00" + a; if (a < 100) return "0" + a; return a.toString() } var j = 0, i = Date._getTokenRegExp(); for (; true; ) { var l = i.lastIndex, f = i.exec(e), k = e.slice(l, f ? f.index : e.length); j += Date._appendPreOrPostMatch(k, a); if (!f) break; if (j % 2 === 1) { a.append(f[0]); continue } switch (f[0]) { case "dddd": a.append(d.DayNames[this.getDay()]); break; case "ddd": a.append(d.AbbreviatedDayNames[this.getDay()]); break; case "dd": a.append(c(this.getDate())); break; case "d": a.append(this.getDate()); break; case "MMMM": a.append(d.MonthNames[this.getMonth()]); break; case "MMM": a.append(d.AbbreviatedMonthNames[this.getMonth()]); break; case "MM": a.append(c(this.getMonth() + 1)); break; case "M": a.append(this.getMonth() + 1); break; case "yyyy": a.append(this.getFullYear()); break; case "yy": a.append(c(this.getFullYear() % 100)); break; case "y": a.append(this.getFullYear() % 100); break; case "hh": b = this.getHours() % 12; if (b === 0) b = 12; a.append(c(b)); break; case "h": b = this.getHours() % 12; if (b === 0) b = 12; a.append(b); break; case "HH": a.append(c(this.getHours())); break; case "H": a.append(this.getHours()); break; case "mm": a.append(c(this.getMinutes())); break; case "m": a.append(this.getMinutes()); break; case "ss": a.append(c(this.getSeconds())); break; case "s": a.append(this.getSeconds()); break; case "tt": a.append(this.getHours() < 12 ? d.AMDesignator : d.PMDesignator); break; case "t": a.append((this.getHours() < 12 ? d.AMDesignator : d.PMDesignator).charAt(0)); break; case "f": a.append(g(this.getMilliseconds()).charAt(0)); break; case "ff": a.append(g(this.getMilliseconds()).substr(0, 2)); break; case "fff": a.append(g(this.getMilliseconds())); break; case "z": b = this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; a.append((b <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + Math.floor(Math.abs(b))); break; case "zz": b = this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; a.append((b <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + c(Math.floor(Math.abs(b)))); break; case "zzz": b = this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; a.append((b <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + c(Math.floor(Math.abs(b))) + d.TimeSeparator + c(Math.abs(this.getTimezoneOffset() % 60))) } } return a.toString() }; Number.__typeName = "Number"; Number.__class = true; Number.parseLocale = function (a) { return Number._parse(a, Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }; Number.parseInvariant = function (a) { return Number._parse(a, Sys.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }; Number._parse = function (b, o) { b = b.trim(); if (b.match(/^[+-]?infinity$/i)) return parseFloat(b); if (b.match(/^0x[a-f0-9]+$/i)) return parseInt(b); var a = o.numberFormat, g = Number._parseNumberNegativePattern(b, a, a.NumberNegativePattern), h = g[0], e = g[1]; if (h === "" && a.NumberNegativePattern !== 1) { g = Number._parseNumberNegativePattern(b, a, 1); h = g[0]; e = g[1] } if (h === "") h = "+"; var j, d, f = e.indexOf("e"); if (f < 0) f = e.indexOf("E"); if (f < 0) { d = e; j = null } else { d = e.substr(0, f); j = e.substr(f + 1) } var c, k, m = d.indexOf(a.NumberDecimalSeparator); if (m < 0) { c = d; k = null } else { c = d.substr(0, m); k = d.substr(m + a.NumberDecimalSeparator.length) } c = c.split(a.NumberGroupSeparator).join(""); var n = a.NumberGroupSeparator.replace(/\u00A0/g, " "); if (a.NumberGroupSeparator !== n) c = c.split(n).join(""); var l = h + c; if (k !== null) l += "." + k; if (j !== null) { var i = Number._parseNumberNegativePattern(j, a, 1); if (i[0] === "") i[0] = "+"; l += "e" + i[0] + i[1] } if (l.match(/^[+-]?\d*\.?\d*(e[+-]?\d+)?$/)) return parseFloat(l); return Number.NaN }; Number._parseNumberNegativePattern = function (a, d, e) { var b = d.NegativeSign, c = d.PositiveSign; switch (e) { case 4: b = " " + b; c = " " + c; case 3: if (a.endsWith(b)) return ["-", a.substr(0, a.length - b.length)]; else if (a.endsWith(c)) return ["+", a.substr(0, a.length - c.length)]; break; case 2: b += " "; c += " "; case 1: if (a.startsWith(b)) return ["-", a.substr(b.length)]; else if (a.startsWith(c)) return ["+", a.substr(c.length)]; break; case 0: if (a.startsWith("(") && a.endsWith(")")) return ["-", a.substr(1, a.length - 2)] } return ["", a] }; Number.prototype.format = function (a) { return this._toFormattedString(a, Sys.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }; Number.prototype.localeFormat = function (a) { return this._toFormattedString(a, Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }; Number.prototype._toFormattedString = function (d, j) { if (!d || d.length === 0 || d === "i") if (j && > 0) return this.toLocaleString(); else return this.toString(); var o = ["n %", "n%", "%n"], n = ["-n %", "-n%", "-%n"], p = ["(n)", "-n", "- n", "n-", "n -"], m = ["$n", "n$", "$ n", "n $"], l = ["($n)", "-$n", "$-n", "$n-", "(n$)", "-n$", "n-$", "n$-", "-n $", "-$ n", "n $-", "$ n-", "$ -n", "n- $", "($ n)", "(n $)"]; function g(a, c, d) { for (var b = a.length; b < c; b++) a = d ? "0" + a : a + "0"; return a } function i(j, i, l, n, p) { var h = l[0], k = 1, o = Math.pow(10, i), m = Math.round(j * o) / o; if (!isFinite(m)) m = j; j = m; var b = j.toString(), a = "", c, e = b.split(/e/i); b = e[0]; c = e.length > 1 ? parseInt(e[1]) : 0; e = b.split("."); b = e[0]; a = e.length > 1 ? e[1] : ""; var q; if (c > 0) { a = g(a, c, false); b += a.slice(0, c); a = a.substr(c) } else if (c < 0) { c = -c; b = g(b, c + 1, true); a = b.slice(-c, b.length) + a; b = b.slice(0, -c) } if (i > 0) { if (a.length > i) a = a.slice(0, i); else a = g(a, i, false); a = p + a } else a = ""; var d = b.length - 1, f = ""; while (d >= 0) { if (h === 0 || h > d) if (f.length > 0) return b.slice(0, d + 1) + n + f + a; else return b.slice(0, d + 1) + a; if (f.length > 0) f = b.slice(d - h + 1, d + 1) + n + f; else f = b.slice(d - h + 1, d + 1); d -= h; if (k < l.length) { h = l[k]; k++ } } return b.slice(0, d + 1) + n + f + a } var a = j.numberFormat, e = Math.abs(this); if (!d) d = "D"; var b = -1; if (d.length > 1) b = parseInt(d.slice(1), 10); var c; switch (d.charAt(0)) { case "d": case "D": c = "n"; if (b !== -1) e = g("" + e, b, true); if (this < 0) e = -e; break; case "c": case "C": if (this < 0) c = l[a.CurrencyNegativePattern]; else c = m[a.CurrencyPositivePattern]; if (b === -1) b = a.CurrencyDecimalDigits; e = i(Math.abs(this), b, a.CurrencyGroupSizes, a.CurrencyGroupSeparator, a.CurrencyDecimalSeparator); break; case "n": case "N": if (this < 0) c = p[a.NumberNegativePattern]; else c = "n"; if (b === -1) b = a.NumberDecimalDigits; e = i(Math.abs(this), b, a.NumberGroupSizes, a.NumberGroupSeparator, a.NumberDecimalSeparator); break; case "p": case "P": if (this < 0) c = n[a.PercentNegativePattern]; else c = o[a.PercentPositivePattern]; if (b === -1) b = a.PercentDecimalDigits; e = i(Math.abs(this) * 100, b, a.PercentGroupSizes, a.PercentGroupSeparator, a.PercentDecimalSeparator); break; default: throw Error.format(Sys.Res.formatBadFormatSpecifier) } var k = /n|\$|-|%/g, f = ""; for (; true; ) { var q = k.lastIndex, h = k.exec(c); f += c.slice(q, h ? h.index : c.length); if (!h) break; switch (h[0]) { case "n": f += e; break; case "$": f += a.CurrencySymbol; break; case "-": f += a.NegativeSign; break; case "%": f += a.PercentSymbol } } return f }; RegExp.__typeName = "RegExp"; RegExp.__class = true; Array.__typeName = "Array"; Array.__class = true; Array.add = Array.enqueue = function (a, b) { a[a.length] = b }; Array.addRange = function (a, b) { a.push.apply(a, b) }; Array.clear = function (a) { a.length = 0 }; Array.clone = function (a) { if (a.length === 1) return [a[0]]; else return Array.apply(null, a) }; Array.contains = function (a, b) { return Array.indexOf(a, b) >= 0 }; Array.dequeue = function (a) { return a.shift() }; Array.forEach = function (b, e, d) { for (var a = 0, f = b.length; a < f; a++) { var c = b[a]; if (typeof c !== "undefined"), c, a, b) } }; Array.indexOf = function (d, e, a) { if (typeof e === "undefined") return -1; var c = d.length; if (c !== 0) { a = a - 0; if (isNaN(a)) a = 0; else { if (isFinite(a)) a = a - a % 1; if (a < 0) a = Math.max(0, c + a) } for (var b = a; b < c; b++) if (typeof d[b] !== "undefined" && d[b] === e) return b } return -1 }; Array.insert = function (a, b, c) { a.splice(b, 0, c) }; Array.parse = function (value) { if (!value) return []; return eval(value) }; Array.remove = function (b, c) { var a = Array.indexOf(b, c); if (a >= 0) b.splice(a, 1); return a >= 0 }; Array.removeAt = function (a, b) { a.splice(b, 1) }; if (!window) this.window = this; window.Type = Function; Type.prototype.callBaseMethod = function (a, d, b) { var c = this.getBaseMethod(a, d); if (!b) return c.apply(a); else return c.apply(a, b) }; Type.prototype.getBaseMethod = function (d, c) { var b = this.getBaseType(); if (b) { var a = b.prototype[c]; return a instanceof Function ? a : null } return null }; Type.prototype.getBaseType = function () { return typeof this.__baseType === "undefined" ? null : this.__baseType }; Type.prototype.getInterfaces = function () { var a = [], b = this; while (b) { var c = b.__interfaces; if (c) for (var d = 0, f = c.length; d < f; d++) { var e = c[d]; if (!Array.contains(a, e)) a[a.length] = e } b = b.__baseType } return a }; Type.prototype.getName = function () { return typeof this.__typeName === "undefined" ? "" : this.__typeName }; Type.prototype.implementsInterface = function (d) { this.resolveInheritance(); var c = d.getName(), a = this.__interfaceCache; if (a) { var e = a[c]; if (typeof e !== "undefined") return e } else a = this.__interfaceCache = {}; var b = this; while (b) { var f = b.__interfaces; if (f) if (Array.indexOf(f, d) !== -1) return a[c] = true; b = b.__baseType } return a[c] = false }; Type.prototype.inheritsFrom = function (b) { this.resolveInheritance(); var a = this.__baseType; while (a) { if (a === b) return true; a = a.__baseType } return false }; Type.prototype.initializeBase = function (a, b) { this.resolveInheritance(); if (this.__baseType) if (!b) this.__baseType.apply(a); else this.__baseType.apply(a, b); return a }; Type.prototype.isImplementedBy = function (a) { if (typeof a === "undefined" || a === null) return false; var b = Object.getType(a); return !!(b.implementsInterface && b.implementsInterface(this)) }; Type.prototype.isInstanceOfType = function (b) { if (typeof b === "undefined" || b === null) return false; if (b instanceof this) return true; var a = Object.getType(b); return !!(a === this) || a.inheritsFrom && a.inheritsFrom(this) || a.implementsInterface && a.implementsInterface(this) }; Type.prototype.registerClass = function (c, b, d) { this.prototype.constructor = this; this.__typeName = c; this.__class = true; if (b) { this.__baseType = b; this.__basePrototypePending = true } Sys.__upperCaseTypes[c.toUpperCase()] = this; if (d) { this.__interfaces = []; for (var a = 2, f = arguments.length; a < f; a++) { var e = arguments[a]; this.__interfaces.push(e) } } return this }; Type.prototype.registerInterface = function (a) { Sys.__upperCaseTypes[a.toUpperCase()] = this; this.prototype.constructor = this; this.__typeName = a; this.__interface = true; return this }; Type.prototype.resolveInheritance = function () { if (this.__basePrototypePending) { var b = this.__baseType; b.resolveInheritance(); for (var a in b.prototype) { var c = b.prototype[a]; if (!this.prototype[a]) this.prototype[a] = c } delete this.__basePrototypePending } }; Type.getRootNamespaces = function () { return Array.clone(Sys.__rootNamespaces) }; Type.isClass = function (a) { if (typeof a === "undefined" || a === null) return false; return !!a.__class }; Type.isInterface = function (a) { if (typeof a === "undefined" || a === null) return false; return !!a.__interface }; Type.isNamespace = function (a) { if (typeof a === "undefined" || a === null) return false; return !!a.__namespace }; Type.parse = function (typeName, ns) { var fn; if (ns) { fn = Sys.__upperCaseTypes[ns.getName().toUpperCase() + "." + typeName.toUpperCase()]; return fn || null } if (!typeName) return null; if (!Type.__htClasses) Type.__htClasses = {}; fn = Type.__htClasses[typeName]; if (!fn) { fn = eval(typeName); Type.__htClasses[typeName] = fn } return fn }; Type.registerNamespace = function (f) { var d = window, c = f.split("."); for (var b = 0; b < c.length; b++) { var e = c[b], a = d[e]; if (!a) { a = d[e] = { __namespace: true, __typeName: c.slice(0, b + 1).join(".") }; if (b === 0) Sys.__rootNamespaces[Sys.__rootNamespaces.length] = a; a.getName = function () { return this.__typeName } } d = a } }; window.Sys = { __namespace: true, __typeName: "Sys", getName: function () { return "Sys" }, __upperCaseTypes: {} }; Sys.__rootNamespaces = [Sys]; Sys.IDisposable = function () { }; Sys.IDisposable.prototype = {}; Sys.IDisposable.registerInterface("Sys.IDisposable"); Sys.StringBuilder = function (a) { this._parts = typeof a !== "undefined" && a !== null && a !== "" ? [a.toString()] : []; this._value = {}; this._len = 0 }; Sys.StringBuilder.prototype = { append: function (a) { this._parts[this._parts.length] = a }, appendLine: function (a) { this._parts[this._parts.length] = typeof a === "undefined" || a === null || a === "" ? "\r\n" : a + "\r\n" }, clear: function () { this._parts = []; this._value = {}; this._len = 0 }, isEmpty: function () { if (this._parts.length === 0) return true; return this.toString() === "" }, toString: function (a) { a = a || ""; var b = this._parts; if (this._len !== b.length) { this._value = {}; this._len = b.length } var d = this._value; if (typeof d[a] === "undefined") { if (a !== "") for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ) if (typeof b[c] === "undefined" || b[c] === "" || b[c] === null) b.splice(c, 1); else c++; d[a] = this._parts.join(a) } return d[a] } }; Sys.StringBuilder.registerClass("Sys.StringBuilder"); if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) window.XMLHttpRequest = function () { var b = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP"]; for (var a = 0, c = b.length; a < c; a++) try { return new ActiveXObject(b[a]) } catch (d) { } return null }; Sys.Browser = {}; Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer = {}; Sys.Browser.Firefox = {}; Sys.Browser.Safari = {}; Sys.Browser.Opera = {}; Sys.Browser.agent = null; Sys.Browser.hasDebuggerStatement = false; = navigator.appName; Sys.Browser.version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); Sys.Browser.documentMode = 0; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" MSIE ") > -1) { Sys.Browser.agent = Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer; Sys.Browser.version = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+)/)[1]); if (Sys.Browser.version >= 8) if (document.documentMode >= 7) Sys.Browser.documentMode = document.documentMode; Sys.Browser.hasDebuggerStatement = true } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" Firefox/") > -1) { Sys.Browser.agent = Sys.Browser.Firefox; Sys.Browser.version = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/(\d+\.\d+)/)[1]); = "Firefox"; Sys.Browser.hasDebuggerStatement = true } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" AppleWebKit/") > -1) { Sys.Browser.agent = Sys.Browser.Safari; Sys.Browser.version = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/)[1]); = "Safari" } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera/") > -1) Sys.Browser.agent = Sys.Browser.Opera; Type.registerNamespace("Sys.UI"); Sys._Debug = function () { }; Sys._Debug.prototype = { _appendConsole: function (a) { if (typeof Debug !== "undefined" && Debug.writeln) Debug.writeln(a); if (window.console && window.console.log) window.console.log(a); if (window.opera) window.opera.postError(a); if (window.debugService) window.debugService.trace(a) }, _appendTrace: function (b) { var a = document.getElementById("TraceConsole"); if (a && a.tagName.toUpperCase() === "TEXTAREA") a.value += b + "\n" }, assert: function (c, a, b) { if (!c) { a = b && this.assert.caller ? String.format(Sys.Res.assertFailedCaller, a, this.assert.caller) : String.format(Sys.Res.assertFailed, a); if (confirm(String.format(Sys.Res.breakIntoDebugger, a))) } }, clearTrace: function () { var a = document.getElementById("TraceConsole"); if (a && a.tagName.toUpperCase() === "TEXTAREA") a.value = "" }, fail: function (message) { this._appendConsole(message); if (Sys.Browser.hasDebuggerStatement) eval("debugger") }, trace: function (a) { this._appendConsole(a); this._appendTrace(a) }, traceDump: function (a, b) { var c = this._traceDump(a, b, true) }, _traceDump: function (a, c, f, b, d) { c = c ? c : "traceDump"; b = b ? b : ""; if (a === null) { this.trace(b + c + ": null"); return } switch (typeof a) { case "undefined": this.trace(b + c + ": Undefined"); break; case "number": case "string": case "boolean": this.trace(b + c + ": " + a); break; default: if (Date.isInstanceOfType(a) || RegExp.isInstanceOfType(a)) { this.trace(b + c + ": " + a.toString()); break } if (!d) d = []; else if (Array.contains(d, a)) { this.trace(b + c + ": ..."); return } Array.add(d, a); if (a == window || a === document || window.HTMLElement && a instanceof HTMLElement || typeof a.nodeName === "string") { var k = a.tagName ? a.tagName : "DomElement"; if ( k += " - " +; this.trace(b + c + " {" + k + "}") } else { var i = Object.getTypeName(a); this.trace(b + c + (typeof i === "string" ? " {" + i + "}" : "")); if (b === "" || f) { b += " "; var e, j, l, g, h; if (Array.isInstanceOfType(a)) { j = a.length; for (e = 0; e < j; e++) this._traceDump(a[e], "[" + e + "]", f, b, d) } else for (g in a) { h = a[g]; if (!Function.isInstanceOfType(h)) this._traceDump(h, g, f, b, d) } } } Array.remove(d, a) } } }; Sys._Debug.registerClass("Sys._Debug"); Sys.Debug = new Sys._Debug; Sys.Debug.isDebug = false; function Sys$Enum$parse(c, e) { var a, b, i; if (e) { a = this.__lowerCaseValues; if (!a) { this.__lowerCaseValues = a = {}; var g = this.prototype; for (var f in g) a[f.toLowerCase()] = g[f] } } else a = this.prototype; if (!this.__flags) { i = e ? c.toLowerCase() : c; b = a[i.trim()]; if (typeof b !== "number") throw Error.argument("value", String.format(Sys.Res.enumInvalidValue, c, this.__typeName)); return b } else { var h = (e ? c.toLowerCase() : c).split(","), j = 0; for (var d = h.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) { var k = h[d].trim(); b = a[k]; if (typeof b !== "number") throw Error.argument("value", String.format(Sys.Res.enumInvalidValue, c.split(",")[d].trim(), this.__typeName)); j |= b } return j } } function Sys$Enum$toString(c) { if (typeof c === "undefined" || c === null) return this.__string; var d = this.prototype, a; if (!this.__flags || c === 0) { for (a in d) if (d[a] === c) return a } else { var b = this.__sortedValues; if (!b) { b = []; for (a in d) b[b.length] = { key: a, value: d[a] }; b.sort(function (a, b) { return a.value - b.value }); this.__sortedValues = b } var e = [], g = c; for (a = b.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { var h = b[a], f = h.value; if (f === 0) continue; if ((f & c) === f) { e[e.length] = h.key; g -= f; if (g === 0) break } } if (e.length && g === 0) return e.reverse().join(", ") } return "" } Type.prototype.registerEnum = function (b, c) { Sys.__upperCaseTypes[b.toUpperCase()] = this; for (var a in this.prototype) this[a] = this.prototype[a]; this.__typeName = b; this.parse = Sys$Enum$parse; this.__string = this.toString(); this.toString = Sys$Enum$toString; this.__flags = c; this.__enum = true }; Type.isEnum = function (a) { if (typeof a === "undefined" || a === null) return false; return !!a.__enum }; Type.isFlags = function (a) { if (typeof a === "undefined" || a === null) return false; return !!a.__flags }; Sys.EventHandlerList = function () { this._list = {} }; Sys.EventHandlerList.prototype = { addHandler: function (b, a) { Array.add(this._getEvent(b, true), a) }, removeHandler: function (c, b) { var a = this._getEvent(c); if (!a) return; Array.remove(a, b) }, getHandler: function (b) { var a = this._getEvent(b); if (!a || a.length === 0) return null; a = Array.clone(a); return function (c, d) { for (var b = 0, e = a.length; b < e; b++) a[b](c, d) } }, _getEvent: function (a, b) { if (!this._list[a]) { if (!b) return null; this._list[a] = [] } return this._list[a] } }; Sys.EventHandlerList.registerClass("Sys.EventHandlerList"); Sys.EventArgs = function () { }; Sys.EventArgs.registerClass("Sys.EventArgs"); Sys.EventArgs.Empty = new Sys.EventArgs; Sys.CancelEventArgs = function () { Sys.CancelEventArgs.initializeBase(this); this._cancel = false }; Sys.CancelEventArgs.prototype = { get_cancel: function () { return this._cancel }, set_cancel: function (a) { this._cancel = a } }; Sys.CancelEventArgs.registerClass("Sys.CancelEventArgs", Sys.EventArgs); Sys.INotifyPropertyChange = function () { }; Sys.INotifyPropertyChange.prototype = {}; Sys.INotifyPropertyChange.registerInterface("Sys.INotifyPropertyChange"); Sys.PropertyChangedEventArgs = function (a) { Sys.PropertyChangedEventArgs.initializeBase(this); this._propertyName = a }; Sys.PropertyChangedEventArgs.prototype = { get_propertyName: function () { return this._propertyName } }; Sys.PropertyChangedEventArgs.registerClass("Sys.PropertyChangedEventArgs", Sys.EventArgs); Sys.INotifyDisposing = function () { }; Sys.INotifyDisposing.prototype = {}; Sys.INotifyDisposing.registerInterface("Sys.INotifyDisposing"); Sys.Component = function () { if (Sys.Application) Sys.Application.registerDisposableObject(this) }; Sys.Component.prototype = { _id: null, _initialized: false, _updating: false, get_events: function () { if (!this._events) this._events = new Sys.EventHandlerList; return this._events }, get_id: function () { return this._id }, set_id: function (a) { this._id = a }, get_isInitialized: function () { return this._initialized }, get_isUpdating: function () { return this._updating }, add_disposing: function (a) { this.get_events().addHandler("disposing", a) }, remove_disposing: function (a) { this.get_events().removeHandler("disposing", a) }, add_propertyChanged: function (a) { this.get_events().addHandler("propertyChanged", a) }, remove_propertyChanged: function (a) { this.get_events().removeHandler("propertyChanged", a) }, beginUpdate: function () { this._updating = true }, dispose: function () { if (this._events) { var a = this._events.getHandler("disposing"); if (a) a(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty) } delete this._events; Sys.Application.unregisterDisposableObject(this); Sys.Application.removeComponent(this) }, endUpdate: function () { this._updating = false; if (!this._initialized) this.initialize(); this.updated() }, initialize: function () { this._initialized = true }, raisePropertyChanged: function (b) { if (!this._events) return; var a = this._events.getHandler("propertyChanged"); if (a) a(this, new Sys.PropertyChangedEventArgs(b)) }, updated: function () { } }; Sys.Component.registerClass("Sys.Component", null, Sys.IDisposable, Sys.INotifyPropertyChange, Sys.INotifyDisposing); function Sys$Component$_setProperties(a, i) { var d, j = Object.getType(a), e = j === Object || j === Sys.UI.DomElement, h = Sys.Component.isInstanceOfType(a) && !a.get_isUpdating(); if (h) a.beginUpdate(); for (var c in i) { var b = i[c], f = e ? null : a["get_" + c]; if (e || typeof f !== "function") { var k = a[c]; if (!b || typeof b !== "object" || e && !k) a[c] = b; else Sys$Component$_setProperties(k, b) } else { var l = a["set_" + c]; if (typeof l === "function") l.apply(a, [b]); else if (b instanceof Array) { d = f.apply(a); for (var g = 0, m = d.length, n = b.length; g < n; g++, m++) d[m] = b[g] } else if (typeof b === "object" && Object.getType(b) === Object) { d = f.apply(a); Sys$Component$_setProperties(d, b) } } } if (h) a.endUpdate() } function Sys$Component$_setReferences(c, b) { for (var a in b) { var e = c["set_" + a], d = $find(b[a]); e.apply(c, [d]) } } var $create = Sys.Component.create = function (h, f, d, c, g) { var a = g ? new h(g) : new h, b = Sys.Application, i = b.get_isCreatingComponents(); a.beginUpdate(); if (f) Sys$Component$_setProperties(a, f); if (d) for (var e in d) a["add_" + e](d[e]); if (a.get_id()) b.addComponent(a); if (i) { b._createdComponents[b._createdComponents.length] = a; if (c) b._addComponentToSecondPass(a, c); else a.endUpdate() } else { if (c) Sys$Component$_setReferences(a, c); a.endUpdate() } return a }; Sys.UI.MouseButton = function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }; Sys.UI.MouseButton.prototype = { leftButton: 0, middleButton: 1, rightButton: 2 }; Sys.UI.MouseButton.registerEnum("Sys.UI.MouseButton"); Sys.UI.Key = function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }; Sys.UI.Key.prototype = { backspace: 8, tab: 9, enter: 13, esc: 27, space: 32, pageUp: 33, pageDown: 34, end: 35, home: 36, left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, del: 127 }; Sys.UI.Key.registerEnum("Sys.UI.Key"); Sys.UI.Point = function (a, b) { this.x = a; this.y = b }; Sys.UI.Point.registerClass("Sys.UI.Point"); Sys.UI.Bounds = function (c, d, b, a) { this.x = c; this.y = d; this.height = a; this.width = b }; Sys.UI.Bounds.registerClass("Sys.UI.Bounds"); Sys.UI.DomEvent = function (e) { var a = e, b = this.type = a.type.toLowerCase(); this.rawEvent = a; this.altKey = a.altKey; if (typeof a.button !== "undefined") this.button = typeof a.which !== "undefined" ? a.button : a.button === 4 ? Sys.UI.MouseButton.middleButton : a.button === 2 ? Sys.UI.MouseButton.rightButton : Sys.UI.MouseButton.leftButton; if (b === "keypress") this.charCode = a.charCode || a.keyCode; else if (a.keyCode && a.keyCode === 46) this.keyCode = 127; else this.keyCode = a.keyCode; this.clientX = a.clientX; this.clientY = a.clientY; this.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey; = ? : a.srcElement; if (!b.startsWith("key")) if (typeof a.offsetX !== "undefined" && typeof a.offsetY !== "undefined") { this.offsetX = a.offsetX; this.offsetY = a.offsetY } else if ( && !== 3 && typeof a.clientX === "number") { var c = Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation(, d = Sys.UI.DomElement._getWindow(; this.offsetX = (d.pageXOffset || 0) + a.clientX - c.x; this.offsetY = (d.pageYOffset || 0) + a.clientY - c.y } this.screenX = a.screenX; this.screenY = a.screenY; this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey }; Sys.UI.DomEvent.prototype = { preventDefault: function () { if (this.rawEvent.preventDefault) this.rawEvent.preventDefault(); else if (window.event) this.rawEvent.returnValue = false }, stopPropagation: function () { if (this.rawEvent.stopPropagation) this.rawEvent.stopPropagation(); else if (window.event) this.rawEvent.cancelBubble = true } }; Sys.UI.DomEvent.registerClass("Sys.UI.DomEvent"); var $addHandler = Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler = function (a, d, e) { if (!a._events) a._events = {}; var c = a._events[d]; if (!c) a._events[d] = c = []; var b; if (a.addEventListener) { b = function (b) { return, new Sys.UI.DomEvent(b)) }; a.addEventListener(d, b, false) } else if (a.attachEvent) { b = function () { var b = {}; try { b = Sys.UI.DomElement._getWindow(a).event } catch (c) { } return, new Sys.UI.DomEvent(b)) }; a.attachEvent("on" + d, b) } c[c.length] = { handler: e, browserHandler: b } }, $addHandlers = Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandlers = function (e, d, c) { for (var b in d) { var a = d[b]; if (c) a = Function.createDelegate(c, a); $addHandler(e, b, a) } }, $clearHandlers = Sys.UI.DomEvent.clearHandlers = function (a) { if (a._events) { var e = a._events; for (var b in e) { var d = e[b]; for (var c = d.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) $removeHandler(a, b, d[c].handler) } a._events = null } }, $removeHandler = Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler = function (a, e, f) { var d = null, c = a._events[e]; for (var b = 0, g = c.length; b < g; b++) if (c[b].handler === f) { d = c[b].browserHandler; break } if (a.removeEventListener) a.removeEventListener(e, d, false); else if (a.detachEvent) a.detachEvent("on" + e, d); c.splice(b, 1) }; Sys.UI.DomElement = function () { }; Sys.UI.DomElement.registerClass("Sys.UI.DomElement"); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass = function (a, b) { if (!Sys.UI.DomElement.containsCssClass(a, b)) if (a.className === "") a.className = b; else a.className += " " + b }; Sys.UI.DomElement.containsCssClass = function (b, a) { return Array.contains(b.className.split(" "), a) }; Sys.UI.DomElement.getBounds = function (a) { var b = Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation(a); return new Sys.UI.Bounds(b.x, b.y, a.offsetWidth || 0, a.offsetHeight || 0) }; var $get = Sys.UI.DomElement.getElementById = function (f, e) { if (!e) return document.getElementById(f); if (e.getElementById) return e.getElementById(f); var c = [], d = e.childNodes; for (var b = 0; b < d.length; b++) { var a = d[b]; if (a.nodeType == 1) c[c.length] = a } while (c.length) { a = c.shift(); if ( == f) return a; d = a.childNodes; for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) { a = d[b]; if (a.nodeType == 1) c[c.length] = a } } return null }; switch (Sys.Browser.agent) { case Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer: Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation = function (a) { if (a.self || a.nodeType === 9) return new Sys.UI.Point(0, 0); var b = a.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!b) return new Sys.UI.Point(0, 0); var d = a.ownerDocument.documentElement, e = b.left - 2 + d.scrollLeft, f = - 2 + d.scrollTop; try { var c = a.ownerDocument.parentWindow.frameElement || null; if (c) { var g = c.frameBorder === "0" || c.frameBorder === "no" ? 2 : 0; e += g; f += g } } catch (h) { } return new Sys.UI.Point(e, f) }; break; case Sys.Browser.Safari: Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation = function (c) { if (c.window && c.window === c || c.nodeType === 9) return new Sys.UI.Point(0, 0); var f = 0, g = 0, j = null, e = null, b; for (var a = c; a; j = a, (e = b, a = a.offsetParent)) { b = Sys.UI.DomElement._getCurrentStyle(a); var d = a.tagName ? a.tagName.toUpperCase() : null; if ((a.offsetLeft || a.offsetTop) && (d !== "BODY" || (!e || e.position !== "absolute"))) { f += a.offsetLeft; g += a.offsetTop } } b = Sys.UI.DomElement._getCurrentStyle(c); var h = b ? b.position : null; if (!h || h !== "absolute") for (var a = c.parentNode; a; a = a.parentNode) { d = a.tagName ? a.tagName.toUpperCase() : null; if (d !== "BODY" && d !== "HTML" && (a.scrollLeft || a.scrollTop)) { f -= a.scrollLeft || 0; g -= a.scrollTop || 0 } b = Sys.UI.DomElement._getCurrentStyle(a); var i = b ? b.position : null; if (i && i === "absolute") break } return new Sys.UI.Point(f, g) }; break; case Sys.Browser.Opera: Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation = function (b) { if (b.window && b.window === b || b.nodeType === 9) return new Sys.UI.Point(0, 0); var d = 0, e = 0, i = null; for (var a = b; a; i = a, a = a.offsetParent) { var f = a.tagName; d += a.offsetLeft || 0; e += a.offsetTop || 0 } var g =, c = g && g !== "static"; for (var a = b.parentNode; a; a = a.parentNode) { f = a.tagName ? a.tagName.toUpperCase() : null; if (f !== "BODY" && f !== "HTML" && (a.scrollLeft || a.scrollTop) && (c && ( === "scroll" || === "auto"))) { d -= a.scrollLeft || 0; e -= a.scrollTop || 0 } var h = a && ? : null; c = c || h && h !== "static" } return new Sys.UI.Point(d, e) }; break; default: Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation = function (d) { if (d.window && d.window === d || d.nodeType === 9) return new Sys.UI.Point(0, 0); var e = 0, f = 0, i = null, g = null, b = null; for (var a = d; a; i = a, (g = b, a = a.offsetParent)) { var c = a.tagName ? a.tagName.toUpperCase() : null; b = Sys.UI.DomElement._getCurrentStyle(a); if ((a.offsetLeft || a.offsetTop) && !(c === "BODY" && (!g || g.position !== "absolute"))) { e += a.offsetLeft; f += a.offsetTop } if (i !== null && b) { if (c !== "TABLE" && c !== "TD" && c !== "HTML") { e += parseInt(b.borderLeftWidth) || 0; f += parseInt(b.borderTopWidth) || 0 } if (c === "TABLE" && (b.position === "relative" || b.position === "absolute")) { e += parseInt(b.marginLeft) || 0; f += parseInt(b.marginTop) || 0 } } } b = Sys.UI.DomElement._getCurrentStyle(d); var h = b ? b.position : null; if (!h || h !== "absolute") for (var a = d.parentNode; a; a = a.parentNode) { c = a.tagName ? a.tagName.toUpperCase() : null; if (c !== "BODY" && c !== "HTML" && (a.scrollLeft || a.scrollTop)) { e -= a.scrollLeft || 0; f -= a.scrollTop || 0; b = Sys.UI.DomElement._getCurrentStyle(a); if (b) { e += parseInt(b.borderLeftWidth) || 0; f += parseInt(b.borderTopWidth) || 0 } } } return new Sys.UI.Point(e, f) } } Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass = function (d, c) { var a = " " + d.className + " ", b = a.indexOf(" " + c + " "); if (b >= 0) d.className = (a.substr(0, b) + " " + a.substring(b + c.length + 1, a.length)).trim() }; Sys.UI.DomElement.setLocation = function (b, c, d) { var a =; a.position = "absolute"; a.left = c + "px"; = d + "px" }; Sys.UI.DomElement.toggleCssClass = function (b, a) { if (Sys.UI.DomElement.containsCssClass(b, a)) Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(b, a); else Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(b, a) }; Sys.UI.DomElement.getVisibilityMode = function (a) { return a._visibilityMode === Sys.UI.VisibilityMode.hide ? Sys.UI.VisibilityMode.hide : Sys.UI.VisibilityMode.collapse }; Sys.UI.DomElement.setVisibilityMode = function (a, b) { Sys.UI.DomElement._ensureOldDisplayMode(a); if (a._visibilityMode !== b) { a._visibilityMode = b; if (Sys.UI.DomElement.getVisible(a) === false) if (a._visibilityMode === Sys.UI.VisibilityMode.hide) = a._oldDisplayMode; else = "none"; a._visibilityMode = b } }; Sys.UI.DomElement.getVisible = function (b) { var a = b.currentStyle || Sys.UI.DomElement._getCurrentStyle(b); if (!a) return true; return a.visibility !== "hidden" && a.display !== "none" }; Sys.UI.DomElement.setVisible = function (a, b) { if (b !== Sys.UI.DomElement.getVisible(a)) { Sys.UI.DomElement._ensureOldDisplayMode(a); = b ? "visible" : "hidden"; if (b || a._visibilityMode === Sys.UI.VisibilityMode.hide) = a._oldDisplayMode; else = "none" } }; Sys.UI.DomElement._ensureOldDisplayMode = function (a) { if (!a._oldDisplayMode) { var b = a.currentStyle || Sys.UI.DomElement._getCurrentStyle(a); a._oldDisplayMode = b ? b.display : null; if (!a._oldDisplayMode || a._oldDisplayMode === "none") switch (a.tagName.toUpperCase()) { case "DIV": case "P": case "ADDRESS": case "BLOCKQUOTE": case "BODY": case "COL": case "COLGROUP": case "DD": case "DL": case "DT": case "FIELDSET": case "FORM": case "H1": case "H2": case "H3": case "H4": case "H5": case "H6": case "HR": case "IFRAME": case "LEGEND": case "OL": case "PRE": case "TABLE": case "TD": case "TH": case "TR": case "UL": a._oldDisplayMode = "block"; break; case "LI": a._oldDisplayMode = "list-item"; break; default: a._oldDisplayMode = "inline" } } }; Sys.UI.DomElement._getWindow = function (a) { var b = a.ownerDocument || a.document || a; return b.defaultView || b.parentWindow }; Sys.UI.DomElement._getCurrentStyle = function (a) { if (a.nodeType === 3) return null; var c = Sys.UI.DomElement._getWindow(a); if (a.documentElement) a = a.documentElement; var b = c && a !== c && c.getComputedStyle ? c.getComputedStyle(a, null) : a.currentStyle ||; if (!b && Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari && { var g =, f =; = "absolute"; = "block"; var e = c.getComputedStyle(a, null); = g; = f; b = {}; for (var d in e) b[d] = e[d]; b.display = "none" } return b }; Sys.IContainer = function () { }; Sys.IContainer.prototype = {}; Sys.IContainer.registerInterface("Sys.IContainer"); Sys._ScriptLoader = function () { this._scriptsToLoad = null; this._sessions = []; this._scriptLoadedDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._scriptLoadedHandler) }; Sys._ScriptLoader.prototype = { dispose: function () { this._stopSession(); this._loading = false; if (this._events) delete this._events; this._sessions = null; this._currentSession = null; this._scriptLoadedDelegate = null }, loadScripts: function (d, b, c, a) { var e = { allScriptsLoadedCallback: b, scriptLoadFailedCallback: c, scriptLoadTimeoutCallback: a, scriptsToLoad: this._scriptsToLoad, scriptTimeout: d }; this._scriptsToLoad = null; this._sessions[this._sessions.length] = e; if (!this._loading) this._nextSession() }, notifyScriptLoaded: function () { if (!this._loading) return; this._currentTask._notified++; if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari) if (this._currentTask._notified === 1) window.setTimeout(Function.createDelegate(this, function () { this._scriptLoadedHandler(this._currentTask.get_scriptElement(), true) }), 0) }, queueCustomScriptTag: function (a) { if (!this._scriptsToLoad) this._scriptsToLoad = []; Array.add(this._scriptsToLoad, a) }, queueScriptBlock: function (a) { if (!this._scriptsToLoad) this._scriptsToLoad = []; Array.add(this._scriptsToLoad, { text: a }) }, queueScriptReference: function (a) { if (!this._scriptsToLoad) this._scriptsToLoad = []; Array.add(this._scriptsToLoad, { src: a }) }, _createScriptElement: function (c) { var a = document.createElement("script"); a.type = "text/javascript"; for (var b in c) a[b] = c[b]; return a }, _loadScriptsInternal: function () { var b = this._currentSession; if (b.scriptsToLoad && b.scriptsToLoad.length > 0) { var c = Array.dequeue(b.scriptsToLoad), a = this._createScriptElement(c); if (a.text && Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari) { a.innerHTML = a.text; delete a.text } if (typeof c.src === "string") { this._currentTask = new Sys._ScriptLoaderTask(a, this._scriptLoadedDelegate); this._currentTask.execute() } else { document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a); Sys._ScriptLoader._clearScript(a); this._loadScriptsInternal() } } else { this._stopSession(); var d = b.allScriptsLoadedCallback; if (d) d(this); this._nextSession() } }, _nextSession: function () { if (this._sessions.length === 0) { this._loading = false; this._currentSession = null; return } this._loading = true; var a = Array.dequeue(this._sessions); this._currentSession = a; if (a.scriptTimeout > 0) this._timeoutCookie = window.setTimeout(Function.createDelegate(this, this._scriptLoadTimeoutHandler), a.scriptTimeout * 1000); this._loadScriptsInternal() }, _raiseError: function (a) { var c = this._currentSession.scriptLoadFailedCallback, b = this._currentTask.get_scriptElement(); this._stopSession(); if (c) { c(this, b, a); this._nextSession() } else { this._loading = false; throw Sys._ScriptLoader._errorScriptLoadFailed(b.src, a) } }, _scriptLoadedHandler: function (a, b) { if (b && this._currentTask._notified) if (this._currentTask._notified > 1) this._raiseError(true); else { Array.add(Sys._ScriptLoader._getLoadedScripts(), a.src); this._currentTask.dispose(); this._currentTask = null; this._loadScriptsInternal() } else this._raiseError(false) }, _scriptLoadTimeoutHandler: function () { var a = this._currentSession.scriptLoadTimeoutCallback; this._stopSession(); if (a) a(this); this._nextSession() }, _stopSession: function () { if (this._timeoutCookie) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeoutCookie); this._timeoutCookie = null } if (this._currentTask) { this._currentTask.dispose(); this._currentTask = null } } }; Sys._ScriptLoader.registerClass("Sys._ScriptLoader", null, Sys.IDisposable); Sys._ScriptLoader.getInstance = function () { var a = Sys._ScriptLoader._activeInstance; if (!a) a = Sys._ScriptLoader._activeInstance = new Sys._ScriptLoader; return a }; Sys._ScriptLoader.isScriptLoaded = function (b) { var a = document.createElement("script"); a.src = b; return Array.contains(Sys._ScriptLoader._getLoadedScripts(), a.src) }; Sys._ScriptLoader.readLoadedScripts = function () { if (!Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts) { var b = Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts = [], c = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (i = c.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var d = c[i], a = d.src; if (a.length) if (!Array.contains(b, a)) Array.add(b, a) } } }; Sys._ScriptLoader._clearScript = function (a) { if (!Sys.Debug.isDebug) a.parentNode.removeChild(a) }; Sys._ScriptLoader._errorScriptLoadFailed = function (b, d) { var a; if (d) a = Sys.Res.scriptLoadMultipleCallbacks; else a = Sys.Res.scriptLoadFailed; var e = "Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException: " + String.format(a, b), c = Error.create(e, { name: "Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException", "scriptUrl": b }); c.popStackFrame(); return c }; Sys._ScriptLoader._getLoadedScripts = function () { if (!Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts) { Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts = []; Sys._ScriptLoader.readLoadedScripts() } return Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts }; Sys._ScriptLoaderTask = function (b, a) { this._scriptElement = b; this._completedCallback = a; this._notified = 0 }; Sys._ScriptLoaderTask.prototype = { get_scriptElement: function () { return this._scriptElement }, dispose: function () { if (this._disposed) return; this._disposed = true; this._removeScriptElementHandlers(); Sys._ScriptLoader._clearScript(this._scriptElement); this._scriptElement = null }, execute: function () { this._addScriptElementHandlers(); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(this._scriptElement) }, _addScriptElementHandlers: function () { this._scriptLoadDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._scriptLoadHandler); if (Sys.Browser.agent !== Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer) { this._scriptElement.readyState = "loaded"; $addHandler(this._scriptElement, "load", this._scriptLoadDelegate) } else $addHandler(this._scriptElement, "readystatechange", this._scriptLoadDelegate); if (this._scriptElement.addEventListener) { this._scriptErrorDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._scriptErrorHandler); this._scriptElement.addEventListener("error", this._scriptErrorDelegate, false) } }, _removeScriptElementHandlers: function () { if (this._scriptLoadDelegate) { var a = this.get_scriptElement(); if (Sys.Browser.agent !== Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer) $removeHandler(a, "load", this._scriptLoadDelegate); else $removeHandler(a, "readystatechange", this._scriptLoadDelegate); if (this._scriptErrorDelegate) { this._scriptElement.removeEventListener("error", this._scriptErrorDelegate, false); this._scriptErrorDelegate = null } this._scriptLoadDelegate = null } }, _scriptErrorHandler: function () { if (this._disposed) return; this._completedCallback(this.get_scriptElement(), false) }, _scriptLoadHandler: function () { if (this._disposed) return; var a = this.get_scriptElement(); if (a.readyState !== "loaded" && a.readyState !== "complete") return; var b = this; window.setTimeout(function () { b._completedCallback(a, true) }, 0) } }; Sys._ScriptLoaderTask.registerClass("Sys._ScriptLoaderTask", null, Sys.IDisposable); Sys.ApplicationLoadEventArgs = function (b, a) { Sys.ApplicationLoadEventArgs.initializeBase(this); this._components = b; this._isPartialLoad = a }; Sys.ApplicationLoadEventArgs.prototype = { get_components: function () { return this._components }, get_isPartialLoad: function () { return this._isPartialLoad } }; Sys.ApplicationLoadEventArgs.registerClass("Sys.ApplicationLoadEventArgs", Sys.EventArgs); Sys.HistoryEventArgs = function (a) { Sys.HistoryEventArgs.initializeBase(this); this._state = a }; Sys.HistoryEventArgs.prototype = { get_state: function () { return this._state } }; Sys.HistoryEventArgs.registerClass("Sys.HistoryEventArgs", Sys.EventArgs); Sys._Application = function () { Sys._Application.initializeBase(this); this._disposableObjects = []; this._components = {}; this._createdComponents = []; this._secondPassComponents = []; this._appLoadHandler = null; this._beginRequestHandler = null; this._clientId = null; this._currentEntry = ""; this._endRequestHandler = null; this._history = null; this._enableHistory = false; this._historyFrame = null; this._historyInitialized = false; this._historyInitialLength = 0; this._historyLength = 0; this._historyPointIsNew = false; this._ignoreTimer = false; this._initialState = null; this._state = {}; this._timerCookie = 0; this._timerHandler = null; this._uniqueId = null; this._unloadHandlerDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._unloadHandler); this._loadHandlerDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._loadHandler); Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(window, "unload", this._unloadHandlerDelegate); Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(window, "load", this._loadHandlerDelegate) }; Sys._Application.prototype = { _creatingComponents: false, _disposing: false, get_isCreatingComponents: function () { return this._creatingComponents }, get_stateString: function () { var a = window.location.hash; if (this._isSafari2()) { var b = this._getHistory(); if (b) a = b[window.history.length - this._historyInitialLength] } if (a.length > 0 && a.charAt(0) === "#") a = a.substring(1); if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Firefox) a = this._serializeState(this._deserializeState(a, true)); return a }, get_enableHistory: function () { return this._enableHistory }, set_enableHistory: function (a) { this._enableHistory = a }, add_init: function (a) { if (this._initialized) a(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); else this.get_events().addHandler("init", a) }, remove_init: function (a) { this.get_events().removeHandler("init", a) }, add_load: function (a) { this.get_events().addHandler("load", a) }, remove_load: function (a) { this.get_events().removeHandler("load", a) }, add_navigate: function (a) { this.get_events().addHandler("navigate", a) }, remove_navigate: function (a) { this.get_events().removeHandler("navigate", a) }, add_unload: function (a) { this.get_events().addHandler("unload", a) }, remove_unload: function (a) { this.get_events().removeHandler("unload", a) }, addComponent: function (a) { this._components[a.get_id()] = a }, addHistoryPoint: function (c, f) { this._ensureHistory(); var b = this._state; for (var a in c) { var d = c[a]; if (d === null) { if (typeof b[a] !== "undefined") delete b[a] } else b[a] = d } var e = this._serializeState(b); this._historyPointIsNew = true; this._setState(e, f); this._raiseNavigate() }, beginCreateComponents: function () { this._creatingComponents = true }, dispose: function () { if (!this._disposing) { this._disposing = true; if (this._timerCookie) { window.clearTimeout(this._timerCookie); delete this._timerCookie } if (this._endRequestHandler) { Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().remove_endRequest(this._endRequestHandler); delete this._endRequestHandler } if (this._beginRequestHandler) { Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().remove_beginRequest(this._beginRequestHandler); delete this._beginRequestHandler } if (window.pageUnload) window.pageUnload(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); var c = this.get_events().getHandler("unload"); if (c) c(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); var b = Array.clone(this._disposableObjects); for (var a = 0, e = b.length; a < e; a++) b[a].dispose(); Array.clear(this._disposableObjects); Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler(window, "unload", this._unloadHandlerDelegate); if (this._loadHandlerDelegate) { Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler(window, "load", this._loadHandlerDelegate); this._loadHandlerDelegate = null } var d = Sys._ScriptLoader.getInstance(); if (d) d.dispose(); Sys._Application.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose") } }, endCreateComponents: function () { var b = this._secondPassComponents; for (var a = 0, d = b.length; a < d; a++) { var c = b[a].component; Sys$Component$_setReferences(c, b[a].references); c.endUpdate() } this._secondPassComponents = []; this._creatingComponents = false }, findComponent: function (b, a) { return a ? Sys.IContainer.isInstanceOfType(a) ? a.findComponent(b) : a[b] || null : Sys.Application._components[b] || null }, getComponents: function () { var a = [], b = this._components; for (var c in b) a[a.length] = b[c]; return a }, initialize: function () { if (!this._initialized && !this._initializing) { this._initializing = true; window.setTimeout(Function.createDelegate(this, this._doInitialize), 0) } }, notifyScriptLoaded: function () { var a = Sys._ScriptLoader.getInstance(); if (a) a.notifyScriptLoaded() }, registerDisposableObject: function (a) { if (!this._disposing) this._disposableObjects[this._disposableObjects.length] = a }, raiseLoad: function () { var b = this.get_events().getHandler("load"), a = new Sys.ApplicationLoadEventArgs(Array.clone(this._createdComponents), !this._initializing); if (b) b(this, a); if (window.pageLoad) window.pageLoad(this, a); this._createdComponents = [] }, removeComponent: function (b) { var a = b.get_id(); if (a) delete this._components[a] }, setServerId: function (a, b) { this._clientId = a; this._uniqueId = b }, setServerState: function (a) { this._ensureHistory(); this._state.__s = a; this._updateHiddenField(a) }, unregisterDisposableObject: function (a) { if (!this._disposing) Array.remove(this._disposableObjects, a) }, _addComponentToSecondPass: function (b, a) { this._secondPassComponents[this._secondPassComponents.length] = { component: b, references: a } }, _deserializeState: function (a, i) { var e = {}; a = a || ""; var b = a.indexOf("&&"); if (b !== -1 && b + 2 < a.length) { e.__s = a.substr(b + 2); a = a.substr(0, b) } var g = a.split("&"); for (var f = 0, k = g.length; f < k; f++) { var d = g[f], c = d.indexOf("="); if (c !== -1 && c + 1 < d.length) { var j = d.substr(0, c), h = d.substr(c + 1); e[j] = i ? h : decodeURIComponent(h) } } return e }, _doInitialize: function () { Sys._Application.callBaseMethod(this, "initialize"); var b = this.get_events().getHandler("init"); if (b) { this.beginCreateComponents(); b(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); this.endCreateComponents() } if (Sys.WebForms) { this._beginRequestHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onPageRequestManagerBeginRequest); Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_beginRequest(this._beginRequestHandler); this._endRequestHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onPageRequestManagerEndRequest); Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(this._endRequestHandler) } var a = this.get_stateString(); if (a !== this._currentEntry) this._navigate(a); this.raiseLoad(); this._initializing = false }, _enableHistoryInScriptManager: function () { this._enableHistory = true }, _ensureHistory: function () { if (!this._historyInitialized && this._enableHistory) { if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer && Sys.Browser.documentMode < 8) { this._historyFrame = document.getElementById("__historyFrame"); this._ignoreIFrame = true } if (this._isSafari2()) { var a = document.getElementById("__history"); this._setHistory([window.location.hash]); this._historyInitialLength = window.history.length } this._timerHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onIdle); this._timerCookie = window.setTimeout(this._timerHandler, 100); try { this._initialState = this._deserializeState(this.get_stateString()) } catch (b) { } this._historyInitialized = true } }, _getHistory: function () { var a = document.getElementById("__history"); if (!a) return ""; var b = a.value; return b ? Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(b, true) : "" }, _isSafari2: function () { return Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari && Sys.Browser.version <= 419.3 }, _loadHandler: function () { if (this._loadHandlerDelegate) { Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler(window, "load", this._loadHandlerDelegate); this._loadHandlerDelegate = null } this.initialize() }, _navigate: function (c) { this._ensureHistory(); var b = this._deserializeState(c); if (this._uniqueId) { var d = this._state.__s || "", a = b.__s || ""; if (a !== d) { this._updateHiddenField(a); __doPostBack(this._uniqueId, a); this._state = b; return } } this._setState(c); this._state = b; this._raiseNavigate() }, _onIdle: function () { delete this._timerCookie; var a = this.get_stateString(); if (a !== this._currentEntry) { if (!this._ignoreTimer) { this._historyPointIsNew = false; this._navigate(a); this._historyLength = window.history.length } } else this._ignoreTimer = false; this._timerCookie = window.setTimeout(this._timerHandler, 100) }, _onIFrameLoad: function (a) { this._ensureHistory(); if (!this._ignoreIFrame) { this._historyPointIsNew = false; this._navigate(a) } this._ignoreIFrame = false }, _onPageRequestManagerBeginRequest: function () { this._ignoreTimer = true }, _onPageRequestManagerEndRequest: function (e, d) { var b = d.get_dataItems()[this._clientId], a = document.getElementById("__EVENTTARGET"); if (a && a.value === this._uniqueId) a.value = ""; if (typeof b !== "undefined") { this.setServerState(b); this._historyPointIsNew = true } else this._ignoreTimer = false; var c = this._serializeState(this._state); if (c !== this._currentEntry) { this._ignoreTimer = true; this._setState(c); this._raiseNavigate() } }, _raiseNavigate: function () { var c = this.get_events().getHandler("navigate"), b = {}; for (var a in this._state) if (a !== "__s") b[a] = this._state[a]; var d = new Sys.HistoryEventArgs(b); if (c) c(this, d) }, _serializeState: function (d) { var b = []; for (var a in d) { var e = d[a]; if (a === "__s") var c = e; else b[b.length] = a + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e) } return b.join("&") + (c ? "&&" + c : "") }, _setHistory: function (b) { var a = document.getElementById("__history"); if (a) a.value = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(b) }, _setState: function (a, c) { a = a || ""; if (a !== this._currentEntry) { if (window.theForm) { var e = window.theForm.action, f = e.indexOf("#"); window.theForm.action = (f !== -1 ? e.substring(0, f) : e) + "#" + a } if (this._historyFrame && this._historyPointIsNew) { this._ignoreIFrame = true; this._historyPointIsNew = false; var d = this._historyFrame.contentWindow.document;"javascript:‘<html></html>‘"); d.write("<html><head><title>" + (c || document.title) + "</title><scri" + ‘pt type="text/javascript">parent.Sys.Application._onIFrameLoad(\‘‘ + a + "‘);</scri" + "pt></head><body></body></html>"); d.close() } this._ignoreTimer = false; var h = this.get_stateString(); this._currentEntry = a; if (a !== h) { if (this._isSafari2()) { var g = this._getHistory(); g[window.history.length - this._historyInitialLength + 1] = a; this._setHistory(g); this._historyLength = window.history.length + 1; var b = document.createElement("form"); b.method = "get"; b.action = "#" + a; document.appendChild(b); b.submit(); document.removeChild(b) } else window.location.hash = a; if (typeof c !== "undefined" && c !== null) document.title = c } } }, _unloadHandler: function () { this.dispose() }, _updateHiddenField: function (b) { if (this._clientId) { var a = document.getElementById(this._clientId); if (a) a.value = b } } }; Sys._Application.registerClass("Sys._Application", Sys.Component, Sys.IContainer); Sys.Application = new Sys._Application; var $find = Sys.Application.findComponent; Type.registerNamespace("Sys.Net"); Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor = function () { this._webRequest = null; this._resultObject = null }; Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor.prototype = { get_webRequest: function () { return this._webRequest }, _set_webRequest: function (a) { this._webRequest = a }, get_started: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, get_responseAvailable: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, get_timedOut: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, get_aborted: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, get_responseData: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, get_statusCode: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, get_statusText: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, get_xml: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, get_object: function () { if (!this._resultObject) this._resultObject = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(this.get_responseData()); return this._resultObject }, executeRequest: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, abort: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, getResponseHeader: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () { throw Error.notImplemented() } }; Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor.registerClass("Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor"); Sys.Net.XMLDOM = function (d) { if (!window.DOMParser) { var c = ["Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument"]; for (var b = 0, f = c.length; b < f; b++) try { var a = new ActiveXObject(c[b]); a.async = false; a.loadXML(d); a.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); return a } catch (g) { } } else try { var e = new window.DOMParser; return e.parseFromString(d, "text/xml") } catch (g) { } return null }; Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor = function () { Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor.initializeBase(this); var a = this; this._xmlHttpRequest = null; this._webRequest = null; this._responseAvailable = false; this._timedOut = false; this._timer = null; this._aborted = false; this._started = false; this._onReadyStateChange = function () { if (a._xmlHttpRequest.readyState === 4) { try { if (typeof a._xmlHttpRequest.status === "undefined") return } catch (b) { return } a._clearTimer(); a._responseAvailable = true; try { a._webRequest.completed(Sys.EventArgs.Empty) } finally { if (a._xmlHttpRequest != null) { a._xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = Function.emptyMethod; a._xmlHttpRequest = null } } } }; this._clearTimer = function () { if (a._timer != null) { window.clearTimeout(a._timer); a._timer = null } }; this._onTimeout = function () { if (!a._responseAvailable) { a._clearTimer(); a._timedOut = true; a._xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = Function.emptyMethod; a._xmlHttpRequest.abort(); a._webRequest.completed(Sys.EventArgs.Empty); a._xmlHttpRequest = null } } }; Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor.prototype = { get_timedOut: function () { return this._timedOut }, get_started: function () { return this._started }, get_responseAvailable: function () { return this._responseAvailable }, get_aborted: function () { return this._aborted }, executeRequest: function () { this._webRequest = this.get_webRequest(); var c = this._webRequest.get_body(), a = this._webRequest.get_headers(); this._xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest; this._xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = this._onReadyStateChange; var e = this._webRequest.get_httpVerb();, this._webRequest.getResolvedUrl(), true); if (a) for (var b in a) { var f = a[b]; if (typeof f !== "function") this._xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader(b, f) } if (e.toLowerCase() === "post") { if (a === null || !a["Content-Type"]) this._xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"); if (!c) c = "" } var d = this._webRequest.get_timeout(); if (d > 0) this._timer = window.setTimeout(Function.createDelegate(this, this._onTimeout), d); this._xmlHttpRequest.send(c); this._started = true }, getResponseHeader: function (b) { var a; try { a = this._xmlHttpRequest.getResponseHeader(b) } catch (c) { } if (!a) a = ""; return a }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () { return this._xmlHttpRequest.getAllResponseHeaders() }, get_responseData: function () { return this._xmlHttpRequest.responseText }, get_statusCode: function () { var a = 0; try { a = this._xmlHttpRequest.status } catch (b) { } return a }, get_statusText: function () { return this._xmlHttpRequest.statusText }, get_xml: function () { var a = this._xmlHttpRequest.responseXML; if (!a || !a.documentElement) { a = Sys.Net.XMLDOM(this._xmlHttpRequest.responseText); if (!a || !a.documentElement) return null } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !== -1) a.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); if (a.documentElement.namespaceURI === "" && a.documentElement.tagName === "parsererror") return null; if (a.documentElement.firstChild && a.documentElement.firstChild.tagName === "parsererror") return null; return a }, abort: function () { if (this._aborted || this._responseAvailable || this._timedOut) return; this._aborted = true; this._clearTimer(); if (this._xmlHttpRequest && !this._responseAvailable) { this._xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = Function.emptyMethod; this._xmlHttpRequest.abort(); this._xmlHttpRequest = null; this._webRequest.completed(Sys.EventArgs.Empty) } } }; Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor.registerClass("Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor", Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor); Sys.Net._WebRequestManager = function () { this._defaultTimeout = 0; this._defaultExecutorType = "Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor" }; Sys.Net._WebRequestManager.prototype = { add_invokingRequest: function (a) { this._get_eventHandlerList().addHandler("invokingRequest", a) }, remove_invokingRequest: function (a) { this._get_eventHandlerList().removeHandler("invokingRequest", a) }, add_completedRequest: function (a) { this._get_eventHandlerList().addHandler("completedRequest", a) }, remove_completedRequest: function (a) { this._get_eventHandlerList().removeHandler("completedRequest", a) }, _get_eventHandlerList: function () { if (!this._events) this._events = new Sys.EventHandlerList; return this._events }, get_defaultTimeout: function () { return this._defaultTimeout }, set_defaultTimeout: function (a) { this._defaultTimeout = a }, get_defaultExecutorType: function () { return this._defaultExecutorType }, set_defaultExecutorType: function (a) { this._defaultExecutorType = a }, executeRequest: function (webRequest) { var executor = webRequest.get_executor(); if (!executor) { var failed = false; try { var executorType = eval(this._defaultExecutorType); executor = new executorType } catch (a) { failed = true } webRequest.set_executor(executor) } if (executor.get_aborted()) return; var evArgs = new Sys.Net.NetworkRequestEventArgs(webRequest), handler = this._get_eventHandlerList().getHandler("invokingRequest"); if (handler) handler(this, evArgs); if (!evArgs.get_cancel()) executor.executeRequest() } }; Sys.Net._WebRequestManager.registerClass("Sys.Net._WebRequestManager"); Sys.Net.WebRequestManager = new Sys.Net._WebRequestManager; Sys.Net.NetworkRequestEventArgs = function (a) { Sys.Net.NetworkRequestEventArgs.initializeBase(this); this._webRequest = a }; Sys.Net.NetworkRequestEventArgs.prototype = { get_webRequest: function () { return this._webRequest } }; Sys.Net.NetworkRequestEventArgs.registerClass("Sys.Net.NetworkRequestEventArgs", Sys.CancelEventArgs); Sys.Net.WebRequest = function () { this._url = ""; this._headers = {}; this._body = null; this._userContext = null; this._httpVerb = null; this._executor = null; this._invokeCalled = false; this._timeout = 0 }; Sys.Net.WebRequest.prototype = { add_completed: function (a) { this._get_eventHandlerList().addHandler("completed", a) }, remove_completed: function (a) { this._get_eventHandlerList().removeHandler("completed", a) }, completed: function (b) { var a = Sys.Net.WebRequestManager._get_eventHandlerList().getHandler("completedRequest"); if (a) a(this._executor, b); a = this._get_eventHandlerList().getHandler("completed"); if (a) a(this._executor, b) }, _get_eventHandlerList: function () { if (!this._events) this._events = new Sys.EventHandlerList; return this._events }, get_url: function () { return this._url }, set_url: function (a) { this._url = a }, get_headers: function () { return this._headers }, get_httpVerb: function () { if (this._httpVerb === null) { if (this._body === null) return "GET"; return "POST" } return this._httpVerb }, set_httpVerb: function (a) { this._httpVerb = a }, get_body: function () { return this._body }, set_body: function (a) { this._body = a }, get_userContext: function () { return this._userContext }, set_userContext: function (a) { this._userContext = a }, get_executor: function () { return this._executor }, set_executor: function (a) { this._executor = a; this._executor._set_webRequest(this) }, get_timeout: function () { if (this._timeout === 0) return Sys.Net.WebRequestManager.get_defaultTimeout(); return this._timeout }, set_timeout: function (a) { this._timeout = a }, getResolvedUrl: function () { return Sys.Net.WebRequest._resolveUrl(this._url) }, invoke: function () { Sys.Net.WebRequestManager.executeRequest(this); this._invokeCalled = true } }; Sys.Net.WebRequest._resolveUrl = function (b, a) { if (b && b.indexOf("://") !== -1) return b; if (!a || a.length === 0) { var d = document.getElementsByTagName("base")[0]; if (d && d.href && d.href.length > 0) a = d.href; else a = document.URL } var c = a.indexOf("?"); if (c !== -1) a = a.substr(0, c); c = a.indexOf("#"); if (c !== -1) a = a.substr(0, c); a = a.substr(0, a.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (!b || b.length === 0) return a; if (b.charAt(0) === "/") { var e = a.indexOf("://"), g = a.indexOf("/", e + 3); return a.substr(0, g) + b } else { var f = a.lastIndexOf("/"); return a.substr(0, f + 1) + b } }; Sys.Net.WebRequest._createQueryString = function (d, b) { if (!b) b = encodeURIComponent; var a = new Sys.StringBuilder, f = 0; for (var c in d) { var e = d[c]; if (typeof e === "function") continue; var g = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(e); if (f !== 0) a.append("&"); a.append(c); a.append("="); a.append(b(g)); f++ } return a.toString() }; Sys.Net.WebRequest._createUrl = function (a, b) { if (!b) return a; var d = Sys.Net.WebRequest._createQueryString(b); if (d.length > 0) { var c = "?"; if (a && a.indexOf("?") !== -1) c = "&"; return a + c + d } else return a }; Sys.Net.WebRequest.registerClass("Sys.Net.WebRequest"); Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy = function () { }; Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.prototype = { get_timeout: function () { return this._timeout }, set_timeout: function (a) { if (a < 0) throw Error.argumentOutOfRange("value", a, Sys.Res.invalidTimeout); this._timeout = a }, get_defaultUserContext: function () { return this._userContext }, set_defaultUserContext: function (a) { this._userContext = a }, get_defaultSucceededCallback: function () { return this._succeeded }, set_defaultSucceededCallback: function (a) { this._succeeded = a }, get_defaultFailedCallback: function () { return this._failed }, set_defaultFailedCallback: function (a) { this._failed = a }, get_path: function () { return this._path }, set_path: function (a) { this._path = a }, _invoke: function (d, e, g, f, c, b, a) { if (c === null || typeof c === "undefined") c = this.get_defaultSucceededCallback(); if (b === null || typeof b === "undefined") b = this.get_defaultFailedCallback(); if (a === null || typeof a === "undefined") a = this.get_defaultUserContext(); return Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.invoke(d, e, g, f, c, b, a, this.get_timeout()) } }; Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.registerClass("Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy"); Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.invoke = function (k, a, j, d, i, c, f, h) { var b = new Sys.Net.WebRequest; b.get_headers()["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; if (!d) d = {}; var g = d; if (!j || !g) g = {}; b.set_url(Sys.Net.WebRequest._createUrl(k + "/" + encodeURIComponent(a), g)); var e = null; if (!j) { e = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(d); if (e === "{}") e = "" } b.set_body(e); b.add_completed(l); if (h && h > 0) b.set_timeout(h); b.invoke(); function l(d) { if (d.get_responseAvailable()) { var g = d.get_statusCode(), b = null; try { var e = d.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); if (e.startsWith("application/json")) b = d.get_object(); else if (e.startsWith("text/xml")) b = d.get_xml(); else b = d.get_responseData() } catch (m) { } var k = d.getResponseHeader("jsonerror"), h = k === "true"; if (h) { if (b) b = new Sys.Net.WebServiceError(false, b.Message, b.StackTrace, b.ExceptionType) } else if (e.startsWith("application/json")) b = b.d; if (g < 200 || g >= 300 || h) { if (c) { if (!b || !h) b = new Sys.Net.WebServiceError(false, String.format(Sys.Res.webServiceFailedNoMsg, a), "", ""); b._statusCode = g; c(b, f, a) } } else if (i) i(b, f, a) } else { var j; if (d.get_timedOut()) j = String.format(Sys.Res.webServiceTimedOut, a); else j = String.format(Sys.Res.webServiceFailedNoMsg, a); if (c) c(new Sys.Net.WebServiceError(d.get_timedOut(), j, "", ""), f, a) } } return b }; Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy._generateTypedConstructor = function (a) { return function (b) { if (b) for (var c in b) this[c] = b[c]; this.__type = a } }; Sys.Net.WebServiceError = function (c, d, b, a) { this._timedOut = c; this._message = d; this._stackTrace = b; this._exceptionType = a; this._statusCode = -1 }; Sys.Net.WebServiceError.prototype = { get_timedOut: function () { return this._timedOut }, get_statusCode: function () { return this._statusCode }, get_message: function () { return this._message }, get_stackTrace: function () { return this._stackTrace }, get_exceptionType: function () { return this._exceptionType } }; Sys.Net.WebServiceError.registerClass("Sys.Net.WebServiceError"); Type.registerNamespace("Sys.Services"); Sys.Services._ProfileService = function () { Sys.Services._ProfileService.initializeBase(this); = {} }; Sys.Services._ProfileService.DefaultWebServicePath = ""; Sys.Services._ProfileService.prototype = { _defaultLoadCompletedCallback: null, _defaultSaveCompletedCallback: null, _path: "", _timeout: 0, get_defaultLoadCompletedCallback: function () { return this._defaultLoadCompletedCallback }, set_defaultLoadCompletedCallback: function (a) { this._defaultLoadCompletedCallback = a }, get_defaultSaveCompletedCallback: function () { return this._defaultSaveCompletedCallback }, set_defaultSaveCompletedCallback: function (a) { this._defaultSaveCompletedCallback = a }, get_path: function () { return this._path || "" }, load: function (c, d, e, f) { var b, a; if (!c) { a = "GetAllPropertiesForCurrentUser"; b = { authenticatedUserOnly: false } } else { a = "GetPropertiesForCurrentUser"; b = { properties: this._clonePropertyNames(c), authenticatedUserOnly: false } } this._invoke(this._get_path(), a, false, b, Function.createDelegate(this, this._onLoadComplete), Function.createDelegate(this, this._onLoadFailed), [d, e, f]) }, save: function (d, b, c, e) { var a = this._flattenProperties(d,; this._invoke(this._get_path(), "SetPropertiesForCurrentUser", false, { values: a.value, authenticatedUserOnly: false }, Function.createDelegate(this, this._onSaveComplete), Function.createDelegate(this, this._onSaveFailed), [b, c, e, a.count]) }, _clonePropertyNames: function (e) { var c = [], d = {}; for (var b = 0; b < e.length; b++) { var a = e[b]; if (!d[a]) { Array.add(c, a); d[a] = true } } return c }, _flattenProperties: function (a, i, j) { var b = {}, e, d, g = 0; if (a && a.length === 0) return { value: b, count: 0 }; for (var c in i) { e = i[c]; d = j ? j + "." + c : c; if (Sys.Services.ProfileGroup.isInstanceOfType(e)) { var k = this._flattenProperties(a, e, d), h = k.value; g += k.count; for (var f in h) { var l = h[f]; b[f] = l } } else if (!a || Array.indexOf(a, d) !== -1) { b[d] = e; g++ } } return { value: b, count: g } }, _get_path: function () { var a = this.get_path(); if (!a.length) a = Sys.Services._ProfileService.DefaultWebServicePath; if (!a || !a.length) throw Error.invalidOperation(Sys.Res.servicePathNotSet); return a }, _onLoadComplete: function (a, e, g) { if (typeof a !== "object") throw Error.invalidOperation(String.format(Sys.Res.webServiceInvalidReturnType, g, "Object")); var c = this._unflattenProperties(a); for (var b in c)[b] = c[b]; var d = e[0] || this.get_defaultLoadCompletedCallback() || this.get_defaultSucceededCallback(); if (d) { var f = e[2] || this.get_defaultUserContext(); d(a.length, f, "Sys.Services.ProfileService.load") } }, _onLoadFailed: function (d, b) { var a = b[1] || this.get_defaultFailedCallback(); if (a) { var c = b[2] || this.get_defaultUserContext(); a(d, c, "Sys.Services.ProfileService.load") } }, _onSaveComplete: function (a, b, f) { var c = b[3]; if (a !== null) if (a instanceof Array) c -= a.length; else if (typeof a === "number") c = a; else throw Error.invalidOperation(String.format(Sys.Res.webServiceInvalidReturnType, f, "Array")); var d = b[0] || this.get_defaultSaveCompletedCallback() || this.get_defaultSucceededCallback(); if (d) { var e = b[2] || this.get_defaultUserContext(); d(c, e, "") } }, _onSaveFailed: function (d, b) { var a = b[1] || this.get_defaultFailedCallback(); if (a) { var c = b[2] || this.get_defaultUserContext(); a(d, c, "") } }, _unflattenProperties: function (e) { var c = {}, d, f, h = 0; for (var a in e) { h++; f = e[a]; d = a.indexOf("."); if (d !== -1) { var g = a.substr(0, d); a = a.substr(d + 1); var b = c[g]; if (!b || !Sys.Services.ProfileGroup.isInstanceOfType(b)) { b = new Sys.Services.ProfileGroup; c[g] = b } b[a] = f } else c[a] = f } e.length = h; return c } }; Sys.Services._ProfileService.registerClass("Sys.Services._ProfileService", Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy); Sys.Services.ProfileService = new Sys.Services._ProfileService; Sys.Services.ProfileGroup = function (a) { if (a) for (var b in a) this[b] = a[b] }; Sys.Services.ProfileGroup.registerClass("Sys.Services.ProfileGroup"); Sys.Services._AuthenticationService = function () { Sys.Services._AuthenticationService.initializeBase(this) }; Sys.Services._AuthenticationService.DefaultWebServicePath = ""; Sys.Services._AuthenticationService.prototype = { _defaultLoginCompletedCallback: null, _defaultLogoutCompletedCallback: null, _path: "", _timeout: 0, _authenticated: false, get_defaultLoginCompletedCallback: function () { return this._defaultLoginCompletedCallback }, set_defaultLoginCompletedCallback: function (a) { this._defaultLoginCompletedCallback = a }, get_defaultLogoutCompletedCallback: function () { return this._defaultLogoutCompletedCallback }, set_defaultLogoutCompletedCallback: function (a) { this._defaultLogoutCompletedCallback = a }, get_isLoggedIn: function () { return this._authenticated }, get_path: function () { return this._path || "" }, login: function (c, b, a, h, f, d, e, g) { this._invoke(this._get_path(), "Login", false, { userName: c, password: b, createPersistentCookie: a }, Function.createDelegate(this, this._onLoginComplete), Function.createDelegate(this, this._onLoginFailed), [c, b, a, h, f, d, e, g]) }, logout: function (c, a, b, d) { this._invoke(this._get_path(), "Logout", false, {}, Function.createDelegate(this, this._onLogoutComplete), Function.createDelegate(this, this._onLogoutFailed), [c, a, b, d]) }, _get_path: function () { var a = this.get_path(); if (!a.length) a = Sys.Services._AuthenticationService.DefaultWebServicePath; if (!a || !a.length) throw Error.invalidOperation(Sys.Res.servicePathNotSet); return a }, _onLoginComplete: function (e, c, f) { if (typeof e !== "boolean") throw Error.invalidOperation(String.format(Sys.Res.webServiceInvalidReturnType, f, "Boolean")); var b = c[4], d = c[7] || this.get_defaultUserContext(), a = c[5] || this.get_defaultLoginCompletedCallback() || this.get_defaultSucceededCallback(); if (e) { this._authenticated = true; if (a) a(true, d, "Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.login"); if (typeof b !== "undefined" && b !== null) window.location.href = b } else if (a) a(false, d, "Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.login") }, _onLoginFailed: function (d, b) { var a = b[6] || this.get_defaultFailedCallback(); if (a) { var c = b[7] || this.get_defaultUserContext(); a(d, c, "Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.login") } }, _onLogoutComplete: function (f, a, e) { if (f !== null) throw Error.invalidOperation(String.format(Sys.Res.webServiceInvalidReturnType, e, "null")); var b = a[0], d = a[3] || this.get_defaultUserContext(), c = a[1] || this.get_defaultLogoutCompletedCallback() || this.get_defaultSucceededCallback(); this._authenticated = false; if (c) c(null, d, "Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.logout"); if (!b) window.location.reload(); else window.location.href = b }, _onLogoutFailed: function (c, b) { var a = b[2] || this.get_defaultFailedCallback(); if (a) a(c, b[3], "Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.logout") }, _setAuthenticated: function (a) { this._authenticated = a } }; Sys.Services._AuthenticationService.registerClass("Sys.Services._AuthenticationService", Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy); Sys.Services.AuthenticationService = new Sys.Services._AuthenticationService; Sys.Services._RoleService = function () { Sys.Services._RoleService.initializeBase(this); this._roles = [] }; Sys.Services._RoleService.DefaultWebServicePath = ""; Sys.Services._RoleService.prototype = { _defaultLoadCompletedCallback: null, _rolesIndex: null, _timeout: 0, _path: "", get_defaultLoadCompletedCallback: function () { return this._defaultLoadCompletedCallback }, set_defaultLoadCompletedCallback: function (a) { this._defaultLoadCompletedCallback = a }, get_path: function () { return this._path || "" }, get_roles: function () { return Array.clone(this._roles) }, isUserInRole: function (a) { var b = this._get_rolesIndex()[a.trim().toLowerCase()]; return !!b }, load: function (a, b, c) { Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.invoke(this._get_path(), "GetRolesForCurrentUser", false, {}, Function.createDelegate(this, this._onLoadComplete), Function.createDelegate(this, this._onLoadFailed), [a, b, c], this.get_timeout()) }, _get_path: function () { var a = this.get_path(); if (!a || !a.length) a = Sys.Services._RoleService.DefaultWebServicePath; if (!a || !a.length) throw Error.invalidOperation(Sys.Res.servicePathNotSet); return a }, _get_rolesIndex: function () { if (!this._rolesIndex) { var b = {}; for (var a = 0; a < this._roles.length; a++) b[this._roles[a].toLowerCase()] = true; this._rolesIndex = b } return this._rolesIndex }, _onLoadComplete: function (a, c, f) { if (a && !(a instanceof Array)) throw Error.invalidOperation(String.format(Sys.Res.webServiceInvalidReturnType, f, "Array")); this._roles = a; this._rolesIndex = null; var b = c[0] || this.get_defaultLoadCompletedCallback() || this.get_defaultSucceededCallback(); if (b) { var e = c[2] || this.get_defaultUserContext(), d = Array.clone(a); b(d, e, "Sys.Services.RoleService.load") } }, _onLoadFailed: function (d, b) { var a = b[1] || this.get_defaultFailedCallback(); if (a) { var c = b[2] || this.get_defaultUserContext(); a(d, c, "Sys.Services.RoleService.load") } } }; Sys.Services._RoleService.registerClass("Sys.Services._RoleService", Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy); Sys.Services.RoleService = new Sys.Services._RoleService; Type.registerNamespace("Sys.Serialization"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer = function () { }; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.registerClass("Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscapeRegExs = []; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscape = []; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._dateRegEx = new RegExp(‘(^|[^\\\\])\\"\\\\/Date\\((-?[0-9]+)(?:[a-zA-Z]|(?:\\+|-)[0-9]{4})?\\)\\\\/\\"‘, "g"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeChars = {}; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeRegEx = new RegExp(‘["\\\\\\x00-\\x1F]‘, "i"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeRegExGlobal = new RegExp(‘["\\\\\\x00-\\x1F]‘, "g"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._jsonRegEx = new RegExp("[^,:{}\\[\\]0-9.\\-+Eaeflnr-u \\n\\r\\t]", "g"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._jsonStringRegEx = new RegExp(‘"(\\\\.|[^"\\\\])*"‘, "g"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serverTypeFieldName = "__type"; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._init = function () { var c = ["\\u0000", "\\u0001", "\\u0002", "\\u0003", "\\u0004", "\\u0005", "\\u0006", "\\u0007", "\\b", "\\t", "\\n", "\\u000b", "\\f", "\\r", "\\u000e", "\\u000f", "\\u0010", "\\u0011", "\\u0012", "\\u0013", "\\u0014", "\\u0015", "\\u0016", "\\u0017", "\\u0018", "\\u0019", "\\u001a", "\\u001b", "\\u001c", "\\u001d", "\\u001e", "\\u001f"]; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscape[0] = "\\"; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscapeRegExs["\\"] = new RegExp("\\\\", "g"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeChars["\\"] = "\\\\"; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscape[1] = ‘"‘; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscapeRegExs[‘"‘] = new RegExp(‘"‘, "g"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeChars[‘"‘] = ‘\\"‘; for (var a = 0; a < 32; a++) { var b = String.fromCharCode(a); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscape[a + 2] = b; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscapeRegExs[b] = new RegExp(b, "g"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeChars[b] = c[a] } }; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeBooleanWithBuilder = function (b, a) { a.append(b.toString()) }; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeNumberWithBuilder = function (a, b) { if (isFinite(a)) b.append(String(a)); else throw Error.invalidOperation(Sys.Res.cannotSerializeNonFiniteNumbers) }; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeStringWithBuilder = function (a, c) { c.append(‘"‘); if (Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeRegEx.test(a)) { if (Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscape.length === 0) Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._init(); if (a.length < 128) a = a.replace(Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeRegExGlobal, function (a) { return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeChars[a] }); else for (var d = 0; d < 34; d++) { var b = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscape[d]; if (a.indexOf(b) !== -1) if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Opera || Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.FireFox) a = a.split(b).join(Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeChars[b]); else a = a.replace(Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._charsToEscapeRegExs[b], Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._escapeChars[b]) } } c.append(a); c.append(‘"‘) }; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeWithBuilder = function (b, a, i, g) { var c; switch (typeof b) { case "object": if (b) if (Number.isInstanceOfType(b)) Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeNumberWithBuilder(b, a); else if (Boolean.isInstanceOfType(b)) Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeBooleanWithBuilder(b, a); else if (String.isInstanceOfType(b)) Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeStringWithBuilder(b, a); else if (Array.isInstanceOfType(b)) { a.append("["); for (c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) { if (c > 0) a.append(","); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeWithBuilder(b[c], a, false, g) } a.append("]") } else { if (Date.isInstanceOfType(b)) { a.append(‘"\\/Date(‘); a.append(b.getTime()); a.append(‘)\\/"‘); break } var d = [], f = 0; for (var e in b) { if (e.startsWith("$")) continue; if (e === Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serverTypeFieldName && f !== 0) { d[f++] = d[0]; d[0] = e } else d[f++] = e } if (i) d.sort(); a.append("{"); var j = false; for (c = 0; c < f; c++) { var h = b[d[c]]; if (typeof h !== "undefined" && typeof h !== "function") { if (j) a.append(","); else j = true; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeWithBuilder(d[c], a, i, g); a.append(":"); Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeWithBuilder(h, a, i, g) } } a.append("}") } else a.append("null"); break; case "number": Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeNumberWithBuilder(b, a); break; case "string": Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeStringWithBuilder(b, a); break; case "boolean": Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeBooleanWithBuilder(b, a); break; default: a.append("null") } }; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize = function (b) { var a = new Sys.StringBuilder; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._serializeWithBuilder(b, a, false); return a.toString() }; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize = function (data, secure) { if (data.length === 0) throw Error.argument("data", Sys.Res.cannotDeserializeEmptyString); try { var exp = data.replace(Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._dateRegEx, "$1new Date($2)"); if (secure && Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._jsonRegEx.test(exp.replace(Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer._jsonStringRegEx, ""))) throw null; return eval("(" + exp + ")") } catch (a) { throw Error.argument("data", Sys.Res.cannotDeserializeInvalidJson) } }; Sys.CultureInfo = function (c, b, a) { = c; this.numberFormat = b; this.dateTimeFormat = a }; Sys.CultureInfo.prototype = { _getDateTimeFormats: function () { if (!this._dateTimeFormats) { var a = this.dateTimeFormat; this._dateTimeFormats = [a.MonthDayPattern, a.YearMonthPattern, a.ShortDatePattern, a.ShortTimePattern, a.LongDatePattern, a.LongTimePattern, a.FullDateTimePattern, a.RFC1123Pattern, a.SortableDateTimePattern, a.UniversalSortableDateTimePattern] } return this._dateTimeFormats }, _getMonthIndex: function (a) { if (!this._upperMonths) this._upperMonths = this._toUpperArray(this.dateTimeFormat.MonthNames); return Array.indexOf(this._upperMonths, this._toUpper(a)) }, _getAbbrMonthIndex: function (a) { if (!this._upperAbbrMonths) this._upperAbbrMonths = this._toUpperArray(this.dateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedMonthNames); return Array.indexOf(this._upperAbbrMonths, this._toUpper(a)) }, _getDayIndex: function (a) { if (!this._upperDays) this._upperDays = this._toUpperArray(this.dateTimeFormat.DayNames); return Array.indexOf(this._upperDays, this._toUpper(a)) }, _getAbbrDayIndex: function (a) { if (!this._upperAbbrDays) this._upperAbbrDays = this._toUpperArray(this.dateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedDayNames); return Array.indexOf(this._upperAbbrDays, this._toUpper(a)) }, _toUpperArray: function (c) { var b = []; for (var a = 0, d = c.length; a < d; a++) b[a] = this._toUpper(c[a]); return b }, _toUpper: function (a) { return a.split("\u00a0").join(" ").toUpperCase() } }; Sys.CultureInfo._parse = function (b) { var a = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(b); return new Sys.CultureInfo(, a.numberFormat, a.dateTimeFormat) }; Sys.CultureInfo.registerClass("Sys.CultureInfo"); Sys.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture = Sys.CultureInfo._parse(‘{"name":"","numberFormat":{"CurrencyDecimalDigits":2,"CurrencyDecimalSeparator":".","IsReadOnly":true,"CurrencyGroupSizes":[3],"NumberGroupSizes":[3],"PercentGroupSizes":[3],"CurrencyGroupSeparator":",","CurrencySymbol":"\u00a4","NaNSymbol":"NaN","CurrencyNegativePattern":0,"NumberNegativePattern":1,"PercentPositivePattern":0,"PercentNegativePattern":0,"NegativeInfinitySymbol":"-Infinity","NegativeSign":"-","NumberDecimalDigits":2,"NumberDecimalSeparator":".","NumberGroupSeparator":",","CurrencyPositivePattern":0,"PositiveInfinitySymbol":"Infinity","PositiveSign":"+","PercentDecimalDigits":2,"PercentDecimalSeparator":".","PercentGroupSeparator":",","PercentSymbol":"%","PerMilleSymbol":"\u2030","NativeDigits":["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],"DigitSubstitution":1},"dateTimeFormat":{"AMDesignator":"AM","Calendar":{"MinSupportedDateTime":"@-62135568000000@","MaxSupportedDateTime":"@253402300799999@","AlgorithmType":1,"CalendarType":1,"Eras":[1],"TwoDigitYearMax":2029,"IsReadOnly":true},"DateSeparator":"/","FirstDayOfWeek":0,"CalendarWeekRule":0,"FullDateTimePattern":"dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss","LongDatePattern":"dddd, dd MMMM yyyy","LongTimePattern":"HH:mm:ss","MonthDayPattern":"MMMM dd","PMDesignator":"PM","RFC1123Pattern":"ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH\‘:\‘mm\‘:\‘ss \‘GMT\‘","ShortDatePattern":"MM/dd/yyyy","ShortTimePattern":"HH:mm","SortableDateTimePattern":"yyyy\‘-\‘MM\‘-\‘dd\‘T\‘HH\‘:\‘mm\‘:\‘ss","TimeSeparator":":","UniversalSortableDateTimePattern":"yyyy\‘-\‘MM\‘-\‘dd HH\‘:\‘mm\‘:\‘ss\‘Z\‘","YearMonthPattern":"yyyy MMMM","AbbreviatedDayNames":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],"ShortestDayNames":["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"],"DayNames":["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],"AbbreviatedMonthNames":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec",""],"MonthNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December",""],"IsReadOnly":true,"NativeCalendarName":"Gregorian Calendar","AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec",""],"MonthGenitiveNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December",""]}}‘); if (typeof __cultureInfo === "undefined") var __cultureInfo = ‘{"name":"en-US","numberFormat":{"CurrencyDecimalDigits":2,"CurrencyDecimalSeparator":".","IsReadOnly":false,"CurrencyGroupSizes":[3],"NumberGroupSizes":[3],"PercentGroupSizes":[3],"CurrencyGroupSeparator":",","CurrencySymbol":"$","NaNSymbol":"NaN","CurrencyNegativePattern":0,"NumberNegativePattern":1,"PercentPositivePattern":0,"PercentNegativePattern":0,"NegativeInfinitySymbol":"-Infinity","NegativeSign":"-","NumberDecimalDigits":2,"NumberDecimalSeparator":".","NumberGroupSeparator":",","CurrencyPositivePattern":0,"PositiveInfinitySymbol":"Infinity","PositiveSign":"+","PercentDecimalDigits":2,"PercentDecimalSeparator":".","PercentGroupSeparator":",","PercentSymbol":"%","PerMilleSymbol":"\u2030","NativeDigits":["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],"DigitSubstitution":1},"dateTimeFormat":{"AMDesignator":"AM","Calendar":{"MinSupportedDateTime":"@-62135568000000@","MaxSupportedDateTime":"@253402300799999@","AlgorithmType":1,"CalendarType":1,"Eras":[1],"TwoDigitYearMax":2029,"IsReadOnly":false},"DateSeparator":"/","FirstDayOfWeek":0,"CalendarWeekRule":0,"FullDateTimePattern":"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt","LongDatePattern":"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy","LongTimePattern":"h:mm:ss tt","MonthDayPattern":"MMMM dd","PMDesignator":"PM","RFC1123Pattern":"ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH\‘:\‘mm\‘:\‘ss \‘GMT\‘","ShortDatePattern":"M/d/yyyy","ShortTimePattern":"h:mm tt","SortableDateTimePattern":"yyyy\‘-\‘MM\‘-\‘dd\‘T\‘HH\‘:\‘mm\‘:\‘ss","TimeSeparator":":","UniversalSortableDateTimePattern":"yyyy\‘-\‘MM\‘-\‘dd HH\‘:\‘mm\‘:\‘ss\‘Z\‘","YearMonthPattern":"MMMM, yyyy","AbbreviatedDayNames":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],"ShortestDayNames":["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"],"DayNames":["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],"AbbreviatedMonthNames":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec",""],"MonthNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December",""],"IsReadOnly":false,"NativeCalendarName":"Gregorian Calendar","AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec",""],"MonthGenitiveNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December",""]}}‘; Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = Sys.CultureInfo._parse(__cultureInfo); delete __cultureInfo; Sys.UI.Behavior = function (b) { Sys.UI.Behavior.initializeBase(this); this._element = b; var a = b._behaviors; if (!a) b._behaviors = [this]; else a[a.length] = this }; Sys.UI.Behavior.prototype = { _name: null, get_element: function () { return this._element }, get_id: function () { var a = Sys.UI.Behavior.callBaseMethod(this, "get_id"); if (a) return a; if (!this._element || ! return ""; return + "$" + this.get_name() }, get_name: function () { if (this._name) return this._name; var a = Object.getTypeName(this), b = a.lastIndexOf("."); if (b != -1) a = a.substr(b + 1); if (!this.get_isInitialized()) this._name = a; return a }, set_name: function (a) { this._name = a }, initialize: function () { Sys.UI.Behavior.callBaseMethod(this, "initialize"); var a = this.get_name(); if (a) this._element[a] = this }, dispose: function () { Sys.UI.Behavior.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose"); if (this._element) { var a = this.get_name(); if (a) this._element[a] = null; Array.remove(this._element._behaviors, this); delete this._element } } }; Sys.UI.Behavior.registerClass("Sys.UI.Behavior", Sys.Component); Sys.UI.Behavior.getBehaviorByName = function (b, c) { var a = b[c]; return a && Sys.UI.Behavior.isInstanceOfType(a) ? a : null }; Sys.UI.Behavior.getBehaviors = function (a) { if (!a._behaviors) return []; return Array.clone(a._behaviors) }; Sys.UI.Behavior.getBehaviorsByType = function (d, e) { var a = d._behaviors, c = []; if (a) for (var b = 0, f = a.length; b < f; b++) if (e.isInstanceOfType(a[b])) c[c.length] = a[b]; return c }; Sys.UI.VisibilityMode = function () { throw Error.notImplemented() }; Sys.UI.VisibilityMode.prototype = { hide: 0, collapse: 1 }; Sys.UI.VisibilityMode.registerEnum("Sys.UI.VisibilityMode"); Sys.UI.Control = function (a) { Sys.UI.Control.initializeBase(this); this._element = a; a.control = this }; Sys.UI.Control.prototype = { _parent: null, _visibilityMode: Sys.UI.VisibilityMode.hide, get_element: function () { return this._element }, get_id: function () { if (!this._element) return ""; return }, set_id: function () { throw Error.invalidOperation(Sys.Res.cantSetId) }, get_parent: function () { if (this._parent) return this._parent; if (!this._element) return null; var a = this._element.parentNode; while (a) { if (a.control) return a.control; a = a.parentNode } return null }, set_parent: function (a) { this._parent = a }, get_visibilityMode: function () { return Sys.UI.DomElement.getVisibilityMode(this._element) }, set_visibilityMode: function (a) { Sys.UI.DomElement.setVisibilityMode(this._element, a) }, get_visible: function () { return Sys.UI.DomElement.getVisible(this._element) }, set_visible: function (a) { Sys.UI.DomElement.setVisible(this._element, a) }, addCssClass: function (a) { Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._element, a) }, dispose: function () { Sys.UI.Control.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose"); if (this._element) { this._element.control = undefined; delete this._element } if (this._parent) delete this._parent }, onBubbleEvent: function () { return false }, raiseBubbleEvent: function (b, c) { var a = this.get_parent(); while (a) { if (a.onBubbleEvent(b, c)) return; a = a.get_parent() } }, removeCssClass: function (a) { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(this._element, a) }, toggleCssClass: function (a) { Sys.UI.DomElement.toggleCssClass(this._element, a) } }; Sys.UI.Control.registerClass("Sys.UI.Control", Sys.Component); Type.registerNamespace(‘Sys‘); Sys.Res = { ‘argumentInteger‘: ‘Value must be an integer.‘, ‘scriptLoadMultipleCallbacks‘: ‘The script \‘{0}\‘ contains multiple calls to Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded(). Only one is allowed.‘, ‘invokeCalledTwice‘: ‘Cannot call invoke more than once.‘, ‘webServiceFailed‘: ‘The server method \‘{0}\‘ failed with the following error: {1}‘, ‘webServiceInvalidJsonWrapper‘: ‘The server method \‘{0}\‘ returned invalid data. The \‘d\‘ property is missing from the JSON wrapper.‘, ‘argumentType‘: ‘Object cannot be converted to the required type.‘, ‘argumentNull‘: ‘Value cannot be null.‘, ‘controlCantSetId‘: ‘The id property can\‘t be set on a control.‘, ‘formatBadFormatSpecifier‘: ‘Format specifier was invalid.‘, ‘webServiceFailedNoMsg‘: ‘The server method \‘{0}\‘ failed.‘, ‘argumentDomElement‘: ‘Value must be a DOM element.‘, ‘invalidExecutorType‘: ‘Could not create a valid Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor from: {0}.‘, ‘cannotCallBeforeResponse‘: ‘Cannot call {0} when responseAvailable is false.‘, ‘actualValue‘: ‘Actual value was {0}.‘, ‘enumInvalidValue‘: ‘\‘{0}\‘ is not a valid value for enum {1}.‘, ‘scriptLoadFailed‘: ‘The script \‘{0}\‘ could not be loaded.‘, ‘parameterCount‘: ‘Parameter count mismatch.‘, ‘cannotDeserializeEmptyString‘: ‘Cannot deserialize empty string.‘, ‘formatInvalidString‘: ‘Input string was not in a correct format.‘, ‘invalidTimeout‘: ‘Value must be greater than or equal to zero.‘, ‘cannotAbortBeforeStart‘: ‘Cannot abort when executor has not started.‘, ‘argument‘: ‘Value does not fall within the expected range.‘, ‘cannotDeserializeInvalidJson‘: ‘Cannot deserialize. The data does not correspond to valid JSON.‘, ‘invalidHttpVerb‘: ‘httpVerb cannot be set to an empty or null string.‘, ‘nullWebRequest‘: ‘Cannot call executeRequest with a null webRequest.‘, ‘eventHandlerInvalid‘: ‘Handler was not added through the Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler method.‘, ‘cannotSerializeNonFiniteNumbers‘: ‘Cannot serialize non finite numbers.‘, ‘argumentUndefined‘: ‘Value cannot be undefined.‘, ‘webServiceInvalidReturnType‘: ‘The server method \‘{0}\‘ returned an invalid type. Expected type: {1}‘, ‘servicePathNotSet‘: ‘The path to the web service has not been set.‘, ‘argumentTypeWithTypes‘: ‘Object of type \‘{0}\‘ cannot be converted to type \‘{1}\‘.‘, ‘cannotCallOnceStarted‘: ‘Cannot call {0} once started.‘, ‘badBaseUrl1‘: ‘Base URL does not contain ://.‘, ‘badBaseUrl2‘: ‘Base URL does not contain another /.‘, ‘badBaseUrl3‘: ‘Cannot find last / in base URL.‘, ‘setExecutorAfterActive‘: ‘Cannot set executor after it has become active.‘, ‘paramName‘: ‘Parameter name: {0}‘, ‘cannotCallOutsideHandler‘: ‘Cannot call {0} outside of a completed event handler.‘, ‘cannotSerializeObjectWithCycle‘: ‘Cannot serialize object with cyclic reference within child properties.‘, ‘format‘: ‘One of the identified items was in an invalid format.‘, ‘assertFailedCaller‘: ‘Assertion Failed: {0}\r\nat {1}‘, ‘argumentOutOfRange‘: ‘Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.‘, ‘webServiceTimedOut‘: ‘The server method \‘{0}\‘ timed out.‘, ‘notImplemented‘: ‘The method or operation is not implemented.‘, ‘assertFailed‘: ‘Assertion Failed: {0}‘, ‘invalidOperation‘: ‘Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.‘, ‘breakIntoDebugger‘: ‘{0}\r\n\r\nBreak into debugger?‘ }; if (typeof (Sys) !== ‘undefined‘) Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();