win7 64
g++ 4.8.1
/********************************************************************************* Copyright (C), 1988-1999, drvivermonkey. Co., Ltd. File name: Author: Driver Monkey Version: Date: 2014.04.02 Description: *********************************************************************************/ #include<stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> #include <typeindex> #include <map> using namespace std; class A { public: A(){cout<<"A created!"<<endl;} }; struct SUB_A:public A { public: SUB_A(){cout<<"SUB_A created!"<<endl;} }; template<class T1, class T2> class CompileTimeChecker { public: T1 t1; T1 t2; CompileTimeChecker() { cout<<"1---CompileTimeChecker = "<<typeid(t1).name()<<endl; cout<<"1---CompileTimeChecker = "<<typeid(t2).name()<<endl; } }; template <class T> class CompileTimeChecker<T,float> { public: T t; CompileTimeChecker() { cout<<"2---CompileTimeChecker = "<<typeid(t).name()<<endl; } }; template<> class CompileTimeChecker<A, SUB_A> { public: A a; SUB_A sub_a; CompileTimeChecker() { cout<<"3---CompileTimeChecker = "<<typeid(a).name()<<endl; } }; int main(void) { CompileTimeChecker<int, float> int_instance; CompileTimeChecker<int, int> a_instance; CompileTimeChecker<A,SUB_A> sub_instance; }
模板特化和偏模板特化例子(template specialization and partial template specialization),布布扣,
模板特化和偏模板特化例子(template specialization and partial template specialization)